per qualcuno questo sarebbe un suicidio, per altri un MESSAGGIO forte e chiaro

Ma se soros è andato corto du sp500 per miliardi mesi fa
non è che ha perso il suo tocco magico ?


sopra Soros nel 2009 dice che siamo al disastro
poi va corto su SP500 'mesi fa' ( dopo il 2009 si presume)

e adesso è corto di bancari US

faccia ogni trader la sua analisi
Soros doubles a bearish bet on the S&P 500, to the tune of $1.3 billion

February 17, 2014, 7:23 AM ET

effettivamente sono solo tre mesi e mezzo
ed effettivamente l'indice è molto tirato

e l'unico modo per sapre è vedere ... a settembre?
oggi diciamo che è presto , non ancora che è sbagliato, ok ??

sabato 21 giugno 2014
Suicidi bancari: questa volta tocca all'AD di Banca Sella
Ieri mattina, alle 11, è stato trovato il corpo senza vita di Donato Valz Gen ai piedi di una delle torri del cda di Banca Sella in Via Lamarmora a Biella.
Il messaggio di cordoglio diffuso dal Gruppo Banca Sella recita: "Il Presidente Maurizio Sella e l’Amministratore Delegato Pietro Sella, insieme a tutti i colleghi del Gruppo Banca Sella, esprimono un costernato e profondo dolore per l’improvvisa perdita di un uomo straordinario e di un professionista molto amato e stimato, che in oltre 30 anni di attività ha tanto contribuito alla crescita e allo sviluppo di Banca Sella e di tutto il Gruppo. Donato Valz Gen, sempre sostenuto dalla fiducia e dall’affetto della famiglia Sella e dei colleghi, lavorava dalla fine degli anni Settanta nel Gruppo, come già suo padre Emilio per trent’anni, prima di lui. Attualmente anche la figlia lavora nel Gruppo. Dopo aver ricoperto incarichi di sempre crescente responsabilità, Donato Valz Gen era arrivato ad assumere l’attuale carica di amministratore delegato e direttore generale della Banca, ottenendo anche in questo ruolo risultati di successo, come durante tutta la sua carriera. Per conto del Gruppo aveva anche svolto incarichi in organismi di settore, in particolare per quanto riguarda l’e-commerce e i sistemi di pagamento tradizionali ed elettronici, nei quali aveva una lunga esperienza ed era molto apprezzato a livello nazionale e internazionale per l’apporto e il forte contributo all’innovazione che aveva sempre dato. Il Gruppo Banca Sella, i consiglieri di amministrazione e i sindaci si stringono in un sentito abbraccio alla famiglia e si uniscono al suo dolore."
La cosa che mi colpisce è che Donato Valz Gen era stato responsabile dell’area Sistemi di pagamento dal 1996. Proprio recentemente ho partecipato alle assemblee degli azionisti di tre primarie banche italiane denunciando la creazione di 860 miliardi "in nero", denaro cioè che non era stato contabilizzato in bilancio a favore degli istituti. Questa pratica riguarda tutte le banche italiane e deriva dall'interpretazione erronea delle regole contabili internazionali che permettono alle banche di simulare di essere esclusivamente degli istituti di intermediazione quando invece la funzione principale che svolgono è quella della creazione di nuovo denaro ogni volta che effettuano degli impieghi.
In sostanza, quando la banca presta, crea denaro direttamente nel conto del cliente senza prima accreditarselo, il che le permette poi, quando reincassa il denaro, di pareggiare la contabilità mantenendo l'incasso come provvista extracontabile, in nero. Si tratta di denaro fantasma che ammonta a più di 1.400 miliardi di euro per il solo 2013, secondo i dati sugli impieghi di Bankitalia. Questi soldi virtuali vengono poi riciclati tramite i sistemi di compensazione interbancaria che sono gestiti dalle pochissime persone autorizzate all'interno del sistema bancario: gli addetti ai sistemi di pagamento internazionali. Sarà un caso, ma anche nella recente ondata di suicidi bancari accaduti all'estero - almeno 16 dall'inizio dell'anno - spesso si trattava di persone che avevano accesso a questi sistemi. Non si meraviglierà il lettore se sapesse che fu proprio
Roberto Calvi, trovato impiccato sotto un ponte presso la City di Londra nel 1982, ad elaborare il primo sistema dei conti neri non pubblicati all'interno della CEDEL, che poi diventò la Banca Clearstream e che è uno dei tre sistemi che compongono il triangolo europeo delle Bermuda dove sparisce il denaro fantasma. Gli altri due punti d'accesso sono: Euroclear e SWIFT. Se la pista è questa, mi auguro che i prossimi banchieri facciano almeno a tempo a fare "outing", prima di fare quella misera fine, che sia per accidente o per senso del pudore...
Magari rettificando i bilanci bancari potremmo evitare tanti altri suicidi, e non solo quelli dei banchieri, oltreché recuperare all'erario qualcosa come 400 miliardi all'anno.

Marco Saba.
Da gennaio quindici banchieri suicidi. Una epidemia.

Giuseppe Sandro Mela.

Facciamone un po’ l’elenco.
Da gennaio quindici banchieri suicidi. Una epidemia. - SENZANUBI
1 – William Broeksmit, 58-year-old
2 – Karl Slym, 51 year old
3 – Gabriel Magee, a 39-year-old JP Morgan employee, died after falling from the roof of the JP Morgan European headquarters in London on January 27th.
4 – Mike Dueker, 50-year-old
5 – Richard Talley, the 57 year old
6 – Tim Dickenson
7 – Ryan Henry Crane, a 37 year old
8 – Li Junjie, 33-year-old banker in Hong Kong jumped from the JP Morgan HQ in Hong Kong this week.
9 – James Stuart Jr
10 – Edmund (Eddie) Reilly, 47
11 – Kenneth Bellando, 28
12 – Jan Peter Schmittmann, 57
13 – Li Jianhua, 49
14 – Lydia _____, 52
15 – Julian Knott, 45

Usualmente i banchieri sono aggressivi, ben scafati: trovarli depressi al punto tale da suicidarsi è evento quanto mai raro.
Specialmente quando le realtà in cui lavorano stanno andando ragionevolmente bene ed i loro posti sono blindati. Per non dire poi che la loro stabilità affettiva era salda.
Ma ciò che lascia davvero stupefatti è il silenzio dei media domestici americani, che sembrerebbero ignorare sia i singoli “suicidi” sia questo stranissimo desiderio collettivo di autodistruzione. Il New York Times, per esempio, sembrerebbe aver ignorato il caso di Julian Knott.
Indagini chiuse in tre giorni.
Salme cremate.

Certo, se proprio lo si volesse cercare, e vedere, un fil rouge unisce tutti i nomi. Più che un file sembrerebbe essere un cavo.
E sembrerebbe ghermire anche un certo quale altro numero di aspiranti suicidi.

Int Business Times. 2014-07-09. JP Morgan Director Julian Knott Killed Wife With Shotgun in Murder-Suicide.
JP Morgan executive director Julian Knott blasted his wife Alita to death with a shotgun before turning the gun on himself.
The 45-year-old, who worked for the investment bank in London until July 2010, shot his 47-year-old wife multiple times before committing suicide with the same weapon.
The couple met in London, with Alita opening nursery Quayside Tots Playgroup in Southwick, West Sussex, before they moved to the United States.
She remained the playgroup’s care provider until at least February 2013, according to the nursery’s most recent Ofsted report.
Julian moved to the United States from London in 2010 and was working at JP Morgan’s Global Network Operations Center in Whippany, New Jersey, at the time of the tragedy.
Jefferson Township police, in New Jersey, confirmed on Sunday they had found two unconscious bodies at the Knotts’ large suburban home at 1.12am.
A statement released on Tuesday added: “Through an extensive investigation conducted by the Jefferson Township Police Department, the Morris County Prosecutors Office and the Morris County Medical Examiner’s Office the preliminary investigation has revealed that the two adults died as a result of gunshot wounds and the incident has been determined to be a murder/suicide.
“This preliminary investigation revealed that Julian Knott, age 45, shot his wife Alita Knott, age 47, multiple times and then took his own life with the same weapon.”
Happy couple
Photos of the couple painted a picture of a content family life. Beneath the 2012 photo of Julian carrying his wife on the beach, a friend commented, “Always acting like newlyweds,” reported
Alita replied: “Being married for almost 18 yrs…I love him more now, he is not just my husband he is my best friend who understand who (sic) really a scatty Filipina I am.”
College student daughter Kayleigh, who along with her two teenage brothers survive their parents, used social media site Instagram to pay tribute to her mum and dad.
“Although I am heartbroken that they will never see me graduate college, will never be there to see me get married or to be grandparents for my children, I can still have my inner peace knowing that they are now stress-free in a much better place,” she wrote.
“You never know what life is going to throw at you, but it is all part of a plan that is bigger than us all.”
“So hug your families a little tighter tonight and count every little blessing because you never know what tomorrow will bring. Life is so incredibly beautiful and I can’t wait to see what the world has in store for me. Rest in Peace Mummy and Daddy, stay close,” she added.
* * * * *
It is thought at least eight finance professionals have taken their lives so far this year. They are:
Autumn Radtke, 28, the CEO Bitcoin exchange First Meta, was found dead on 28 February outside her Singapore apartment. She had jumped from a 25-story building, authorities said.
Li Junjie, 33, a JP Morgan employee, leaped to his death from the roof of the company’s 30-story Hong Kong office tower, authorities said. Photos showed Junjie on the building’s roof moments before he jumped.
Li Junjie is thought to have leapt to his death soon after this photo was taken.
Gabriel Magee, 39, an IT vice president at JP Morgan fell to his death from the roof of the bank’s 33-storey office in Canary Wharf on 28 January.
Mike Dueker, 50, a chief economist at Russell Investments, was found dead at the side of a road in Washington State on 31 January.
William Broeksmit, 58, was found hanged at a house in South Kensington, London on 26 January. He was a former senior risk manager at Deutsche Bank.
Richard Talley, the 57-year-old founder of American Title Services in Centennial, Colorado, was found dead earlier this month after apparently shooting himself with a nail gun.
Edmund Reilly, 47, a New York trader at Midtown’s Vertical Group, commited suicide by jumping in front of commuter train on 11 March.
‘Lydia’, who leapt to her death from the from a 14-storey window at French bank Bred-Banque-Populaire’s Paris office on 22 April, did so after clashing with bosses.

Mail Online. 2014-07-06. New Jersey husband and wife are found dead in their home.
Julian Knott, 45, and Alita Knott, 47, were found deceased inside their home at 12 Log Road in the Lake Hopatcong section of Jefferson Township at around 1 a.m. Sunday
There was no evidence of outside intrusion into the home, Morris County Prosecutor Fredric Knapp said
There is ‘no cause for concern to the community,’ he added
It’s not clear how the couple died or whether it is being investigated as a murder suicide
A New Jersey couple have been found dead in their home.
Morris County Prosecutor Fredric Knapp said Jefferson Township Police were called to the home at 12 Log Road in Lake Hopatcong at around 1 a.m. Sunday morning on a report of two unconscious adults.
There, officers Tim Hecht and Dave Wroblewski discovered husband and wife, Julian Knott, 45, and Alita Knott, 47, deceased inside the property.
There was no evidence of outside intrusion into the home, Knapp said.
There is ‘no cause for concern to the community,’ he added.
It’s not clear how the couple died or whether it is being investigated as a murder suicide. No cause of death for the couple has been released.
The Star Ledger identified Alita Knott as a sales associate at Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage in the Chester/Hackettstown Office.
Her profile said her husband’s work took them to Dublin, Ohio, and then more recently to New Jersey.
Neighbor Agnes Mysliwiec, 44, told the Star Ledger late on Sunday that she didn’t know the couple personally, but they had moved to the street recently.
The family home was purchased in May for $600,000.
The two story, 4,250sqft home has 4 bedrooms and 3.5 bathrooms.
Authorities did not reveal who first discovered the bodies and called police.
The couple have three children, though it’s not known if any were home at the time of the deaths.
No further information is being released to the public at this time, Knapp said.
The Morris County Sheriff’s Office CIS and Major Crime’s Unit assisted at the scene.

Zero Hedge. 2014-07-10. Banker Suicides Return: JPMorgan Executive “Blasts Wife, Kills Self” With Shotgun.
With Russia and China having briefly taken over the hub of global executive suicides, the sad trend has returned back to America. In what appears to the 15th financial services executive suicide this year, yet another JPMorgan Director took his own life. As IBTimes reports, Jefferson Township (New Jersey) police report that the Global Network Operations Center Executive Director, “Julian Knott, age 45, shot his wife Alita Knott, age 47, multiple times and then took his own life with the same weapon.” They are survived by 3 teenage children…
As IB Times reports,
JP Morgan executive director Julian Knott blasted his wife Alita to death with a shotgun before turning the gun on himself.
The 45-year-old, who worked for the investment bank in London until July 2010, shot his 47-year-old wife multiple times before committing suicide with the same weapon.

Julian moved to the United States from London in 2010 and was working at JP Morgan’s Global Network Operations Center in Whippany, New Jersey, at the time of the tragedy.

Jefferson Township police, in New Jersey, confirmed on Sunday they had found two unconscious bodies at the Knotts’ large suburban home at 1.12am.
A statement released on Tuesday added: “Through an extensive investigation conducted by the Jefferson Township Police Department, the Morris County Prosecutors Office and the Morris County Medical Examiner’s Office the preliminary investigation has revealed that the two adults died as a result of gunshot wounds and the incident has been determined to be a murder/suicide.
“This preliminary investigation revealed that Julian Knott, age 45, shot his wife Alita Knott, age 47, multiple times and then took his own life with the same weapon.”

Photos of the couple painted a picture of a content family life. Beneath the 2012 photo of Julian carrying his wife on the beach, a friend commented, “Always acting like newlyweds.”
College student daughter Kayleigh, who along with her two teenage brothers survive their parents, used social media site Instagram to pay tribute to her mum and dad.
“Although I am heartbroken that they will never see me graduate college, will never be there to see me get married or to be grandparents for my children, I can still have my inner peace knowing that they are now stress-free in a much better place,” she wrote.
“You never know what life is going to throw at you, but it is all part of a plan that is bigger than us all.”
“So hug your families a little tighter tonight and count every little blessing because you never know what tomorrow will bring. Life is so incredibly beautiful and I can’t wait to see what the world has in store for me. Rest in Peace Mummy and Daddy, stay close,” she added.
* * *
This is the 15th financial services exective death in recent months…
1 – William Broeksmit, 58-year-old former senior executive at Deutsche Bank AG, was found dead in his home after an apparent suicide in South Kensington in central London, on January 26th.
2 – Karl Slym, 51 year old Tata Motors managing director Karl Slym, was found dead on the fourth floor of the Shangri-La hotel in Bangkok on January 27th.
3 – Gabriel Magee, a 39-year-old JP Morgan employee, died after falling from the roof of the JP Morgan European headquarters in London on January 27th.
4 – Mike Dueker, 50-year-old chief economist of a US investment bank was found dead close to the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington State.
5 – Richard Talley, the 57 year old founder of American Title Services in Centennial, Colorado, was found dead earlier this month after apparently shooting himself with a nail gun.
6 – Tim Dickenson, a U.K.-based communications director at Swiss Re AG, also died last month, however the circumstances surrounding his death are still unknown.
7 – Ryan Henry Crane, a 37 year old executive at JP Morgan died in an alleged suicide just a few weeks ago. No details have been released about his death aside from this small obituary announcement at the Stamford Daily Voice.
8 – Li Junjie, 33-year-old banker in Hong Kong jumped from the JP Morgan HQ in Hong Kong this week.
9 – James Stuart Jr, Former National Bank of Commerce CEO, found dead in Scottsdale, Ariz., the morning of Feb. 19. A family spokesman did not say whatcaused the death
10 – Edmund (Eddie) Reilly, 47, a trader at Midtown’s Vertical Group, commited suicide by jumping in front of LIRR train
11 – Kenneth Bellando, 28, a trader at Levy Capital, formerly investment banking analyst at JPMorgan, jumped to his death from his 6th floor East Side apartment.
12 – Jan Peter Schmittmann, 57, the former CEO of Dutch bank ABN Amro found dead at home near Amsterdam with wife and daughter.
13 – Li Jianhua, 49, the director of China’s Banking Regulatory Commission died of a sudden heart attack
14 – Lydia _____, 52 – jumped to her suicide from the 14th floor of Bred-Banque Populaire in Paris
15 – Julian Knott, 45 – killed wife and self with a shotgun in Jefferson Township, New Jersey

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