Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 3 (9 lettori)


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Austrian FinMin Schelling says he thinks there's not much room for movement on Greece at Eurogroup meeting on Tuesday.


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Sai che lo so bene.
Se uno usa la logica non ne esce.

Ma io non sono un leader forte.
E' ora che scendano in campo i leaders forti : capaci di sorprenderci.

Lo so...inoltre...
Matthieu Von Rohr
My feeling is there are still many in Berlin who want to keep Greece in the euro, but who are currently at a loss as to how to achieve it.

Che situazione incredibile


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"A no vote will dramatically weaken negotiating stance of Greek govt & make things more complicated," says @VDombrovskis.

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