Analisi Intermarket ....quelli che.... Investire&tradare - Cap. 1

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di questo titolo 10-10 è l'amministratore delegato

Kula Gold Ltd: ASX:KGD quotes & news - Google Finance

Kula Gold Pty Limited (Kula Gold) is engaged in development of the project. Kula Gold is developing the Woodlark Island Gold Project in Papua New Guinea (PNG). The project is located on Woodlark Island, Papua New Guinea (PNG), within the Solomon Sea. The island is approximately 65 kilometers long and 25 kilometers wide.
sono commosso, ho i lacrimoni, 60% 5 stelle.

Abbiamo vinto, il popolo finalmente è sovrano non solo sulla carta.


[ame=]Cohiba-Daniele Silvestri - YouTube[/ame]
di questo titolo 10-10 è l'amministratore delegato

Kula Gold Ltd: ASX:KGD quotes & news - Google Finance

Kula Gold Pty Limited (Kula Gold) is engaged in development of the project. Kula Gold is developing the Woodlark Island Gold Project in Papua New Guinea (PNG). The project is located on Woodlark Island, Papua New Guinea (PNG), within the Solomon Sea. The island is approximately 65 kilometers long and 25 kilometers wide.

:lol::lol::lol: ma come fai a scovare tutta sta roba?? :D
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