Fiat (F) FIAT BREVE TERMINE forever "non-stop" (8 lettori)


Forumer storico
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Vi allego questo grafico che conferma l'ipotesi che gli istituzionali stiano ancora accumulando titoli.

The Daily Institutional Buying and Selling Report ...
Every morning we post an update of how much Institutional Investors bought versus how much they sold the previous day. The larger of the two numbers tells you whether Institutional investors are in Distribution or Accumulation.
Today's chart goes back to June of 2008. On the chart, you can see when Institutional Investors shifted from Accumulation to Distribution and then back to Accumulation.
If you follow the vertical lines following these events, you can see how the NYA Index and the market tracks exactly with what Institutional Investors do. (The Institutional Investor Buying and Selling chart is posted every day on our paid site and is presented as a courtesy to a free members today.)

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