Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán: "We were the black sheep in the West. Now it’s becoming clear: we are the future." - NZZ
Viktor Orbán's comments also suggest that he trusts Vladimir Putin more than the leadership of the EU.

"I grew up during the Cold War. My experience shows that two major players always strike a deal. Therefore, it’s easy enough for Hungary to maintain good relations with both Beijing and Washington. With Russia, it’s more complicated. We would like to keep all business relations open. However, the EU opposes this. The position of the US remains unclear at the moment. We will have to wait a bit longer.

From an economic perspective, we live in a world where the West doesn't dominate. The EU keeps losing competitiveness. It has no strategy and no leadership. What’s happening here is a disgrace. The EU can not even control the developments in its home region. We failed to prevent the war between Russia and Ukraine, nor did we integrate the Western Balkans.

We never considered sanctions a suitable means to end the war. But Joe Biden said at the time, 'Putin must fail.' The West wants to use Russia’s aggression against Ukraine to weaken the country and set it back, to bring Russia to its knees and force it to abandon its military goals in Ukraine. This simply hasn’t worked.

In February 2022, we made a big mistake. From the very beginning, it was clear that Ukraine’s victory was impossible unless we started a total war. Today, the only way we can help Ukraine is through a ceasefire and peace. It was a mistake to let Ukraine believe that we would stand by them until victory. That’s not the case.

When I was about to return to power in 2009, I met with President Putin and agreed that we should focus on the future. It was clear to me that good relations and close economic cooperation with Moscow align with Hungary’s geopolitical interests. We signed many agreements. Putin has always kept his word. The experience of the last fifteen years shows that Hungary can trust Russia.

I agreed with President Putin that the history of our two countries should be left to historians. I don’t want any country to occupy Hungary. Today, Russia poses no threat to our freedom or sovereignty.

It’s easy to reach a rational agreement with Russia. With the people in Brussels, it’s practically impossible. It’s hard to negotiate with those who want to destroy you in every election."
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