Derivati USA: CME-CBOT-NYMEX-ICE BUND TBOND V.M. 69 Rischio sovrano, guadagni per sultani (5 lettori)


gooood morning bbbbbanda

di corsa, purtròpp

Felice, la Valeriana o un bicchier di vino, a quell'ora , aiutano
non tutti e due però
scegline uno ;)

a ? stasera bbbanda :bye:


il gioco è:

quanto ne hanno i tedeschi ?

Have German Banks Reduced Their Exposure to Greek Debt? - The Source - WSJ

Please respect's ts&cs and copyright policy which allow you to: share links; copy content for personal use; & redistribute limited extracts. Email [email protected] to buy additional rights or use this link to reference the article - / UK - German banks cut Greek exposure

Of the €18bn now held by German banks, €8.4bn is accounted for by loans to Greece channelled through KfW, Germany’s development bank – part of Berlin’s agreed €22.3bn contribution to last year’s rescue.
The KfW component of the Greek exposure was clarified on Thursday by KfW and the Bundesbank following a report in Financial Times Deutschland.
The data, which may cast doubt on how effective any voluntary rollover of Greek debt might be, also suggest that French banks are significantly more exposed to Greece than ones.
French banks had $56.7bn of claims on Greece at the end of 2010, according to the Bank for International Settlements. This included $15bn of sovereign debt and $39.6bn of loans to households and companies, mainly because of Crédit Agricole’s Emporiki Bank.
While Berlin is pressing for some kind of voluntary rescheduling of Greek debt, Paris remains opposed. / UK - German banks cut Greek exposure



IL GRANDE BLUFF: aprile 2011

Fine 2° trim 2010
Exposure to Greece
Germany - $65.4 billion
Exposure to Spain
Germany - $216.6 billion
Exposure to Ireland
Germany - $186.4 billion
Exposure to Portugal
Germany - $44.3 billion

Fine 3° trim 2010
(come potrete notare, le esposizioni "teutoniche sono ulteriormente aumentate)
Exposure to Greece
Germany - $69.4 billion
Exposure to Spain
Germany - $242.4 billion
Exposure to Ireland
Germany - $208.3 billion
Exposure to Portugal
Germany - $48.5 billion


goooood morning bbbbanda

notare, dai dati sopra , due cose IMHO:
pare sia così

1 la germania ha ridotto l'esposizione verso la Grecia , nigliorando la sua posizione negoziale 'tattica'
2 la BCE cerca un commitment tedesco parlando di un effetto domino, dove la germania pagherebbe caro , facendo leva sulla debolezza tedesca 'strategica'

pare che sia stata la BCE stessa la controparte tedesca nelle vendite dei Bond greci da parte tedesca


la BRI fornisce i dati trimestralmente, pare, ma l'ultimo aggiornamento che ho trovato, ad adesso, è del sett 2010 :rolleyes:


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