Obbligazioni perpetue e subordinate SNS Reeal in diretta: storia di un esproprio - Notizie, informazioni e commenti (2 lettori)

Quante SNS T1 + Lt2 Nominale Sub oggetto del furto avete in portafoglio

  • 10k

    Votes: 19 12,8%
  • 20k

    Votes: 8 5,4%
  • 30k

    Votes: 3 2,0%
  • 50k

    Votes: 39 26,2%
  • 75k

    Votes: 6 4,0%
  • 100k

    Votes: 18 12,1%
  • 150k

    Votes: 17 11,4%
  • 200k

    Votes: 13 8,7%
  • 300k

    Votes: 17 11,4%
  • 500k+

    Votes: 9 6,0%

  • Total voters


Forumer storico
8.30 conferenza stampa di Dijsselbloem - si dice con notizie rilevanti su Sns.
Intanto Moody's downgrada (Ba2).
L'aria si fa pesante, ma almeno dovremmo avere una risposta definitiva (?) alla situazione.
Come partenza il fatto che l'annuncio sia fatto dal ministro non è incoraggiante, tant'è.
Ultima modifica:


Forumer storico
SNS Reaal’s Talks With CVC Capital Partners Failed, NOS Says
2013-02-01 06:56:10.938 GMT

Feb. 1 -- Failed talks mean private investors
not involved in rescue plan SNS, Dutch broadcaster NOS reports,
citing unidentified people with knowledge of the matter.


Forumer storico
se fosse cosi...come e' scritta oggi tutti i subordinati li mandano a zero...non solo sns... sarebbe un caso pazzesco..vedremo cosa intendono per Expropriate..


Nuovo forumer
SNS REAAL NV announces that its Executive Board members Messrs Ronald Latenstein, CEO, and Ference Lamp, CFRO, and Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Mr Rob Zwartendijk, resign from their respective positions. Reason for this decision is that they do not want to and cannot take responsibility for the nationalisation scenario.

In the past few years, Messrs Latenstein and Lamp, together with the organisation and supported by the Supervisory Board, have worked very hard to resolve the issue of the Group’s property finance division. In this process, they consciously worked towards a private solution, because they believe that, from the organisation’s social position, this is the appropriate route. They have done everything in their power to achieve this. They have thus shown their responsibility to safeguard the future of the concern and the interests of the stakeholders. However, the Ministry of Finance has made another choice. The persons in question do not advocate the chosen solution, but respect the choice of the Ministry of Finance. They decided to resign from their positions of their own accord without receiving severance pay and remain available for an orderly transfer.

SNS REAAL regrets the departure of the persons in question, but respects their choice. SNS REAAL is greatly indebted to them for their tireless efforts and expertise with which they served the organisation in recent years. Under their management, a strategic repositioning and social renewal of the organisation was effected. Moreover, they leave behind healthy core activities. Mr Latenstein was CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of SNS REAAL since 2009. From 2003 to 2009, he was CFO of the organisation. Mr Lamp was CFRO and member of the Executive Board since 2009. Mr Zwartendijk was Chairman of the Supervisory Board of SNS REAAL NV since 2009.


Forumer attivo

In italia se lo stato mi espropria il terreno mi deve un equo indennizzo

Attendiamo dallo stato olandese ma temo che per risparmiare 300 mio euro stroierannotutto ilmercato dei sub

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