Eni...Dogs and Horses, for pussy's lovers only - Cap. 1



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si sta avverando anche questo mercole:up::up::up::D
da lunedì abbiamo postato un mezzo migliaio di Sante di ogni...
il Server...comprese le modifiche recenti di Arge'...è stato messo a dura prova...
se nn ascoltavano manco oggi...

eran rikkioni(massimo rispetto...)

erin burnett...
la sua compagna allo squowk box ogni mattina...ne sta facendo un ricordo bellissimo...
in effetti era molto ironico...divertente...un incrocio tra j.r. ewing e bonanza...:D:up::D
May 25, 2011, 10:48 a.m. EDT
German bank exposure to Greece 'manageable:' Fitch

By William L. Watts
LONDON (MarketWatch) -- German banks' exposure to Greece is "manageable," but contagion risks are high, Fitch Ratings said in a report released Wednesday. "The worst consequence of any Greek sovereign default for German and other European banks would be in a sharp increase in general capital market and creditor risk aversion at a time when many banks are still in rehabilitation mode," said Michael Dawson-Kropf, senior director in Fitch's EMEA financial institutions group. The ratings company said it "does not currently envisage" any rating action on German banks as a result of their direct exposure to Greece., but warned of "high potential contagion risks" if there were any restructuring of Greek sovereign debt.
sono perplesso e ancora inattivo....oggi.
il mercoledi solitamente è foriero di reverse incredibili, ma galleggiando sul minimo comincia a darmi qualche fastidio all'umore............mi raccolgo in preghiera con i confratelli.
oggi rischiamo il bucio;)

per caso hai un ternetto da darmi???:D:D:D:D:D

su questo possiamo discuterne..........c'è mio cognato che ne mastica.
scrive sul sito camelott.it
sulla statistica è una potenza:up::up:
May 25, 2011, 10:48 a.m. EDT
German bank exposure to Greece 'manageable:' Fitch

By William L. Watts
LONDON (MarketWatch) -- German banks' exposure to Greece is "manageable," but contagion risks are high, Fitch Ratings said in a report released Wednesday. "The worst consequence of any Greek sovereign default for German and other European banks would be in a sharp increase in general capital market and creditor risk aversion at a time when many banks are still in rehabilitation mode," said Michael Dawson-Kropf, senior director in Fitch's EMEA financial institutions group. The ratings company said it "does not currently envisage" any rating action on German banks as a result of their direct exposure to Greece., but warned of "high potential contagion risks" if there were any restructuring of Greek sovereign debt.
vaglielo a spiegare a chi si riempie di bund...:wall::wall::wall:
Bond Germania, in calo il rendimento del decennale
May 25, 2011, 10:48 a.m. EDT
German bank exposure to Greece 'manageable:' Fitch

By William L. Watts
LONDON (MarketWatch) -- German banks' exposure to Greece is "manageable," but contagion risks are high, Fitch Ratings said in a report released Wednesday. "The worst consequence of any Greek sovereign default for German and other European banks would be in a sharp increase in general capital market and creditor risk aversion at a time when many banks are still in rehabilitation mode," said Michael Dawson-Kropf, senior director in Fitch's EMEA financial institutions group. The ratings company said it "does not currently envisage" any rating action on German banks as a result of their direct exposure to Greece., but warned of "high potential contagion risks" if there were any restructuring of Greek sovereign debt.

lo ristrutturano, lo ristrutturano. le banche tedesche sono troppo esposte.
ieri mattina ho partecipato ad una riunioncina sul tema grecia ;);), gli italiani in media hanno il 5%, ma i tedeschi sono verso il 40%
su questo possiamo discuterne..........c'è mio cognato che ne mastica.
scrive sul sito camelott.it
sulla statistica è una potenza:up::up:

no vabbè non ci credo :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
grazie di tutto...vero cmq quello che diceva snapo (se non erro) nei momenti bui "soffrendo" insieme si sente meno l'ansia...grazie a tutto il ttrhead di questo
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