Obbligazioni societarie Bond British Petroleum (BP)

Come si parla di bancarotta, appari come un falchetto...:lol:


vediamo di formulare un discorso semi sensato... ;)

in bocciofila si osservava come il "rischio" di default di BP sia visto soprattutto nel breve, come sembra confermare l'analisi dei CDS - ovvero il tempo dovrebbe andare a vantaggio di una evoluzione "positiva" per BP.

Mark ricordava casi simili (Merck/Vioxx, UBS, etc.) in cui si è finito per pagare "multe" ben inferiori alle prime pessimistiche previsioni, e l'azienda non è certo defaultata....

Ed anche:

After the Exxon Valdez spill, Exxon fought a $5 billion fine for punitive damages for two decades. It won. The fine was cut down to $4 billion, then to $2.5 billion. The case eventually made it to the Supreme Court, which found that Exxon’s actions were “worse than negligent but less than malicious,” and vacated the fine. The judgment limited punitive damages to the compensatory damages, which were calculated as $507.5 million."

Però l'appassionato di Bk ricorda anche che:

The idea that BP might one day file for bankruptcy, particularly as part of a merger that would enable it to cordon off its liabilities from the spill, is starting to percolate on Wall Street. Bankers and lawyers are already sizing up potential deals (and counting their potential fees).
Given the plunge in BP’s share price — the company has lost more than a third of its value since Deepwater Horizon blew — some bankers and analysts say BP is starting to look like takeover bait. The question is, who would buy BP, given its enormous potential liabilities?

Dealbook Column - Imagining the Worst in BP?s Future - NYTimes.com

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