Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti Obbligazioni Brasile e Petrobras

Bovespa sobe 1,85% e recupera os 60 mil pontos, com Petrobras e bancos em destaque
quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2016 19:11 BRST

SÃO PAULO (Reuters) - O principal índice da Bovespa fechou em alta nesta quarta-feira, recuperando o patamar dos 60 mil pontos, com impulso das ações da Petrobras e de bancos, em sessão com ajuste ao movimento de ADRs na véspera, quando o pregão local não operou devido ao feriado no Brasil.

O Ibovespa subiu 1,85 por cento, aos 60.759 pontos, tendo avançado mais de 2 por cento no melhor momento do dia e caído 0,5 por cento na mínima.

Bovespa sobe 1,85% e recupera os 60 mil pontos, com Petrobras e bancos em destaque | Negócios | Reuters
BC atua forte e dólar cai ante real, após 4 altas seguidas
quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2016 17:13 BRST

SÃO PAULO (Reuters) - O dólar fechou em baixa sobre o real nesta quarta-feira, interrompendo quatro sessões seguidas de alta, após atuação do Banco Central no mercado para tentar conter o estresse após a vitória de Donald Trump na corrida presidencial nos Estados Unidos ter levado muitos investidores a se desfazerem de posições em países emergentes.

O dólar fechou em baixa de 0,56 por cento, a 3,4217 reais na venda, depois de ter acumulado alta de 8,63 por cento nos quatro pregões anteriores. O dólar futuro registrava queda de cerca de 0,40 por cento no final da tarde.

"O BC previu uma volta volátil do feriado e por isso o leilão de novos contratos de swap tradicional", avaliou o operador da corretora H.Commcor, Cleber Alessie Machado.

BC atua forte e dólar cai ante real, após 4 altas seguidas | Negócios | Reuters
Andamento stabile/positivo nella giornata di ieri per il Brasil 37, dopo i forti cali delle sedute precedenti.
Prezzo indicativo, mercati oltreoceano, a 107,75 da 107,25.
Minimi di breve registrati a 104,25.
Petrobras confirms Liquigas sale to Ultrapar
Nov. 17, 2016 6:56 PM ET|About: Petrobras - Petroleo Brasil... (PBR)|By: Carl Surran, SA News Editor

Petrobras (PBR, PBR.A) approves the sale of its liquefied petroleum gas unit to Ultrapar Participações (NYSE:UGP) for 2.8B reais ($819M), confirming earlier reports.

The market considered the price tag on the high side; PBR preferred shares, the company's most widely traded class of stock, closed 3.2% lower after gaining as much as 3% during regular trading.

Analysts at Banco BTG Pactual and Banco Brasil Plural say the deal will be subject to tough scrutiny by Brazil's government antitrust agency CADE.
Petrobras to get back $60M in corruption probe
Nov. 21, 2016 11:58 AM ET|About: Petrobras - Petroleo Brasil... (PBR)|By: Carl Surran, SA News Editor

Brazilian prosecutors in the Operation Car Wash corruption probe say Petrobras (PBR +4.3%) will receive another 204M reais ($60.4M) retrieved from politicians and companies who agreed to cooperation in the investigation.

The payment is the result of plea deals struck by prosecutors with politicians, and is in addition to more than 500M reais (~$150M) in compensation PBR already has received.

Separately, PBR says an injunction in a civil lawsuit has forced it to suspend the sale of stakes in the Baúna and Tartaruga Verde oil fields to Australia's Karoon Gas; it says it plans to appeal the decisions.
Brazil cuts growth forecast for 2017
Nov. 22, 2016 4:01 AM ET|By: Yoel Minkoff, SA News Editor

Brazil's real sold-off in the past fortnight as the U.S. election outcome takes its toll on emerging market currencies.

With the country struggling to exit its worst recession in over eight decades, the government also slashed its 2017 economic growth estimate to 1% from 1.6%.

The benchmark Selic rate is further expected to be lowered by 25 bps this month with more cuts predicted next year.
SAO PAULO--Soros Fund Management LLC, which invests for billionaire investor George Soros and his family, acquired shares of Brazil's state-run oil company Petróleo Brasileiro SA, or Petrobras, in the third quarter, after the company saw a change in leadership and a fresh focus on debt reduction.

Soros Fund acquired a total of 1.56 million shares of Petrobras in the period, according to the fund's quarterly report filed on the website of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

In the last two years, the Soros Fund, along with other big international investors--such as BlackRock Fund Advisors, and Fidelity Management & Research Co.--cut their stakes in the Brazilian company, at the center of an investigation into political corruption that was gaining force.

Since 2014, prosecutors have documented a sprawling scheme whereby Brazil's largest construction companies formed a cartel to overcharge Petrobras for major contracts and pay kickbacks to former executives at the oil company. Petrobras has said it was a victim of the corruption and that it has been cooperating with prosecutors.

In May, Brazil's then acting president, Michel Temer, named Pedro Parente the oil company's new CEO. Mr. Temer was later confirmed as president after his predecessor, Dilma Rousseff, was impeached at the end of August in connection with allegations of accounting irregularities related to the country's budget deficit. Ms. Rousseff was also damaged politically by the Petrobras scandal.

Mr. Parente, formerly the top executive at the Brazilian unit of U.S. agribusiness giant Bunge Ltd., has been concentrating his efforts on reducing the company's debt via the sale of assets.

Petrobras is the only Brazilian company in the Soros Fund portfolio, highlighting the challenges local firms face in attracting international investors amid the country's deep recession. After contracting 3.8% last year, Brazil's economy is expected to shrank 3.5% this year, according to finance ministry projections.

Write to Rogerio Jelmayer at [email protected]
Petrobras: raggiunge accordo con altri 11 investitori per causa legale

RIO DE JANEIRO (MF-DJ)--Petroleo Brasileiro, conosciuta come Petrobras, ha raggiunto l'accordo con ulteriori 11 investitori in merito ad una causa legale avviata a New York.
I soci ritengono di aver subito delle perdite pari a miliardi di dollari per via delle rivelazioni fatte nel 2014 in merito ad un ampio piano di corruzione messo in atto dalla societa'.
Gli investitori in questione sono Aberdeen Emerging Markets Fund, State of Alaska Department of Revenue, Ohio Public Employees Retirement System e Abbey Life Assurance Company, piu' altri quattro gruppi di soci, come Pacific Investment Management.
Petrobras non ha specificato la somma del patteggiamento che, pero', dovrebbe aggirarsi intorno ai 364 milioni di dollari, indicati come svalutazioni nel terzo trimestre.
Per altri 12 soci, come la Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Trust, la causa rimane aperta.

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
November 24, 2016 03:40 ET (08:40 GMT)
Fiscalía de Brasil podría abrir pesquisa contra Temer por presunto tráfico de influencia
viernes 25 de noviembre de 2016 09:31 GYT

Por Lisandra Paraguassu y Anthony Boadle

BRASILIA (Reuters) - El procurador general de la República de Brasil estudia realizar una investigación sobre si el presidente Michel Temer ejerció presión sobre un ex ministro en un supuesto caso de corrupción, informó el viernes una portavoz de la oficina del fiscal.

Marcelo Calero, quien dimitió la semana pasada como ministro de Cultura, dijo a la policía federal que Temer lo presionó para resolver un conflicto con Geddel Vieira Lima, ministro de la Secretaría de Gobierno, que quería permisos para un proyecto inmobiliario en Salvador de Bahía, en un sitio no permitido por ser patrimonio histórico, dijo una fuente de la policía.

Fiscalía de Brasil podría abrir pesquisa contra Temer por presunto tráfico de influencia | Titulares | Reuters

Brasile senza pace ...
Capitolo Brasile dal rapporto Ocse pubblicato oggi.

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