I Contenuti più Recenti di atitlan

  1. atitlan

    Lazio (SSL) Lazio has 700% UPSIDE

    Lazio conteggio azioni monitor Come si può vedere dalla tabella, la parte non registrata del flottante ammonta a 19.878.922 azioni ed ha, vedi KPMG ed altri criteri di valutazione, un valore ragionevolmente stimato di 60 millioni euro, ma ha (al valore corrente per azione di € 0.808 un valore...
  2. atitlan

    Lazio (SSL) Lazio has 700% UPSIDE

    starting to move :)
  3. atitlan

    Lazio (SSL) Capitalizza 36 milioni. Lotito ne vuole 300. KPMG la valuta oltre 200.

    Of course they should buy players as well. But if you have excess money, you can either put it at the bank, which brings nothing, or as a listed soccer club there is the possibility of buying back your own shares. If you then in a later stage are in need of cash you will sell these shares...
  4. atitlan

    Lazio (SSL) Capitalizza 36 milioni. Lotito ne vuole 300. KPMG la valuta oltre 200.

    That is very very true. There is so many peculiar things. But why should Lazio pay any Dividend. In general a share buy buck is a great way for companies to create value for company (and shareholders) and of course such is the more attractive for a company the more cheap shares atre listed...
  5. atitlan

    Lazio (SSL) Capitalizza 36 milioni. Lotito ne vuole 300. KPMG la valuta oltre 200.

    Ok Fedone, now i get your point. I believe your reasons make also sense. But i also strongly believe Lotito is doing anything in his potential to get valuation that low (possibly because of himself planning a buy out bid for last 30%). In any case he is main reason for us to have chance to...
  6. atitlan

    Lazio (SSL) Capitalizza 36 milioni. Lotito ne vuole 300. KPMG la valuta oltre 200.

    Of course I also use EV in my calculations, Fedone. But if a company is undervalued by four times on basis of EV, that doesn't automatically mean share price is equally four times undervalued. This relation is only true if a company has net debt at zero. You have to subtract net debt from EV...
  7. atitlan

    Lazio (SSL) Lazio has 700% UPSIDE

    it is no problem to respond in italian here :) in school i learned latin language and with help of google translate i understand italian fairly well, to write italian myself however is by far to difficult
  8. atitlan

    Lazio (SSL) Lazio has 700% UPSIDE

    over transfers done Lazio soon reporting some 40 to 50 million euro net profit because of these transfers so far above virtually zero book value (like Pogba) as a wakeup call. International Investors that can't read Lazio's balance sheets in italian still see official PE of 25 at important...
  9. atitlan

    Lazio (SSL) Lazio has 700% UPSIDE

    lazio-stakeholder / azionista lazio S.S. Lazio Conteggio Azioni Il nostro obiettivo è di sommare, fornendo le dovute prove, il numero maggiore possibile di azioni possedute a livello individuale, in modo da ottenere quello che chiameremo il Gran Totale. Oltre alle azioni possedute...
  10. atitlan

    Lazio (SSL) Lazio has 700% UPSIDE

    45 minutes into trade after great coppa victory over Juventus. Juve +1,31% (which hovever means plus (!!) 9 million market cap) Lazio +4,01 % (which is just 2 million market cap!!) But we knew already : Lazios market valuation is an extremely manipulated thing. Why don't shareholders...
  11. atitlan

    Lazio (SSL) Lazio has 700% UPSIDE

    Today Juventus up 9% and increasing 60 million euro in value for the day. Lazio once again dumped back by the probably most criminal of a listed company in Italy.. Lotito. Lazio at 43 million euro all togethter, increasing in value during a strong sesson in which it also qualified for Europe...