Journal to portfolio afterlife (1 Viewer)


too fast for love


too fast for love
Il corriere mi fa ridere... scoprono queste cose oggi? La globalizzazione senza regole ha contribuito alla deindustrializzazione in Europa perchè i paesi emergenti come la Cina sono entrati nel WTO pur sapendo che non rispettavano (e non rispettano) le stesse regole dei paesi occidentali in tema di diritti dei lavoratori, norme di sicurezza sui luoghi di lavoro e protezione ambientale. Eppure quando i clienti europei ed americani andavano a fare gli audit ai fornitori cinesi li promuovevano sempre, anche da quando è partito il refrain ESG ;)

Trent’anni di globalizzazione, e di delocalizzazioni verso la Cina, hanno smantellato tali e tanti settori industriali negli Stati Uniti e in Europa, che ci vorrebbero altri trent’anni per ricostruirli, e forse a costi insostenibili. Quindi siamo schiavi della Cina e quest’ultima può fare quel che vuole. Peggio: è Pechino che in caso di conflitto può usare la nostra dipendenza contro di noi. Questo è il tema della cosiddetta weaponization of trade: la trasformazione del commercio estero in arma.



too fast for love
The decision to turn off lights of buildings at night has extraordinarily minor impact on natural gas demand and a massive impact on safety.
We cannot forget that the same politicians who tell Europeans that they must turn off lights, cut air conditioning and reduce heating are the ones that decided to shut down nuclear plants, ban natural gas exploration and introduce regulatory changes that have limited investment in domestic energy.
Reducing demand artificially and temporarily by 15% has no discernible impact on the global supply-demand balance, as it will be absorbed by China, India, and others, yet has an enormous impact on the European economy.
Government-imposed light and heating cuts will destroy the European Union economy with no relevant impact on Russia´s energy trade.
Consuming 15% less gas does not hurt Putin. On July 24, Gazprom, the Russian gas company, reached a new all-time high of sales to China, and Chinese consumption via gas pipeline has skyrocketed in the last twelve months. Since the invasion of Ukraine, China has imported more than $25 billion of energy products from Russia and in June those imports increased by 72% compared to the previous year.
The European Union seems to take energy measures thinking that the rest of the world does not exist. It is impossible to think of an energy embargo on Russia while the rest of the world, especially Asia, takes advantage of the discounts offered to consume greater volumes of Russian energy products.
It does not make any sense to force citizens to freeze from the cold in winter and suffocate from heat in summer while the European governments maintain enormous public spending programs and bloated administrations. That is huge power consumption.
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