Derivati, futures e certificati, sugli indici e commodities - Cap. 2 (28 lettori)


Vediamo che dicono le minutes FED... e capirete come unitamente al dato odierno sui occupazione , non giustifichino un euforia coerente con una poetra tombale sul rialzo spostato a gennaio o febbraio, qquindi ocio , altresi il rovescio della medaglia che se effettivamente fosse fondato che vi sia un detrioramento tale da impattare sugli USA , e conseguente slittamento rialzo tassi , sarebbe un cattivo segnale che potrebbe poi portare analogamente a quanto avvenuto allo scorso meeting che il mercato si metta in risk off, quindi prudenza a scambiare stasera come un ritorno del trend long

Federal Reserve officials put off an interest-rate increase in September because of growing risks to their outlook for economic growth and inflation, mainly from China, even as they continued to say they were on track to raise the target later this year.
Policy makers “agreed that developments over the inter-meeting period had not materially altered the committee’s economic outlook,” according to minutes of the Sept. 16-17 session of the Federal Open Market Committee, released Thursday in Washington. Nonetheless, ’’the committee decided that it was prudent to wait for additional information confirming that the economic outlook had not deteriorated.’’
The FOMC noted that domestic economic conditions, including data on consumer spending and housing, had continued to improve, and the labor market had reached or was close to the committee’s long-run estimates for unemployment.
Still, concerns over China and its potential spillover to other economies “were likely to depress U.S. net exports” and cause further strengthening of the dollar, which could damp inflation in the U.S.
“Participants anticipated that the recent global developments would likely put further downward pressure on inflation in the near term,” the minutes said. “Compared with their previous forecasts, more now saw the risks to inflation as tilted to the downside.”

Rate Decision

Details of the Fed’s deliberations come three weeks after the Fed decided against raising its benchmark interest rate for the first time since 2006 amid concerns over global growth and financial market turmoil connected to China. The central bank has held the federal funds target rate in a range of zero to 0.25 percent since December 2008.
The decision to stay near zero was followed on Oct. 2 by a disappointing jobs report for September. Employers added 142,000 workers to non-farm payrolls in the month, lower than all estimates in a Bloomberg survey of 96 economists.
The minutes showed the committee held a lengthy discussion about how far they should attempt to push down unemployment even after recognizing labor resources had been “substantially reduced” in recent months. Some committee members pointed to remaining slack represented by part-time workers and those outside the work force.
Cutting Unemployment

“A number of participants noted that eliminating slack along such broader dimensions might require a temporary decline in the unemployment rate below its longer-run normal level, and that this development could speed the return of inflation to 2 percent,” the minutes said.
Fed Chair Janet Yellen made just that point in a Sept. 24 speech in Amherst, Massachusetts.
Fed officials also largely dismissed worries over recent drops in U.S. stock markets.
Participants indicated that they did not see the changes in asset prices during the intermeeting period as bearing significantly on their policy choice except insofar as they affected the outlook for achieving the committee’s macroeconomic objectives,” they said.
Investors reacted to the September meeting by lowering the probability the Fed will hike before the end of the year to around 40 percent from 64 percent the day before the Sept. 17 decision, according to pricing in federal funds futures contracts and based on an assumption that the effective fed funds rate will average 0.375 percent after liftoff.
China Devaluation

The Fed’s international concerns in September were sparked by China’s surprise devaluation of its currency on Aug. 11. That roiled global financial markets and raised fears that the world’s second biggest economy may slow more than forecast.
The International Monetary Fund this week said a projected fifth straight year of slowing growth in emerging markets had prompted it to cut its outlook for global economic expansion in 2015 to 3.1 percent from 3.3 percent estimated in July.
China’s slowdown has already helped reduce prices for commodities worldwide, putting downward pressure on inflation in the U.S. The Fed’s preferred gauge of inflation rose just 0.3 percent in the 12 months through August and it has been below the U.S. central bank’s 2 percent target since April 2012

Ultima modifica:


e farci stare in allerta e opprtuno notare che i mercati abbiano completamente ignorato quanto 20 minuti fa ha detto Williams della FED

Fed's Williams repeats call for rate hike in 2015


Oct 8 San Francisco Federal Reserve President John Williams on Thursday repeated his view that an interest rate hike will be appropriate "sometime later this year," citing near-full employment and his expectation inflation will rise.
His prepared remarks in Spokane, Wash. were substantially the same as those delivered in San Francisco on Tuesday and Salt Lake City and Los Angeles last week


CROC Analista
FTSEMIB Index – ADX / ADM – TS V. 2.9 – Livelli Intraday per il 09/10/2015

ADM – Average Daily Movement – Intraday Levels
entrata su close 1H (candela oraria)… se superato il livello indicato



CROC Analista
CRUDE OIL – ADX / ADM – TS V. 2.8.4 – Livelli Intraday per il 09/10/2015

ADM - Average Daily Movement - Intraday Levels
entrata su close 1H (candela oraria)... se superato il livello



n'a piotta al dì
giorno , lo stronzetto è tornato :Strategia operativa intraday.Short a 22.100 con target a 21.980-21.960 prima, in area 21.870-21.850 poi e attorno a 21.780-21.770 successivamente. Stop a 22.220. (riproduzione riservata) Gianluca Defendi

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