Acquistare domani con USD sopra 1,09 non sarebbe male ;)

...l'ho già acquistato stamattina ...il cambio me lo son venduto per un piatto di lenticchie ...690 euro ho tolto l'edge ...e basta son dentro senza copertura ...pazienza se riscende il dollaro a 1,058 lo ricopro ...:D

esegiti domani perchè non me li hanno caricati sul home banking
Ultima modifica:
03-Dec-2015 17:01

By Tatiana Bautzer

SAO PAULO, Dec 3 (Reuters) - U.S. buyout firm CerberusCapital Management LP has shown preliminary interest in GrupoBTG Pactual SA's stake in debt collection company Recovery doBrasil, which the embattled Brazilian investment bank wants tosell to shore up capital, a person with direct knowledge of thematter said on Thursday.

At the same time, the source said, Cerberus CBS.UL isconsidering a role in BTG Pactual's effort to find a partner forfixed-line and mobile carrier Oi SA OIBR3.SA, in which thebank-sponsored Caravelas investment vehicle holds an almost 8percent voting stake.

The source, who requested anonymity to speak freely,declined to give a timetable for any decision on a potentialinvestment.

New management at BTG Pactual's management is rushing tosell stakeholdings, pools of loans and other assets to shore upcash levels and restore investor confidence following lastweek's arrest of its founder, André Esteves.

Latin America's largest independent investment bank had 40billion reais ($10.6 billion) in cash in September and about 15billion reais in liabilities maturing by year-end.

Cerberus is analyzing how to enter a bidding process for BTGPactual's controlling stake in Recovery, Latin America's largestdebt collector, the source said. The sale has also sparkedinterest among distressed debt companies such as U.S.-based LoneStar Funds, sources told Reuters on Wednesday. (Full Story)

São Paulo-based BTG Pactual's BBTG11.SA stake in Recoverycould fetch up to 1.7 billion reais, depending on whether itincludes a platform for pricing loans. A second source involvedin the Recovery transaction said Cerberus could be a strongcandidate for the asset.

Cerberus, which oversees about $25 billion in investmentsranging from private equity to distressed debt and real estate,could also participate in a plan devised by BTG Pactual lastyear to merge Oi OIBR4.SA with rival TIM Participações SA TIMP3.SA, the source said.


The tie-up with TIM, which is controlled by Telecom Italia TLIT.MI, would create the Brazil's No. 1 fixed-line, wirelessand data carrier.

Besides being one of Oi's biggest shareholders, BTG isadvising the company on strategic alternatives, including talkswith Russian billionaire Mikhail Fridman's Letter OneInvestments. Letter One has pledged to invest $4 billion into Oishould the TIM tie-up materialize.

Cerberus representatives in New York did not immediatelyrespond to requests for comment.

BTG Pactual plans to exit proprietary investments other thanbanking, new Chairman Persio Arida told Reuters late onWednesday. The bank declined to comment further.

Since its creation in late 2008, BTG Pactual has invested anestimated 30 billion reais in companies from 13 differentindustries, ranging from energy and infrastructure to retailing.

Esteves stepped down from his role as chairman and chiefexecutive officer on Sunday, following his arrest on Nov. 25.(Full Story)

Founding partners in BTG Pactual took control of the groupfrom Esteves on Wednesday in an attempt to distance the bankfrom the most sweeping corruption investigation in the country'shistory.

Units in BTG Pactual's banking and buyout divisions, a blendof voting and non-voting shares, rose for the first day in aweek, adding 1 percent to 20.19 reais. The stock, which has shed32 percent since Esteves' arrest, posted the smallest gainsamong Brazil's listed financial companies, which as a grouprallied 5.5 percent.

O Estado de S. Paulo said on Thursday that Esteves' arrestmight have slowed talks between BTG and Letter One, although anunnamed source at Oi told the newspaper that it did not. Oi didnot have an immediate comment on the report.

($1 = 3.7861 Brazilian reais)
03-Dec-2015 17:01

By Tatiana Bautzer

SAO PAULO, Dec 3 (Reuters) - U.S. buyout firm CerberusCapital Management LP has shown preliminary interest in GrupoBTG Pactual SA's stake in debt collection company Recovery doBrasil, which the embattled Brazilian investment bank wants tosell to shore up capital, a person with direct knowledge of thematter said on Thursday.

At the same time, the source said, Cerberus CBS.UL isconsidering a role in BTG Pactual's effort to find a partner forfixed-line and mobile carrier Oi SA OIBR3.SA, in which thebank-sponsored Caravelas investment vehicle holds an almost 8percent voting stake.

The source, who requested anonymity to speak freely,declined to give a timetable for any decision on a potentialinvestment.

New management at BTG Pactual's management is rushing tosell stakeholdings, pools of loans and other assets to shore upcash levels and restore investor confidence following lastweek's arrest of its founder, André Esteves.

Latin America's largest independent investment bank had 40billion reais ($10.6 billion) in cash in September and about 15billion reais in liabilities maturing by year-end.

Cerberus is analyzing how to enter a bidding process for BTGPactual's controlling stake in Recovery, Latin America's largestdebt collector, the source said. The sale has also sparkedinterest among distressed debt companies such as U.S.-based LoneStar Funds, sources told Reuters on Wednesday. (Full Story)

São Paulo-based BTG Pactual's BBTG11.SA stake in Recoverycould fetch up to 1.7 billion reais, depending on whether itincludes a platform for pricing loans. A second source involvedin the Recovery transaction said Cerberus could be a strongcandidate for the asset.

Cerberus, which oversees about $25 billion in investmentsranging from private equity to distressed debt and real estate,could also participate in a plan devised by BTG Pactual lastyear to merge Oi OIBR4.SA with rival TIM Participações SA TIMP3.SA, the source said.


The tie-up with TIM, which is controlled by Telecom Italia TLIT.MI, would create the Brazil's No. 1 fixed-line, wirelessand data carrier.

Besides being one of Oi's biggest shareholders, BTG isadvising the company on strategic alternatives, including talkswith Russian billionaire Mikhail Fridman's Letter OneInvestments. Letter One has pledged to invest $4 billion into Oishould the TIM tie-up materialize.

Cerberus representatives in New York did not immediatelyrespond to requests for comment.

BTG Pactual plans to exit proprietary investments other thanbanking, new Chairman Persio Arida told Reuters late onWednesday. The bank declined to comment further.

Since its creation in late 2008, BTG Pactual has invested anestimated 30 billion reais in companies from 13 differentindustries, ranging from energy and infrastructure to retailing.

Esteves stepped down from his role as chairman and chiefexecutive officer on Sunday, following his arrest on Nov. 25.(Full Story)

Founding partners in BTG Pactual took control of the groupfrom Esteves on Wednesday in an attempt to distance the bankfrom the most sweeping corruption investigation in the country'shistory.

Units in BTG Pactual's banking and buyout divisions, a blendof voting and non-voting shares, rose for the first day in aweek, adding 1 percent to 20.19 reais. The stock, which has shed32 percent since Esteves' arrest, posted the smallest gainsamong Brazil's listed financial companies, which as a grouprallied 5.5 percent.

O Estado de S. Paulo said on Thursday that Esteves' arrestmight have slowed talks between BTG and Letter One, although anunnamed source at Oi told the newspaper that it did not. Oi didnot have an immediate comment on the report.

($1 = 3.7861 Brazilian reais)

Il fatto che un fondo come Cerberus si interessi a Btg e ci voglia entrare anche per mettere il naso nella proposta di fusione tra Tim e Oi mi fa pensare che ci sarà un po' di movimento prossimamente nei bond della telefonia brasiliana, visto che non penso che questi si muovano se non c'è da guadagnare parecchio.
Ricordo che Oi dovrebbe presentare la proposta a Tim entro il 20 di dicembre
Ultima modifica:
BTG PACTUAL, que não faz parte do Ibovespa, subiu 1 por cento, após seis quedas seguidas, período em que acumulou declínio de cerca de 35 por cento, na esteira da prisão do banqueiro André Esteves por suposta obstrução da operação Lava Jato, que investiga um escândalo bilionário de corrupção envolvendo a Petrobras. Na véspera, o presidente do Conselho de Administração da companhia, Pérsio Arida, disse à Reuters que a venda de uma fatia de 12 por cento na cadeia de hospitais Rede D'Or São Luiz marca o início de uma série de desinvestimentos do BTG Pactual que ajudarão o grupo a sair de áreas fora de sua atividade principal. A Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM), por sua vez, abriu dois processos para averiguar a atuação da instituição financeira.

Altre news sul thread "Brasile e Petrobras".
Il fatto che un fondo come Cerberus si interessi a Btg e ci voglia entrare anche per mettere il naso nella proposta di fusione tra Tim e Oi mi fa pensare che ci sarà un po' di movimento prossimamente nei bond della telefonia brasiliana, visto che non penso che questi si muovano se non c'è da guadagnare parecchio.
Ricordo che Oi dovrebbe presentare la proposta a Tim entro il 20 di dicembre

Mi auto quoto. Galassia Oi Pt in spolvero!
si volaaaaa

road to 100

vado bene ?? :D


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