A chi servisse allego quanto segue:
Dear Mrs. Scaburri,
first of all, we wish you all the best for the new year 2018.
On the morning of December 28th, 2017, we have filed collective civil law action against Berndt-Ulrich Scholz and Oliver Scholz as well as against Scholz Holding GmbH before the Landgericht (district court) in Ellwangen, Baden-Württemberg. We have included your legal claims against father and son Scholz as well as against Scholz Holding GmbH in this collective action. Please let us know if you wish to receive a copy of the written statement of claims and, if so, we may send it to you by e-mail (it is in German language).Please find enclosed our invoice for our fees as agreed with you and for your portion of the court fees that Landgericht Ellwangen will claim.
Please be so kind as to effect payment immediately, since the court will only serve the statement of claims to the defendants after the fees have been paid.
Since the Scholz family is well known in Baden-Württemberg – though a bit infamous -, the regional TV station SWR (Südwest-Rundfunk) has attended the filing of the collective civil law action on the morning of December 28th, 2017. The footage has been aired on December 28th at 7.30 p.m. in the program „SWR Aktuell Baden-Württemberg“. If you wish to see it, you can access the documentation via the internet in “SWR Mediathek”.
150 Anleger klagen gegen Scholz
We will keep you informed about all further proceedings.
Best regards.
Dr. Wolfgang Schirp
i. A.
Juliane Schnur
Sekretariat RA Dr. Schirp
SCHIRP & PARTNER Rechtsanwälte mbB
Leipziger Platz 9
10117 Berlin
Telefon +49 (0)30 327 617-34
Telefax +49 (0)30 327 617-17
[email protected]
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg PR 909 B
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