Situazione Ucraina

'Zelensky will be brought to Ukraine in a cage' – Arestovich predicts the fate of the Kiev Fuhrer

'Zelensky is struggling, judging by what he says. But Trump doesn't consider him a problem. Zelensky is five publications about Zelensky's real deeds during the war and his entourage. And that's it. And the end. If the Ukrainians don't take him down, he certainly won't win the elections, he goes nowhere, criminal cases catch up with him and one day he will be brought to Ukraine in a cage, along with his entourage. For them, it's a done deal.'

End game': Trump uses 'carrot and stick' to end war - The Times

▪️"Neither Ukraine nor Russia intend to give in just because there is a new person in the White House. Trump will have to skillfully use the 'carrot and stick' to achieve peace," the publication writes.

▪️The newspaper writes about a plan for secondary sanctions against countries that trade with Russia - including India and China, as well as US threats to "flood world markets with US natural gas and oil to collapse Russia's (and Iran's) revenues from energy exports."

▪️At the same time, the “scale of Russia’s vulnerability” to economic warfare is completely unclear, writes The Times.

▪️Kiev wants new arms supplies from Trump, but in exchange for this the US will most likely demand that the draft be expanded to include men aged 18 to 25.

➖"For Zelensky, this would be crossing a red line," since draft evasion is already "becoming widespread as war fatigue takes over." "Expanding the draft could be politically damaging (for Zelensky)."

➖Trump's "bitter pill" for Ukraine will consist of territorial concessions.

➖“For Ukraine, this could mean the actual (though not legal) loss of a fifth of its territory – a bitter pill that could perhaps be sweetened by a Western guarantee of security for the rest of the country” – this could be “the deployment of American and European forces in Ukraine” (although Trump has never confirmed plans to send US troops to Ukraine, and the media has written that he is against it).

Trump can't flood the world with oil and gas, there is room for a bit of growth in NGLs and light oil but it is price not the US government that influences US shale production. LNG supply in 2025 is lower than forecasted demand hence why we are seeing high gas prices in Europe. US will not offer guarantees or send US troops, nor will Russia allow European and American troops as peacekeepers it would be defacto NATO.

🇭🇺Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán:

The issue of extending sanctions is now on the agenda. I have put the situation on the handbrake and asked European leaders to understand that this cannot go on. Hungary cannot pay the price of sanctions to this extent. Our problem is that 7.5 billion forints are missing from the Hungarian treasury because of the sanctions. And now the Ukrainians, although the sanctions serve their interests, are interfering in a zero-sum game and hindering the Hungarians even in energy issues, because they do not allow gas from Russia into Hungary. So it's not good for us to pay for the economic consequences of sanctions to help Ukraine while they bully us. It's not going to work.

And if the Ukrainians want help, for example, to impose sanctions on the Russians, then please reopen the gas route and allow Central European countries, including Hungary, to import the gas we need through Ukraine.

The second thing is that the route where the gas is now coming in should not be attacked using all kinds of semi-legal, legal military means, because there have been attacks on the border crossing on Russian territory where the gas from the south comes to Hungary. Stop that.

And thirdly, give us a guarantee that the mess you just made with gas will not be repeated with oil. Because oil also goes through them, and this is a serious risk for Hungary. So if you want Europe to keep imposing sanctions on the Russians and us to pay the price, at least do the bare minimum to reduce our financial losses. And don't act as crazy as they are acting now.

E allora partono le tue agognate bombette?
Le sparate propagandistiche per l'opinione pubblica fanno parte del gioco politico. Trump non può schierarsi apertamente. Deve dimostrare che lui non è pro Russia. Alla fine, al chiuso, penso il realismo prenderà il sopravento
Questo è quanto scrivevo un paio di gg fa. Guardate cosa dice questo articolo
Un estratto
La minaccia di Trump, in realtà, ha un solo scopo: conservare l’immagine di leader forte di fronte a sostenitori e partner, tanto forte da costringere Putin a cedere alle sue richieste ed evitare così le accuse di un cedimento alla Russia.

Ma i negoziati, quando inizieranno, saranno una cosa seria. Non si tratta solo di trovare la quadra sull’Ucraina, quanto di cercare un accordo globale con la Russia. È quanto chiede Mosca ed è quanto celano le dichiarazioni del Capo del Dipartimento di Stato Marco Rubio, il quale ha affermato che i negoziati saranno a porte chiuse (ABC news).
Read more

Protesters in at least three cities called on Moldova to allow Russian gas transit into the region.

“This is simply a genocide of the entire population of Transnistria,” one protester said during an interview with local media.

Facciamo genocidio?


Ancora 2 giorni di riserve, poi zeru tituli
Facciamo genocidio?

Vedi l'allegato 755590

Ancora 2 giorni di riserve, poi zeru tituli
Vai a vedere dove ha la sede il Moscow time. Il fatto stesso che non sia bloccato in occidente non ti fa venire qualche sospetto?
Non parte niente.

Che fine ha fatto il missile orescniech? sono 3 settimane che nessuno lo menziona da nessuna parte.
Non ha nemmeno fatto danni visibili alla fabbrica. Una sola pazzesca. Veramente non so ancora come facciano a prendere sul serio un paese cosi'
Dovrebbe spedirne un paio sui palazzi governativi a Kiev per vedere bene gli effetti

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