Bund Tbond e altre delizie...rekkia is fashion (VM 18) (1 Viewer)


फूल की बुराई
Good aft'noon a tout les bondaroles

provato accoppiata short bronx 113,5quota totemica , long spoore 1327,5 a briglia corta
appoggio gipaxxx sul timore di un apocalittico cambio di trend sul Bronx , rimango cmq convinto che sarà difficile forare i 110 e ancora di più i 105
letto che per salvare il q dall'inquinamento su Beijing per inizio olimpiadi i capoccia cinesi fermeranno da inizio luglio addirittura tutte le fabbriche attorno alla città


फूल की बुराई
ma vi immaginate in itaglia una retata simil-us a metter sulla gogna un pò di incravattati ingannatori di vekkiette :eek: :D

i grains stanno scendendo un pò da ieri però il tempo ha giocato un brutto scherzo ai raccolti US corn e soia , un vero e proprio alluvione, quando ci si mette i guai arrivano tutti insieme , vedi sciopero agricoltori argentini


फूल की बुराई
quando le cose si mettono male cosa meglio che creare capri espiatori

Morgan Stanley in rogue trade probe

By Francesco Guerrera and Ben White in New York and Chris Hughes and Neil Hume in London

Morgan Stanley on Wednesday became the latest financial group to be hit by the actions of a suspected rogue trader after revealing that a London-based credit derivatives trader had incorrectly valued his positions, forcing the company to take a $120m revenue hit.

Morgan Stanley said it had discovered the error in May, immediately alerted the Financial Services Authority and suspended the individual pending an internal probe. Morgan Stanley declined to comment further.

The trader, identified by market participants as Matt Piper, is suspected of increasing the value of his derivatives book to present his performance in a better light, according to a person familiar with the investigation. However, the mismarkings could also have been human error.

A trader at a rival firm said the trader had been involved in short-term trading of credit index options on the CDX index.

The mismarkings could have dated back as far as 2007, another person familiar with the investigation said. They came to light in a special review of Morgan Stanley’s hard-to-value asset classes, which have few observable market prices.

Colm Kelleher, Morgan Stanley’s chief financial officer, said the company had made a $120m “negative adjustment” to its revenues as a result of the trader’s actions.

Mr Kelleher denied that the problem was symptomatic of a failure of risk management at Morgan Stanley, which last year had to take a $9.4bn writedown on a bet on mortgage securities.

“I don’t think it is a cultural issue . . . we are much better at picking up these sorts of things than we were,” Mr Kelleher said in an interview after Morgan Stanley reported a 60 per cent fall in second-quarter profits.

John Mack, chairman and chief executive, overhauled the firm’s risk controls after the huge loss on the mortgage trade, firing co-president Zoe Cruz and recruiting Kenneth deRegt, a veteran banker, as chief risk officer.

Richard Dunn, a former head of risk at Merrill Lynch, said: “No individual should be allowed that much of an impact on the earnings of the company. The checks and balances surrounding the trader ought to have kicked in earlier.”

In March, Credit Suisse confirmed SFr2.86bn (€1.8bn) of mismarkings over the fourth quarter of last year and first quarter of 2008 was due to misconduct. The same month, Lehman Brothers suspended two traders in London pending a review of positions that could result in markdowns of up to $150m.


Forumer storico
gipa69 ha scritto:
Anche il DJ Industrial è su soglia totemica...

sapete a che ora parla quel mongoloide del trikeko? ma di venerdì sera non ha di meglio da fare? esempio andare a farsi inkiappettare da un cammello gay... :-? :-?


collegio dei patafisici
dan24 ha scritto:
sapete a che ora parla quel ~il silenzio è d'oro~ del trikeko? ma di venerdì sera non ha di meglio da fare? esempio andare a farsi inkiappettare da un cammello gay... :-? :-?

After market close ho letto da qualche parte.....


Forumer storico
gipa69 ha scritto:
Ho controllato, 16:45 GMT a Namur in Belgio e alle 17:30 GMT parla l'altro genio di Stark

grazie ma non vedo news...va be..ma tanto che vuoi che dica...
uno con questa faccia


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