Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1 (4 lettori)

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Forumer storico
bravo ma non mi riferivo a te ,c'era qualcuno che l'ha preso a 15 o giù di lì
io a 16,5 ma penso che si possa prendere oggi a meno, intanto Batista stà facendo piazza pulita di molte sue avventure, se c'è qualcuno interessato a acquistare lo yacht si faccia avanti perchè è a buon prezzo e al momento non trova compratori


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Update as of 04.09.2013

After Praktiker AG, of which the Praktiker bondholders (WKN: A1H3JZ) are a creditors , has filed for insolvency on July 12, 2013, the entities that form the Praktiker subsidiary Max Bahr also filed for insolvency on July 26, 2013. This means that Max Bahr will not remain as an asset for the benefit of the bondholders. Also, with the opening of insolvency proceedings over the assets of Max Bahr, the intended plan of some bondholders to keep the company running by swapping the bonds into equity and supplying fresh capital cannot be realized any more.
For the bondholders, it should be noted that the European entities, among them Greece and Poland, are not assets of Praktiker AG, but of a subsidiary holding company which is also insolvent. As a consequence, the European entities are also not available as assets to the creditors of Praktiker AG.
Only in the case that the sale of
the operating companies of Praktiker,
the Max Bahr companies as well as
the European entities
by the respective insolvency administrators does achieve a return that exceeds the debt of the respective companies, there will be value from these companies for Praktiker AG and its creditors. The currently ongoing sales process led by the insolvency administrators has to show whether this can be achieved.
However, Praktiker AG still has some real estate of the European entities available as assets. The value of this real estate is currently assessed by insolvency administrator Udo Gröner. For the bondholders, it should be noted that other than these, there are no further material assets in Praktiker AG that could contribute to the insolvency quota.
The sales process is planned to be concluded by the end of September 2013. Once available, further information will be provided on this website.

Prurtroppo qua è andata male , mi dispiace per chi era dentro :benedizione:
spero abbia fatto in tempo ad uscire limitando i danni


Forumer storico
Update as of 04.09.2013

After Praktiker AG, of which the Praktiker bondholders (WKN: A1H3JZ) are a creditors , has filed for insolvency on July 12, 2013, the entities that form the Praktiker subsidiary Max Bahr also filed for insolvency on July 26, 2013. This means that Max Bahr will not remain as an asset for the benefit of the bondholders. Also, with the opening of insolvency proceedings over the assets of Max Bahr, the intended plan of some bondholders to keep the company running by swapping the bonds into equity and supplying fresh capital cannot be realized any more.
For the bondholders, it should be noted that the European entities, among them Greece and Poland, are not assets of Praktiker AG, but of a subsidiary holding company which is also insolvent. As a consequence, the European entities are also not available as assets to the creditors of Praktiker AG.
Only in the case that the sale of
the operating companies of Praktiker,
the Max Bahr companies as well as
the European entities
by the respective insolvency administrators does achieve a return that exceeds the debt of the respective companies, there will be value from these companies for Praktiker AG and its creditors. The currently ongoing sales process led by the insolvency administrators has to show whether this can be achieved.
However, Praktiker AG still has some real estate of the European entities available as assets. The value of this real estate is currently assessed by insolvency administrator Udo Gröner. For the bondholders, it should be noted that other than these, there are no further material assets in Praktiker AG that could contribute to the insolvency quota.
The sales process is planned to be concluded by the end of September 2013. Once available, further information will be provided on this website.

Prurtroppo qua è andata male , mi dispiace per chi era dentro :benedizione:
spero abbia fatto in tempo ad uscire limitando i danni

Purtroppo giocare con queste cose è pericoloso,basta solo porsi dei limiti a quanto farsi male...


Money Never Sleeps
Purtroppo giocare con queste cose è pericoloso,basta solo porsi dei limiti a quanto farsi male...
Il problema è che molte aziende sono alla frutta e stanno calando drasticamente le braghe.
O fanno in Default (Alpine, Praktiker) oppure passano per una ristrutturazione con rasata del debito.
Il Life motive dei corporate speculativi ora è quello.
Prima c'era più correttezza, la crisi colpisce duro e ora ci vanno giù pesante.
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