ETC Natural Gas (9 lettori)


Gas maledetto!Pagherai!
se nn erro qualcuno aveva stm ..

Stmicroelectronics corre sul listino milanese fino a raggiungere la vetta del paniere Ftse Mib. Fin dai primi scambi, il titolo del gruppo franco-olandese ?tato accolto da fitti acquisti, e in questo momento balza in avanti di quasi 5 punti percentuali scambiando a 7,30 euro. L'azione festeggia la promozione arrivata questa mattina da Exane. Il broker francese ha alzato la raccomandazione sul titolo a outperform da neutral.

Che culo direbbe qualcuno . Basta una raccomandazione da outperform a neutral per far salire di 5 punti. Siamo messi male :D


Forumer storico
Wheat rose in Chicago to the highest price in almost four months on concern rainfall in Australia may curb supply of food-quality grain as dry weather threatens the U.S. crop.
Milling-wheat exports from eastern Australia may be 4.5 million metric tons in the 2010-2011 season, 2 million tons lower than forecast, as rains put 7.5 million tons at risk of being lowered to feed quality, Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd. said in a report today. The country is the world’s fourth-biggest exporter of the grain.
“The U.S. may need to shoulder heavier demand for high- quality wheat after rains at harvest hurt crop quality in Australia,” Ker Chung Yang, an investment analyst at Phillip Futures Pte, said in a report today. “Forecasts for little moisture in dry wheat areas of the western U.S. Plains are worrisome.”
Wheat for March delivery rose 15.5 cents, or 2.1 percent, to $7.64 a bushel at 11:07 a.m. London time on the Chicago Board of Trade. The grain touched $7.74, the highest price since Aug. 6. The most-active contract is up 11 percent this week, on course for the biggest rally in 18 weeks.
Milling wheat for January delivery traded on NYSE Liffe in Paris added 0.5 percent to 235 euros ($311) a ton, heading for a fifth gain. The price has increased 11 percent since Nov. 22, the last time futures declined.
Harvest Delay
As much as half of the east coast milling-wheat crop in Australia is at risk, ANZ said. Wet weather in the country’s east has delayed harvesting, with southern New South Wales and Victoria receiving three times the normal amount of rain in November, Martell Crop Projections said in a report.
As much as 30 percent of the crop in New South Wales, Australia’s biggest wheat-producing state, may be lowered to feed grade, suitable only for animals, because of excessive rain, said Peter Matthews, a specialist at Industry & Investment NSW. In the U.S., dry weather in the western Great Plains has threatened winter crops.
About 23 percent of winter wheat in China’s six main- growing provinces faces drought conditions, said Farmers’ Daily, a newspaper run by the Ministry of Agriculture. Drought is developing in northern China, it said.
Soybeans and corn gained in Chicago on speculation demand will increase. U.S. exporters sold 1.342 million tons of soybeans in the week ended Nov. 26, almost double the previous week, when prices fell 5.3 percent, the Department of Agriculture said yesterday.
Soybean Demand
China was the principal buyer. Sales for delivery in the marketing year that began Sept. 1 are 19 percent higher than a year ago, government data show.
Soybeans for January delivery advanced 6.25 cents, or 0.5 percent, to $12.86 a bushel. The oilseed, headed for a 3.8 percent rally this week, has risen 23 percent this year on increased demand from China.
Corn for March delivery climbed 7 cents, or 1.3 percent, to $5.625 a bushel. The grain has added 1.7 percent this week and is up 38 percent since the end of July, partly because hot weather in August hurt U.S. crops.


Gas maledetto!Pagherai!
queste famosissime e accreditatissime banche d affari di affari fan solo i loro!
negli ultimi tre anni han dato ampiamente prova di quanto siano scandalose.....
eppure nn e' cambiato nulla .....
chi vi lavora dentro o chi lavora con loro fa soldi a palate.....
nulla importa se altri si impiccano

Infatti bisognerebbe fare così: se una banca o agenzia consiglia un titolo, starne lontani!


se l hanno in portafoglio lo consigliano
se nn ce l hanno e vogliono entrarci lo sconsigliano
semplice e redditizio
passano da target price di un euro a tp di due euro nel giro di un trimestre
da neutral a overweight in un mese
ecc ecc ecc.............
assssolutamente vergognose

Quest'estate le banche d'affari davano UCG a 2,6-2.7 di TP.... Guardate dove si trova ora....


Nuovo forumer
se nn erro qualcuno aveva stm ..

Stmicroelectronics corre sul listino milanese fino a raggiungere la vetta del paniere Ftse Mib. Fin dai primi scambi, il titolo del gruppo franco-olandese ?tato accolto da fitti acquisti, e in questo momento balza in avanti di quasi 5 punti percentuali scambiando a 7,30 euro. L'azione festeggia la promozione arrivata questa mattina da Exane. Il broker francese ha alzato la raccomandazione sul titolo a outperform da neutral.

gruppo italo-francese non franco-olandese !

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