Buonasera a tutti sono un po' inesperto nel campo finanziario , mi sono accorto in questi giorni di avere acquistato non un obbligazione ma un " Debentures" , il titolo pensavo fosse un obbligazion
e normale ma poi ho scoperto nel bilancio di Altice International che loro loro lo classificano cosi
Borrowings and other financial liabilities
Borrowings, other financial liabilities and lease liabilities Notes December 31, December 31,
(€m) 2023 2022
Long term borrowings, financial liabilities and related hedging
9,270.6 8,544.3
- Debentures 17.1 6,097.4 6,189.6
- Loans from lenders 17.1 2,900.4 2,175.2
- Derivative financial instruments 17.4 272.8 179.5
Other non-current financial liabilities 17.8 1,197.8 935.8
Lease liabilities non-current 937.5 960.1
Non‑current liabilities 11,405.9 10,440.2
Short term borrowing, financial liabilities and related hedging
434.0 24.1
- Debentures 17.1 - -
- Loans from lenders 17.1 428.8 17.9
- Derivative financial instruments 17.4 5.2 6.2
Other financial liabilities 17.8 518.7 555.3
- Other financial liabilities 327.0 419.3
- Bank overdraft 6.2 1.1
- Accrued interest 185.5 134.9
Lease liabilities current 94.7 94.3
Current liabilities 1,047.4 673.7
Total 12,453.3 11,113.9
The credit ratings of the entities, and details of where the debt is publicly traded, as at December 31, 2023, is provided
in the table below:
Issuer of debt Type of debt Credit rating of notes Markets (if any) bonds are traded on
Moody’s/Standard & Poor’s
Altice Financing Senior secured notes B3/B The International Stock Exchange (Jersey)
Altice Finco Senior unsecured notes Caa2/CCC+ The International Stock Exchange (Jersey)
The table below provides details of all debentures, in order of instrument and maturity.
Instrument Issuer Face
value Coupon Year of
maturity December 31, 2023 December 31, 2022
(€m, unless stated
millions Fair value1 Carrying
amount Fair value1 Carrying
Senior unsecured notes Altice Finco €675 4.75% 2028 559.3 675.0 502.5 675.0
Senior secured notes Altice Financing €600 2.25% 2025 582.6 600.0 551.8 600.0
Senior secured notes Altice Financing $1,200 5.00% 2028 986.2 1,084.7 905.4 1,120.3
Senior secured notes Altice Financing €1,100 3.00% 2028 980.1 1,100.0 867.2 1,100.0
Senior secured notes Altice Financing $2,050 5.75% 2029 1,637.3 1,852.9 1,507.8 1,913.9
Senior secured notes Altice Financing €805 4.25% 2029 712.9 805.0 650.9 805.0
Transaction costs - (20.2) (24.6)
Total value of bonds 5,458.4 6,097.4 4,985.6 6,189.6
Of which due within one year - - - -
Of which due after one year - 6,097.4 - 6,189.6
1. Fair value is based on quoted prices (Level 1).
Gentilmente c'è qualcuno del forum che cortesemente mi puo' dire se questo DEBENTURES in caso di default ha gli stessi diritti delle obbligazioni senio , grazie anticipatamente a che mi rispondera in merito
Borrowings and other financial liabilities
Borrowings, other financial liabilities and lease liabilities Notes December 31, December 31,
(€m) 2023 2022
Long term borrowings, financial liabilities and related hedging
9,270.6 8,544.3
- Debentures 17.1 6,097.4 6,189.6
- Loans from lenders 17.1 2,900.4 2,175.2
- Derivative financial instruments 17.4 272.8 179.5
Other non-current financial liabilities 17.8 1,197.8 935.8
Lease liabilities non-current 937.5 960.1
Non‑current liabilities 11,405.9 10,440.2
Short term borrowing, financial liabilities and related hedging
434.0 24.1
- Debentures 17.1 - -
- Loans from lenders 17.1 428.8 17.9
- Derivative financial instruments 17.4 5.2 6.2
Other financial liabilities 17.8 518.7 555.3
- Other financial liabilities 327.0 419.3
- Bank overdraft 6.2 1.1
- Accrued interest 185.5 134.9
Lease liabilities current 94.7 94.3
Current liabilities 1,047.4 673.7
Total 12,453.3 11,113.9
Total - 6,097.4 6,097.4 6,189.617.1. Debentures and loans from lenders
Debentures and loans from lenders Notes December 31, December 31,
(€m) 2023 2022
Debentures 17.1.1 6,097.4 6,189.6
Loans from lenders 17.1.2 3,329.2 2,193.1
Total 9,426.6 8,382.7
Maturity of debentures Less than One year December 31, December 31,
(€m) one year or more 2023 2022
Altice Financing - 5,423.3 5,423.3 5,515.7
Altice Finco - 674.1 674.1 673.9
The credit ratings of the entities, and details of where the debt is publicly traded, as at December 31, 2023, is provided
in the table below:
Issuer of debt Type of debt Credit rating of notes Markets (if any) bonds are traded on
Moody’s/Standard & Poor’s
Altice Financing Senior secured notes B3/B The International Stock Exchange (Jersey)
Altice Finco Senior unsecured notes Caa2/CCC+ The International Stock Exchange (Jersey)
The table below provides details of all debentures, in order of instrument and maturity.
Instrument Issuer Face
value Coupon Year of
maturity December 31, 2023 December 31, 2022
(€m, unless stated
millions Fair value1 Carrying
amount Fair value1 Carrying
Senior unsecured notes Altice Finco €675 4.75% 2028 559.3 675.0 502.5 675.0
Senior secured notes Altice Financing €600 2.25% 2025 582.6 600.0 551.8 600.0
Senior secured notes Altice Financing $1,200 5.00% 2028 986.2 1,084.7 905.4 1,120.3
Senior secured notes Altice Financing €1,100 3.00% 2028 980.1 1,100.0 867.2 1,100.0
Senior secured notes Altice Financing $2,050 5.75% 2029 1,637.3 1,852.9 1,507.8 1,913.9
Senior secured notes Altice Financing €805 4.25% 2029 712.9 805.0 650.9 805.0
Transaction costs - (20.2) (24.6)
Total value of bonds 5,458.4 6,097.4 4,985.6 6,189.6
Of which due within one year - - - -
Of which due after one year - 6,097.4 - 6,189.6
1. Fair value is based on quoted prices (Level 1).
Gentilmente c'è qualcuno del forum che cortesemente mi puo' dire se questo DEBENTURES in caso di default ha gli stessi diritti delle obbligazioni senio , grazie anticipatamente a che mi rispondera in merito