Derivati, futures e certificati, sugli indici e commodities - Cap. 2 (19 lettori)


comunque quest'uomo contribuirà molto, se viene eletto , allo Short The World ...... ma non voglio aspettare novembre però !!!!

"If interest rates go up, we can buyback debt at a discount if we are liquid enough as a country. People say I want to default on debt - these people are crazy. First of all you never have to default because you print the money I hate to tell you, so there is never a default. It was reported in the NYT that I want to default on debt - you know I am the king of debt, I love debt, but debt is tricky and its dangerous. But let me just tell you: if interest rates go up and bonds go down, you can buy debt - that's what I'm talking about. So here is the story, if we have an opportunity where interest rates go up and you can buy back debt at a discount. I always like to be able to do that if you can do that. That's all I was talking about, they have it like I'm going to go back to creditors and I am going to renegotiate or restructure debt. It's ridiculous."

Trump On Debt Renegotiation: "You Never Have To Default Because You Print The Money" | Zero Hedge


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Attenzione ragazzi ... la Boj non ha promesso ai mercati un potenziamento del Qe bensi' che "... lo fara' se lo yen dovesse rinforzarsi ". Cosa se succedera' sicuramente se gli States non alzeranno i tassi a giugno. In pratica e' un invito ... neanche troppo velato ... rozzo direi ... per la Fed a darsi una mossa a giugno in tal senso. Aspetto l'ennesimo provvedimento analogo da parte di Draghi !!!

luca 1972

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io asfaltato sul longhino (che forse era meglio se ieri eggiavo) ora sto a guardare (ma zero tempo x seguire) alla finestra, mentre il loss incrementa :(. ciao a tutti.
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Italian Banks Are Crashing (Again) After Bad-Loan Writedowns Soar | Zero Hedge



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