Lazio (SSL) Lazio has 700% UPSIDE (1 Viewer)


Nuovo forumer
Share price of Juventus exploded last month, increasing some 75%.
My calculations on much higher fair value of Juventus share were correct.

But AS Roma and Lazio shares stayed completely fixed.
That is (also) extreme and not normal in a sector and (additional) indication of heavy manipulation.

AS Roma share is not cheap of course, but by fixing his share at 44 cent, Palotta clearly assists Lotitio fixing Lazio share (and vice versa).

It is unbelievable this manipulation level at Italian soccer shares.

See also my story Mafia practices in Italian Soccer

But it is crazy that such is possible, since buys worth a few million euro all together, would let Lazio share explode!
Since free float is so small, no insider manipulation in the world could hold against that.
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Nuovo forumer
Juventus share reached fair value now.

Lazio still has some 600% immediate upside.

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Nuovo forumer

If you posses Lazio shares Please for the sake of all : register them!

And /or if you know of other people that have Lazio shares Please let them know.

see: Lazio share count


Nuovo forumer
Today Juventus up 9% and increasing 60 million euro in value for the day.

Lazio once again dumped back by the probably most criminal of a listed company in Italy.. Lotito.

Lazio at 43 million euro all togethter, increasing in value during a strong sesson in which it also qualified for Europe mere 6 million euro.

Player value alone increased some 100 million euro.

Lazio share is exceptionally (and also clearly self) manipulated over computer software.. day by day from 9.00 AM tot 18.36 PM

Lotito has to be brought to justice!!

And he has for sure far less company shares than official 66%... I even very much doubt whether he still posesses majority in Lazio.

Which could be proven if Italian shareholders register their holdings at

And in that case share price can only walk (thus explode) to true value at least par to current value of player assets.

And our combined holdings then als will be attractive for bigger parties for take-over.
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Nuovo forumer
45 minutes into trade after great coppa victory over Juventus.

Juve +1,31% (which hovever means plus (!!) 9 million market cap)
Lazio +4,01 % (which is just 2 million market cap!!)

But we knew already : Lazios market valuation is an extremely manipulated thing.

Why don't shareholders registrate their holdings so we can prove Lotitos maffias practices !!

Given squad value alone .. fair share price should be at least somewhere at 5 euro now!!!

And apart from that, there is true Champions League potential.


Nuovo forumer
lazio-stakeholder / azionista lazio

S.S. Lazio Conteggio Azioni

Il nostro obiettivo è di sommare, fornendo le dovute prove, il numero maggiore possibile di azioni possedute a livello individuale, in modo da ottenere quello che chiameremo il Gran Totale. Oltre alle azioni possedute correntemente, è anche interessante investigare le dinamiche del titolo, cioè il numero di azioni aggiunte nella corrente stagione 2016/17.

Per cui vogliamo conteggiare:
  1. Il numero di azioni che tutti noi assieme possedevamo privatamente alla fine della stagione precedente, 30 Giugno 2016
  2. Il numero di azioni che tutti noi assieme possediamo privatamente nel momento corrente.
Per il nostro scopo è sufficiente conoscere il tuo nome e lo stato in cui risiedi.

Lazio Conteggio Azioni
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Nuovo forumer
over transfers done Lazio soon reporting some 40 to 50 million euro net profit because of these transfers so far above virtually zero book value (like Pogba) as a wakeup call.

International Investors that can't read Lazio's balance sheets in italian still see official PE of 25 at important finance portals like here SS Lazio SpA: BIT:SSL quotes & news - Google Finance,

True PE however is somewhere around 1 (!!) now, which provides some strong arguments for a fair share price even clearly above 300 million equivalent of € 4,20.


Nuovo forumer
it is no problem to respond in italian here :)

in school i learned latin language and with help of google translate i understand italian fairly well, to write italian myself however is by far to difficult

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