Spazio di prova, 2° capitolo (1 Viewer)


CROC Analista
Soft and Grain futures charts: (Cocoa Futures, Cotton Futures, Corn Futures, Soybean Futures, etc)
Layne Hermansen - IF - Fri Feb 15, 6:07AM CST

The 15 / 30 minute charts reflect the close of Thursday's trading. They only show pre-market starting at 8 am Central through pit ending times).
Cocoa futures = RSI is in a pennant. Bullish divergence foretells the RSI breaking out to the upside. This is a full session 15 minute chart starting at 3 am Central through 1 pm. Notice the power that divergence creates in the first example a few days ago. Its like pushing down on a coiled spring that has to release and spring up. Caveat - I thought it would be showing more strength by this time of the week but it has not so it could continue its weakness resulting in a daily RSI reaching down lower. Its weekly support low (Tuesday) was 2147.

Cotton futures = this is a 30 minute chart of Pre-market/Pit. Its caught between the yellow and blue pitchfork.

Orange Juice futures = 30 minute chart closed below the median line support. Bearish divergence.

Coffee futures = Bullish divergence on RSI could break price to the outside of the pitchfork. Watch for RSI to breakout of its pennant and above 50.

Live Cattle futures = pitchfork calling nice support and resistance. Finally a breakout to the outside tine resistance. Remember price can still retrace back down to the lower tines.

Wheat futures = closed Thursday at upper tine resistance and 30 minute RSI at 50 resistance. Above this there is RSI trend line resistance.

Corn futures = Finally broke out of this long drawn out skinny pitchfork! Closed Thursday at the 30 minute RSI at 50 resistance and very near an outer tine extension -- next area of resistance.

Soybean oil futures = This could be a new forming pitchfork. Notice the same equal distance above and below the main trend line. 30 minute RSI is in a pennant. If this breaks to the downside, soybeans will probably follow.

Soybean futures = After looking at this chart long enough, I was finally able to visualize a workable pitchfork that price has been following. Like corn and wheat, soybeans 30 minute RSI also closed near 50 resistance. Can you see the bullish divergence that propelled it off its morning lows on Thursday? Once again, watch soybean oil if trading this because oil can sometimes be a leading indicator of the grain direction.
Have a great weekend!


SONO qui PER imparare
...Non entrerei senza un segnale "certo", tipo l'incrocio di due medie mobili di lungo periodo... Così, è un azzardo...:)
Ehhehe....:)...infatti l'ho anche scritto....:up:
Ciao bellezza, ma che ti avevo detto sull'afrikakorps (..non mi sembrava "maturo"..)...? ora sono in attesa e poi entro con 1 su 2
Ciao e grazie forever.


Ehhehe....:)...infatti l'ho anche scritto....:up:
Ciao bellezza, ma che ti avevo detto sull'afrikakorps (..non mi sembrava "maturo"..)...? ora sono in attesa e poi entro con 1 su 2
Ciao e grazie forever.

...Non era riferito a tè, cicciuzzo miobello...non mi permettrei mai di insegnarti nulla, era rivolto alla nostra nuova giovane amika...:)

...BSHI BASHI!:up:


Forumer storico
Ogni volta che ci sono visioni catastrofiste sul gas...lui sale e sp**tana tutti ;)
Mi ricordo che l'ultima volta che era a 3 e qualcosa era dato per morto (tipo Berlusca) e infatti è andato solo a 3,65..da 3,1 che sarà mai +17% non in leva ;)
Buongiorno a tutti! sempre long oro (anche se ho mediato gli acquisti in basso con quelli alti per mediare pmc)


Comincio ad essere abbastanza stufo, di gente che su altri 3d, ed in altre sezioni del forum prende in giro questo o quel tipo di analisi, specialmente kuando kuella persona, è l'ultima ke dovrebbe permettersi anke solo di APRIRE LA BOCCA....:no:

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