Obbligazioni societarie Bond NEW WORLD RESOURCES 2018 7,875% (XS0504814509) e 2021 7,875% (XS0877986231)

devo ammettere che ce la mettono tutta x risanare ...
sperem ....
ma la vedo dura , per lo meno a breve
se non avesse cedolato mi sarei gia' messo il cuore in pace...
finche' c'e' carbone c'e' speranza :)

Sono settori che ci mettono tempo a ingranare perchè stanno a monte della catena ciclica di produzione. Intanto il bond 2018 sale del 5%
Arrivano i sindacati a rompere le palle:

New World Resources Plc ('NWR' or the 'Company') confirms that its wholly owned subsidiary OKD has received today an official notice from its trade unions in which a strike is announced. The dates and times of any such strikes are stated in the union's notice as follows: 16 November 2013 from 12:00 to 16:00 CET, 1-day strike on 29 November from, and 3-day strike from 4 - 6 December 2013. Jan Fabian, CEO of OKD said: "The management aims to avoid strike through continued negotiations this week, and resolve any persisting issues to ensure a sustainable future for the Company". The notice follows a vote by the employees rejecting management's latest proposal for a new collective agreement for the period 2014-2018. The notice further states that 7,290 employees who voted in favour of a strike will take part in it.
Arrivano i sindacati a rompere le palle:

New World Resources Plc ('NWR' or the 'Company') confirms that its wholly owned subsidiary OKD has received today an official notice from its trade unions in which a strike is announced. The dates and times of any such strikes are stated in the union's notice as follows: 16 November 2013 from 12:00 to 16:00 CET, 1-day strike on 29 November from, and 3-day strike from 4 - 6 December 2013. Jan Fabian, CEO of OKD said: "The management aims to avoid strike through continued negotiations this week, and resolve any persisting issues to ensure a sustainable future for the Company". The notice follows a vote by the employees rejecting management's latest proposal for a new collective agreement for the period 2014-2018. The notice further states that 7,290 employees who voted in favour of a strike will take part in it.

por......a pu....a questa non ci voleva proprio, speriamo bene:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Arrivano i sindacati a rompere le palle:

New World Resources Plc ('NWR' or the 'Company') confirms that its wholly owned subsidiary OKD has received today an official notice from its trade unions in which a strike is announced. The dates and times of any such strikes are stated in the union's notice as follows: 16 November 2013 from 12:00 to 16:00 CET, 1-day strike on 29 November from, and 3-day strike from 4 - 6 December 2013. Jan Fabian, CEO of OKD said: "The management aims to avoid strike through continued negotiations this week, and resolve any persisting issues to ensure a sustainable future for the Company". The notice follows a vote by the employees rejecting management's latest proposal for a new collective agreement for the period 2014-2018. The notice further states that 7,290 employees who voted in favour of a strike will take part in it.
mi chiedevo come mai il calo di oggi del prezzo della 2018... e ecco qua la spiegazione. ma è possibile che solo per uno sciopero ci siano tutte queste vendite? pagherei non so cosa per sapere quante vendite ci sono state oggi OTC
Ultima modifica di un moderatore:
mi chiedevo come mai il calo di oggi del prezzo della 2018... e ecco qua la spiegazione. ma è possibile che solo per uno sciopero ci siano tutte queste vendite? pagherei non so cosa per sapere quante vendite ci sono state oggi OTC

Lo sciopero era abbastanza scontato visto che devono segare gli stipendi dei minatori. Per ora stanno seguendo esattamente le linee del piano industriale annunciato lo scorso marzo.
Se seguono le linee del piano vuol dire che non sono allo sbando....
Io ci credo....ancora....
Ps uno sciopero non vuol dir nulla.....
Meglio scioperi per un piano industriale severo piuttosto che nessuna notizia e
Poi saluti a tutti.

Io non abbandono la nave :)

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