Obbligazioni societarie Wolkswagen 3.875 2014 callable (1 Viewer)


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Ciao a tutti.
Alla luce delle news sulla fusione con Porsche, cosa pensate di questo titolo: XS0206800590 Volkswagen 12/3/2014 3.875 callable, 3m euribor +123bp dopo 12/09.
Pensate possano valere le stesse considerazioni fatte per i titoli bancari ed esercitare la call??? :titanic:

Tenchiu' :rolleyes:
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Volkswagen Bank GmbH
Euro 750,000,000 Subordinated Fixed to Floating Rate Notes due December 3rd, 2014 (ISIN XS0206800590, WKN A0BNZK)

Call subordinated bond
Braunschweig -
Today, the Board of Management of Volkswagen Bank GmbH has decided to exercise its early redemption option and to call the “Euro 750,000,000 Subordinated Fixed to Floating Rate Notes due December 3rd, 2014” (ISIN XS0206800590, WKN A0BNZK) issued on December 3rd, 2004 and listed on the regulated market of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. All notes will be redeemed on December 3rd, 2009.
Information and Explaination of the Issuer to this News:

With regard to the repayment date foreseen in the terms and conditions of
the notes falling in 2014 the notes are currently trading below par value.
We expect that the notes will trade immediately at or about 100 per cent
upon the announcement of the early redemption.

Grazie a chi mi affiancò nell'acquisto :up:

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