ETF RBS Market Access MSCI Frontier Markets Index ETF ( LU0667622202 )


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RBS Markets ? Obbligazioni ETF Certificati | Prodotti | MSCI Frontier Markets Net TR USD Index | Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) | Prodotto - LU0667622202

del Fondo é replicare, il piú fedelmente possibile, la performance del MSCI
Frontier Markets Index (l'“Indice Frontier” o l'“Indice”). Il Fondo otterrá
esposizione all'Indice tramite uno o piú contratti derivati con controparti
eligible per i fondi UCITS.

Descrizione dell'indice
MSCI Frontier Markets Index
L'Indice Frontier é un indice a capitalizzazione
di mercato aggiustato per il flottante, progettato
per misurare la performance del mercato
azionario di frontiera come definito da MSCI.
L'indice é attualmente composto da titoli dei
seguenti 25 Paesi: Emirati Arabi Uniti,
Argentina, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Bahrain,
Estonia, Croazia, Giordania, Kenya, Kuwait,
Kazakistan, Libano, Sri Lanka, Lituania,
Mauritius, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Romania,
Serbia, Slovenia, Tunisia, Oman, Ucraina e
Vietnam. La composizione dell'Indice é rivista
su base trimestrale e semestrale


  • C_Combo2_a5750201-a6e0-4ee1-a1a4-ad427eb646c0 RBS MSCI FRONTIER MARKETS INDEX ETF.png
    C_Combo2_a5750201-a6e0-4ee1-a1a4-ad427eb646c0 RBS MSCI FRONTIER MARKETS INDEX ETF.png
    21,5 KB · Visite: 368
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
David Hauner, CFA

04 June 2013
Frontier economies compare well overall with mainstream EM on fundamentals.
In fact, including the admittedly special GCC countries, frontier markets account
for seven out of the top 10: Nigeria, Iraq and Gabon also make the top 10 thanks
to high growth, large current account and fiscal surpluses, and low public debt.
Angola, Kazakhstan, Bahrain and Georgia still are in the upper half of the global
ranking, and Kenya and the recent bond-market novice Rwanda rank about in the
middle. However, it is important to consider that many of these frontier markets
are highly dependent on commodities, and a secular commodity down-cycle
would be likely to gradually erode their fundamentals. Indeed, net commodity
importing frontier markets account for most of the bottom 10 of our 55 economies,
where the least resilient three countries are Lebanon, Serbia and Ukraine.


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