Titoli di Stato paesi-emergenti Obbligazioni Brasile e Petrobras

BRASILIA, June 16 (Reuters) - Brazil's central bank delivered its third consecutive interest rate increase of 75 basis points on Wednesday and raised the specter of larger hikes ahead as it returns to "neutral" rates, dropping plans for a "partial" normalization of policy.
With economic growth much stronger than many had expected and inflation forecast above the central bank's mandated target range this year, policymakers signaled that rates are likely to be raised higher and perhaps more quickly than previously planned.
Bloomberg Markets
Former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva would beat incumbent Jair Bolsonaro in the first round of Brazilian elections, according to a new poll
Bloomberg Markets
Former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva would beat incumbent Jair Bolsonaro in the first round of Brazilian elections, according to a new poll
Che ricordi...Lula faceva paura ,speculazione massiccia sui tds prima delle elezioni ,prezzi stracciati e poi ripresa graduale dopo :)
Che ricordi...Lula faceva paura ,speculazione massiccia sui tds prima delle elezioni ,prezzi stracciati e poi ripresa graduale dopo :)
adesso invece come potrebbe reagire il mercato???? io spero che la speculazione faccia il suo dovere....dopotutto Lula dara' sfogo alla spesa pubblica il mercato potrebbe non prenderla molto bene
Sao Paulo (CNN)Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has been admitted to the hospital to investigate the cause of persistent hiccups that are leading to abdominal pains, according to Brazil's Special Secretariat for Social Communication.
According to sources at the presidential palace, Bolsonaro felt abdominal pain at night and he is undergoing tests at the Armed Forces hospital in Brasilia.

Andati a segno tutti gli accidenti che gli hanno tirato.

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