Portafogli e Strategie (investimento) Battere l'inflazione


Non vi è dubbio che il principale nemico per un investitore è l'inflazione: essa erode il potere d'acquisto e pertanto rende più poveri.
La tendenza futura è quella di un aumento dell'inflazione dato che il prezzo delle materie prime è in aumento per minore offerta e maggiore richiesta.
Un portafoglio obbligazionario dovrebbe oggi contenere almeno un terzo di eurobond inflation-linked, cioè titoli di stato area euro agganciati all'inflazione.
Oggi il loro rendimento è di circa il 2% sull' inflazione europea che ha già di per sè superato il 2%. Quindi parliamo di un rendimento del 4-4,5% .
L' etf dedicato di IShares ha le prime dieci posizioni investite su titoli esclusivamente francesi, tedeschi ed italiani e può rappresentare una ottima scelta di mediolungo termine.
Da evitare i nostri CCT in quanto agganciati non all'inflazione ma a parametri di natura finanziaria ( tasso BOT o Euribor ) che oggi sono circa l' 1% al di sotto dell'inflazione reale. E, inoltre, meglio non rischiare soltanto con il nostro Paese.
Europe's inflation levels accelerated during the first month of this year beyond expectations, to surprise markets, and keeping the ECB's monetary stand on check as inflation hovers above the desired rate of 2.0 percent set by the bank.
The CPI flash estimate showed that prices accelerated by 2.4 percent, compared with the previous 2.2 percent in December, while above the expected 2.3 percent, the EU Statistics Office said today.
The preliminary reading is considered the fastest since October 2008. The rise in crude oil prices by 24.0 percent led to a general rise in the levels of prices during the past two months, while the ECB's rate decision on February 03, would most likely discuss the matter more deeply than in January's decision.
Trichet noted earlier this month that inflation outlook over the short-term has tilted to the upside, while on the medium-term the inflation outlook remains relatively 'Anchored'.
Trichet also noted during January's rate decision that the bank will not hesitate to increase interest rates in order to contain inflation threats, which would tamper the recovery process.
The Statistics office noted on December 29 that 2010 inflation levels was 'driven by price rises in light heating oil and fuels, as well as in fruit and vegetables.'
Inflation expectations signal 'Firmly Anchored' rates, therefore, the current monetary stance remains accommodative to the current economic conditions in the region. The economy is showing positive recovery momentum, but uncertainty remains elevated over the course of this year.
Nonetheless, the ECB will adjust its monetary stance if needed, where debt concerns continue to affect the value of the euro, and forcing the common shared currency to depreciate, but the depreciation of the euro should boost exports, accordingly, exports should benefit from global recovery, and demand should support growth in the region.
The economic outlook is tilted to the downside, with uncertainty prevailing, related to financial market tension and the rise in energy prices are among the major factors that drives the upcoming risks to the economy.
Inflation is expected to remain above 2.0 percent for a period of time this year; therefore, the bank will keep an eye for price moves if 'Warranted', accordingly, the ECB has no immediate plans to raise interest rates.
ECB also noted that the bank will continue to monitor bond auctions closely, while adding that stability fund should be improved in quantity

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