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NO nel DNA
Big Pharma Mergers:
Why? And What Will They Mean to You?


Mervyn Turner, PhD - Chief Strategy Officer & SVP, WW Licensing and External Research, Merck & Co.
William Ringo, SVP, Strategy and Business Development - Pfizer*

Pharmaceutical Strategic Outlook presents Merck, Pfizer and Wyeth senior executives and MORE!

What a roller coaster since Pfizer announced its acquisition of Wyeth, followed a month later, by Merck buying Schering-Plough! PSO is proud to announce its blockbuster plenary session on this hot topic. After all, the deals share key commonalities (e.g., driving earnings growth across genericization cliffs with synergies), but they’re also philosophically very different – and could mean very different things for partnering going forward. PSO bring in the deals’ strategic bosses and chief engineers to discuss why they did them and how they’ll affect their dealmaking going forward.

Who will you hear from?

  • Geno Germano, President U.S. and General Manager Pharmaceuticals, Wyeth
  • Rod MacKenzie, Senior Vice President, Head of Worldwide Discovery Research, Pfizer Inc.
  • Jean-Marc Huet, Senior Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, Bristol-Myers Squibb
  • Corey Goodman, President, Biotherapeutics and Bioinnovation Center, Pfizer
  • Paul Clancy, Executive Vice President, Finance and Chief Financial Officer , Biogen IDEC*
  • Tony Rosenberg, Head of Global Business Development & Licensing, Novartis Pharma AG
  • James J. Dolan, Senior Vice President, Licensing & Business Development, Purdue Pharma
  • Adelene Q. Perkins, EVP & Chief Business Officer, Infinity Pharmaceuticals Inc.
  • Dennis Purcell, Senior Managing Partner, Aisling Capital
  • Francesco De Rubertis, Partner, Index Ventures
  • Michael Ross, PhD, Managing Partner, SV Life Sciences
  • Ryan Mueller, Managing Director, Monument Group
  • David Lacey, MD, Senior Vice President, Head of Research, Amgen*
  • Christoph Westphal, CEO, Sirtris Pharmaceuticals, a GSK Company, Head of the CEEDD (Center of Excellence for External Drug Discovery, Glaxosmithkline
  • Deborah Dunsire, President & CEO, Millennium, a Takeda Pharmaceuticals Company
  • Alexander J. Denner,</A>Managing Director, Icahn Partners LP
  • William Slattery, Partner, Deerfield Management Company
  • Alan Eisenberg, EVP, Emerging Companies and Business Development, BIO
  • Tyrone Edwards, President, The Thompson Consulting Group of Springhouse; Former SVP Sales & Operations, Merck & Co.
  • Richard Smith, Partner, Life Science Practice, Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge LLP

What's on the agenda?

Windhover’s must-attend event examines and explains the most important strategic alliances of the last year, and looks ahead to what the industry can expect in the upcoming year.

  • Big Pharma Mergers: Why? And What Will They Mean to You?
  • Standalones: Can biotechs be successfully run as standalones within Pharma?
  • Panel with Heads of Discovery: What is the role of discovery in new Pharma structures?
  • The Future of Primary Care
  • The Impact of Obama’s Administration on Pharma
  • Past Big Pharma Executive Perspective: What should Big Pharma do next?
  • Interesting Deal Structures: Keeping our options open and shelters for the financial storm
  • What's Next for Private Exits? Implications and complications for growing private biotechs
  • Option Deals, Opt-Ins and Options to Acquire
  • Dealmaking Trends, Data and Analysis
    Roger Longman, Managing Partner, Windhover Information

Also included are the following top-level workshops:
<table class=style5 cellPadding=0><tr><td>"Rebuilding an Industry - One opportunity at a time"
Presented by NovaQuest. More Information.
<td align=right width=130> </TD></TR></TABLE>
<table class=style5 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><tr><td>"Two points of View: the licensing candidate value proposition from the emerging company and big pharma perspective"
Presented by The Mattson Jack Group. More Information.
<td align=right width=130> </TD></TR></TABLE>
<table class=style5 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><tr><td>"Biotechs on the Brink: Only the Focused Can Survive"
Presented by Easton Associates. More Information.
<td align=right width=130> </TD></TR></TABLE>

<table cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 width="100%" bgColor=#f9e9d9 border=0><tr><td vAlign=top align=middle>
<tr><td style="TEXT-ALIGN: left">Please make plans to join us in New York this April for Pharmaceutical Strategic Outlook and BIO-Windhover[/size], FDC-Windhover's premier strategic and partnering conferences being held concurrently this year. Some plenary sessions and networking events are open to attendees of both conferences. Other program elements (such as partnering or panel sessions) are only open to registrants of one or the other conference.

Take the opportunity to not only find the partners you need, but to learn the latest successful strategies from top dealmakers, all in one week! Receive a 30% discount when you register for both.</TD></TR></TABLE>

Why should I attend?

Windhover's Pharmaceutical Strategic Outlook is THE MOST strategic level conference for biopharma deal structure and strategy – and simply the event where you’ll meet the most important people in the business!

At PSO you can:

  • <LI style="TEXT-ALIGN: left">Meet your potential partner and find out how to approach them
    <LI style="TEXT-ALIGN: left">Benchmark your dealmaking against the best and the brightest
    <LI style="TEXT-ALIGN: left">Learn the deal values and deal specifics that let you calibrate deal-making metrics
    <LI style="TEXT-ALIGN: left">Get key trend analysis on new business models, deal structures and deal failures
    <LI style="TEXT-ALIGN: left">Maximize your strategic alliance opportunities by meeting business development leaders who’ll share practical advice and strategies on how to structure successful deals
  • Walk away with practical, real-life lessons from some of the most experienced dealmakers in the industry on how they evaluate opportunities and risk

Who will I meet?


Who can I network with?

Aisling Capital
Ajinomoto Co. Inc.
Alba Therapeutics Corp.
Antisoma PLC
Asubio Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals
Bayer Schering Pharma AG
Bristol Myers Squibb Co.
BSI Healthcapital SA
Capital Royalty
Cequent Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Chiesi Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Chugai Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
Cipher Pharmaceuticals Ltd
CoNCERT Pharmaceuticals
Covidien</SPAN></FONT>Daiichi Sankyo
Eli Lilly & Co.
Enzo Therapeutics Inc.
Esteve Group
Johnson & Johnson
KBI BioPharma Inc.
Kyowa Pharmaceuticals
Kyorin USA Inc.
McKinsey & Co. Inc.
Merck & Co. Inc.
Millennium Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Montgomery & Co.
NicOx SA
Novartis Pharma AGNovartis Pharmaceuticals Corp.
OncoMed Pharmaceuticals Inc.
OSI Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Pfizer Inc.
Portola Pharmaceuticals
Purdue Pharma LP
Salix Pharmaceuticals
Smith & Nephew Inc.
Solvay Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Takeda Research Investment
Targacept Inc.
Vifor Pharma Aspreva
Vitae Pharmaceuticals

Maximize your strategic alliance opportunities by hearing CEOs, senior R&D and senior business development executives share lessons learned, practical advice and strategies on how to build your R&D pipeline – both internally and externally. Take away the newest strategies and tactics that you can apply to your company’s dealmaking efforts immediately!

PSO offers you an unbeatable line-up of Big Pharma and biotech speakers to forecast trends and analyze changes in alliances and M&A. You’ll hear from, and be able to quiz top industry executives and dealmakers.

PSO gathers top thinkers to grapple with the fundamental challenges facing biotech and pharma – equipping dealmakers like you with the insights, information and practical advice you'll need to strike successful deals. And as always, you’ll be able to network and exchange ideas with an elite group of your peers, your colleagues, your partners and your competitors.

See you at the Marriott Marquis, New York City, this April 13-15!

oramai siamo ovunque

doctor NO

NO nel DNA
fase I Merck hypertension

"..Drug: non-product or non-Merck product.."


Il s'agit d'un NO à forte dose pour traiter l'insuffisance cardiaque ou l'Angor.
Merck semble l'utiliser comme le NCX 4016 a été utilisé : amélioration de la résistance à l'insuline ou amélioration de l'utilisation du glucose chez le patient en surpoids ou obèse (BMI>30).
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