Obbligazioni societarie Bonds Air Berlin Eur/Chf DE000AB100B4 XS1051719786 XS1051723895

Ogni mese scarico il file con il portafoglio titoli dal sito web della mia banca e questa mattina mi sono accorto che il titolo Air Berlin è scomparso dall'elenco (fino al mese scorso era presente). E' successo anche a Voi?
Ho chiesto informazioni alla mia referente in banca ma è in ferie per cui devo aspettare il suo ritorno.
Per chi ancora interessato pubblico comunicazione ricevuta ieri:

Dear bondholders,
The insolvency administrator of Air Berlin PLC provided KEOS GbR (“KEOS”), in its capacity as joint representative of the EUR 225 million, 2011/2018, 8.250% bond issued by Air Berlin PLC (ISIN: DE000AB100B4 / WKN: AB100B), with a report on the progress of the insolvency proceedings concerning the assets of Air Berlin PLC.

Bondholders can request a copy of the insolvency administrator's report from KEOS upon delivery of proof of their creditor status in the form of a recent deposit account statement (not older than 10 working days). Please send your request and supporting documents by email to [email protected] or by fax to +49 89 15 98 98 22. The report will only be sent by email and is only available in German. At the request of certain bondholders, KEOS has translated the main facts for convenience purposes into English. However, only the German version is binding, and the translation is without guarantee and should not be relied upon for purposes of decision making. It is a working version, and the German version alone is authoritative.

Please note that the report may contain information whose use and/or disclosure may be regulated and/or restricted as MNPI within the meaning of Art. 14 of the regulation (EU) no. 596/2014 on market abuse (market abuse regulation) or other applicable laws. KEOS will not assess whether or not the report in fact contains any such information or sweep the report from (potential) such information.

KEOS will keep registered bondholders informed about the further developments and is available for questions via email at [email protected]. Bondholders who have not yet registered with us are kindly asked to register on our homepage at Airberlin – One Square Advisors for future updates on the Air Berlin PLC insolvency proceedings.



Theatinerstr. 36

80333 Munich

fax +49 89 15 989822

email [email protected]

web www.onesquareadvisors.com
Per chi ancora interessato pubblico comunicazione ricevuta ieri:

Dear bondholders,
The insolvency administrator of Air Berlin PLC provided KEOS GbR (“KEOS”), in its capacity as joint representative of the EUR 225 million, 2011/2018, 8.250% bond issued by Air Berlin PLC (ISIN: DE000AB100B4 / WKN: AB100B), with a report on the progress of the insolvency proceedings concerning the assets of Air Berlin PLC.

Bondholders can request a copy of the insolvency administrator's report from KEOS upon delivery of proof of their creditor status in the form of a recent deposit account statement (not older than 10 working days). Please send your request and supporting documents by email to [email protected] or by fax to +49 89 15 98 98 22. The report will only be sent by email and is only available in German. At the request of certain bondholders, KEOS has translated the main facts for convenience purposes into English. However, only the German version is binding, and the translation is without guarantee and should not be relied upon for purposes of decision making. It is a working version, and the German version alone is authoritative.

Please note that the report may contain information whose use and/or disclosure may be regulated and/or restricted as MNPI within the meaning of Art. 14 of the regulation (EU) no. 596/2014 on market abuse (market abuse regulation) or other applicable laws. KEOS will not assess whether or not the report in fact contains any such information or sweep the report from (potential) such information.

KEOS will keep registered bondholders informed about the further developments and is available for questions via email at [email protected]. Bondholders who have not yet registered with us are kindly asked to register on our homepage at Airberlin – One Square Advisors for future updates on the Air Berlin PLC insolvency proceedings.



Theatinerstr. 36

80333 Munich

fax +49 89 15 989822

email [email protected]

web www.onesquareadvisors.com
grazie, provo a chiedere copia dell'aggiornamento
Vi riporto la versione riassuntiva in inglese appena ricevuta. Se a qualcuno interessa quella completa in tedesco ditemelo che la pubblico.
Saluti a tutti

Dear Sir or Madam,
Thank you for sending through the deposit account statement. Please find attached the status report of Air Berlin (in German language only). Please find below a summary of the report:

Assets: The insolvency assets are € 10.114.756,17 as of 20 June 2022. The insolvency administrator currently assumes that no interim distributions will be made.

Intercompany claims: Claims against affiliated companies totalling around € 355 million are being pursued. All three debtors are in insolvency.

Tax claims: In the reporting period, tax refunds of around € 100,000 were received. In addition, the insolvency administrator expects a tax refund claim against the State of Berlin in the amount of at least € 7.4 million plus interest. The State of Berlin may be able to offset the main claim against liability claims. The offsetting situation depends to a large extent on a case currently pending before the European Court of Justice (ECJ) on the consolidated tax group for VAT purposes. No progress in the matter is to be expected before the ECJ reaches a decision.

Liability claims against shareholders: According to the insolvency administrator, due to Brexit, Clearstream Banking AG, as the holder of the registered shares of Air Berlin PLC, may now be considered a personally liable shareholder of Air Berlin PLC under German corporate law. The resulting liability action seeks payment of approximately € 497.8 million and a declaration that Clearstream Banking AG is liable for further liabilities of Air Berlin PLC. No date has yet been set for the oral hearing.

Claims against Etihad P.J.S.C. under the Comfort Letter: The claims against Etihad Airways P.J.S.C. under the Comfort Letter have been brought before the Berlin District Court;. Etihad Airways P.J.S.C. has subsequently filed a negative declaratory judgment action in the High Court of the United Kingdom with the aim of dragging the case to dispute before the High Court in London with reference to an alleged agreement on jurisdiction. Etihad Airways P.J.S.C. applied to the Berlin Regional Court for a stay of proceedings pending a decision by the High Court on its jurisdiction. By order of 13 May 2020, the Berlin Regional Court stayed the proceedings in accordance with the application. The Federal Supreme Court confirmed the decision to stay the proceedings by order of 15 June 2021 after an appeal had been filed.

The High Court confirmed its jurisdiction over the negative declaratory action by judgment of 18 November 2019. The appeal to the Court of Appeal was unsuccessful, as was the permission to appeal to the Supreme Court against the appeal decision. With its decision from 13 May 2020, the Berlin Regional Court suspended the proceedings pending a decision by the High Court. Upon a respective appeal, the Federal Supreme Court confirmed the suspension on 15 June 2021.

The litigation is not proceeding; settlement negotiations are currently taking place with Etihad Airways P.J.S.C. regarding termination and costs.

Claw-back claims against Etihad P.J.S.C.: Etihad Airways P.J.S.C., as a shareholder, had received interest payments on loans granted to the debtor and guarantee fees for third-party loans granted to the debtor within the last year before the insolvency filing. A claw-back action is pending before the Berlin Regional Court. After an oral hearing, the Regional Court issued an evidentiary ruling on 4 April 2021 and commissioned an expert. The further progress of the legal dispute remains to be seen.

Claims against the managing director: The insolvency administrator held the former managing director liable in the amount of approximately € 245 million because the company had already been over-indebted since May 2017. The action has been filed with the Berlin Regional Court.

Please note that the report may contain information whose use and/or disclosure may be regulated and/or restricted as MNPI within the meaning of Art. 14 of the regulation (EU) no. 596/2014 on market abuse (market abuse regulation) or other applicable laws. KEOS will not assess whether or not the report in fact contains any such information or sweep the report from (potential) such information. As soon as the insolvency administrator gives a further update for the creditors, KEOS will inform registered bondholders.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.
Yours sincerely / Kind regards,
c/o One Square Advisors GmbH
Theatinerstr. 36
80333 Munich
Fax +49 89 15 98 22
E-mail [email protected]
Web www.onesquareadvisors.com
Vi riporto la versione riassuntiva in inglese appena ricevuta. Se a qualcuno interessa quella completa in tedesco ditemelo che la pubblico.
Saluti a tutti

Dear Sir or Madam,
Thank you for sending through the deposit account statement. Please find attached the status report of Air Berlin (in German language only). Please find below a summary of the report:

Assets: The insolvency assets are € 10.114.756,17 as of 20 June 2022. The insolvency administrator currently assumes that no interim distributions will be made.

Intercompany claims: Claims against affiliated companies totalling around € 355 million are being pursued. All three debtors are in insolvency.

Tax claims: In the reporting period, tax refunds of around € 100,000 were received. In addition, the insolvency administrator expects a tax refund claim against the State of Berlin in the amount of at least € 7.4 million plus interest. The State of Berlin may be able to offset the main claim against liability claims. The offsetting situation depends to a large extent on a case currently pending before the European Court of Justice (ECJ) on the consolidated tax group for VAT purposes. No progress in the matter is to be expected before the ECJ reaches a decision.

Liability claims against shareholders: According to the insolvency administrator, due to Brexit, Clearstream Banking AG, as the holder of the registered shares of Air Berlin PLC, may now be considered a personally liable shareholder of Air Berlin PLC under German corporate law. The resulting liability action seeks payment of approximately € 497.8 million and a declaration that Clearstream Banking AG is liable for further liabilities of Air Berlin PLC. No date has yet been set for the oral hearing.

Claims against Etihad P.J.S.C. under the Comfort Letter: The claims against Etihad Airways P.J.S.C. under the Comfort Letter have been brought before the Berlin District Court;. Etihad Airways P.J.S.C. has subsequently filed a negative declaratory judgment action in the High Court of the United Kingdom with the aim of dragging the case to dispute before the High Court in London with reference to an alleged agreement on jurisdiction. Etihad Airways P.J.S.C. applied to the Berlin Regional Court for a stay of proceedings pending a decision by the High Court on its jurisdiction. By order of 13 May 2020, the Berlin Regional Court stayed the proceedings in accordance with the application. The Federal Supreme Court confirmed the decision to stay the proceedings by order of 15 June 2021 after an appeal had been filed.

The High Court confirmed its jurisdiction over the negative declaratory action by judgment of 18 November 2019. The appeal to the Court of Appeal was unsuccessful, as was the permission to appeal to the Supreme Court against the appeal decision. With its decision from 13 May 2020, the Berlin Regional Court suspended the proceedings pending a decision by the High Court. Upon a respective appeal, the Federal Supreme Court confirmed the suspension on 15 June 2021.

The litigation is not proceeding; settlement negotiations are currently taking place with Etihad Airways P.J.S.C. regarding termination and costs.

Claw-back claims against Etihad P.J.S.C.: Etihad Airways P.J.S.C., as a shareholder, had received interest payments on loans granted to the debtor and guarantee fees for third-party loans granted to the debtor within the last year before the insolvency filing. A claw-back action is pending before the Berlin Regional Court. After an oral hearing, the Regional Court issued an evidentiary ruling on 4 April 2021 and commissioned an expert. The further progress of the legal dispute remains to be seen.

Claims against the managing director: The insolvency administrator held the former managing director liable in the amount of approximately € 245 million because the company had already been over-indebted since May 2017. The action has been filed with the Berlin Regional Court.

Please note that the report may contain information whose use and/or disclosure may be regulated and/or restricted as MNPI within the meaning of Art. 14 of the regulation (EU) no. 596/2014 on market abuse (market abuse regulation) or other applicable laws. KEOS will not assess whether or not the report in fact contains any such information or sweep the report from (potential) such information. As soon as the insolvency administrator gives a further update for the creditors, KEOS will inform registered bondholders.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.
Yours sincerely / Kind regards,
c/o One Square Advisors GmbH
Theatinerstr. 36
80333 Munich
Fax +49 89 15 98 22
E-mail [email protected]
Web www.onesquareadvisors.com
grazie. A me non hanno risposto pur avendogli mandato estratto conto coi titoli
Non avendo più minus da utilizzare per evitare di pagare la tassa sulle cedole di acuni certificati, ho deciso di vendere le mie airberlin in modo da poter utilizzare le loro minus. Ho avuto qualche difficoltà a venderle, non perché non ci siano acquirenti, ma per il fatto che la mia banca (BPM) ha cercato in tutti i modi di dissuadermi. Per prima cosa non mi ha lasciato negoziare la vendita attrverso la homebanking, nonostante il titolo apparisse nella mia lista completo di quotazione. Dopo inutili tentativi di farmi sbloccare la vendita dal callcenter, ho contattato il mio consulente in filiale che, dopo aver contattato la Akros che si occupa del trading per conto della banca, mi ha detto che sarebbe stato quasi impossibile riuscire a venderli ma che avrebbe comunque fatto un tentativo in mia presenza. Ho assistito al tentativo di vendita durante il quale la persona che era al telefono lato Akros ha cercato inutilmente di non far inserire la pratica. Appena inserirta, in pochi secondi sono stati venduti a 0,6, valore addirittura superiore alla quotazione del giorno sulla borsa di Francoforte che era 0,301.
Con l'occasione saluto tutti coloro che frequentano ancora questa discussione.
Non avendo più minus da utilizzare per evitare di pagare la tassa sulle cedole di acuni certificati, ho deciso di vendere le mie airberlin in modo da poter utilizzare le loro minus. Ho avuto qualche difficoltà a venderle, non perché non ci siano acquirenti, ma per il fatto che la mia banca (BPM) ha cercato in tutti i modi di dissuadermi. Per prima cosa non mi ha lasciato negoziare la vendita attrverso la homebanking, nonostante il titolo apparisse nella mia lista completo di quotazione. Dopo inutili tentativi di farmi sbloccare la vendita dal callcenter, ho contattato il mio consulente in filiale che, dopo aver contattato la Akros che si occupa del trading per conto della banca, mi ha detto che sarebbe stato quasi impossibile riuscire a venderli ma che avrebbe comunque fatto un tentativo in mia presenza. Ho assistito al tentativo di vendita durante il quale la persona che era al telefono lato Akros ha cercato inutilmente di non far inserire la pratica. Appena inserirta, in pochi secondi sono stati venduti a 0,6, valore addirittura superiore alla quotazione del giorno sulla borsa di Francoforte che era 0,301.
Con l'occasione saluto tutti coloro che frequentano ancora questa discussione.
Grazie per le info.
Per quale ragione AKROS voleva dissuaderi dal vendere ?

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