Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti Obbligazioni Brasile e Petrobras

Brazil's oil sector regulator ANP does not see President Jair Bolsonaro's appointment of a new Petrobras CEO altering the country's policy of opening up the domestic refinery market to private investment, ANP director-general Rodolfo Saboia said on Monday. RTRS
Oil surges toward $63 a barrel with investment banks and traders predicting the market will tighten further and push prices higher
Oil Jumps Near $63 With Tightening Market Boosting Outlook

Credit Suisse, Santander, Scotiabank, Bank of America, Bradesco and XP analysts were among those who downgraded their recommendations on shares of Petroleo Brasileiro SA, as the Rio de Janeiro-based producer is known.

“A good reputation is hard to earn and easy to lose,” BTG bank analyst Thiago Duarte said in a note to clients.


Morgan Stanley removed its ‘like’ recommendation on Brazil sovereign bonds on Monday, citing fiscal concerns and potential spillover from the removal of Castello Branco.

Petrobras’ “all-important” pricing policy and its implications for cash generation and planned asset sales, particularly of its refineries, has clouded its debt reduction and dividend outlook, Santander analysts led by Christian Audi said in a note to clients. They downgraded their recommendation on the stock to “hold” from “buy.”

Director-General Rodolfo Saboia of Brazil’s oil regulator ANP said that the CEO change would not affect the country’s policy of opening up the refinery sector to private investment or pursuit of free markets. He declined to comment directly on Petrobras’ refinery sales.

“The best way to attempt to reach a fair price is by opening the market ... and not depending on one actor to set the price a certain product should have,” he told Reuters in an interview.


Questa mattina pochi movimenti sul Lyxor Brazil (uno dei tanti ETF utilizzati dal retail per un ingresso sul mercato azionario brasiliano).
L'andamento resta marginalmente negativo, dopo il crollo di ieri.
Un'occhiata ai futures del listino S&P 500, di questa mattina, non è promettente per le aperture nel continente americano.
Comunque, vediamo ... non è da escludersi un rimbalzo tecnico.

Le dichiarazioni rassicuranti della direzione di Petrobras di ieri sono servite a ben poco.
Servirebbe una presa di posizione del Ministro delle Finanze.
Bolsonaro meno parla, meglio è ... come il suo omologo Erdogan :muted:.

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