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NATURAL SEASONAL TIME PERIODSThese periods do not start with the calendar year but start with the Spring Season March 20. The year is divided up into 8 equal parts and also divided into 1/3’s which give two more time periods.
These Time Periods are as follows
:Mar 20toMay5is 1/8 of a year or 46 daysJune21is 1/4 of a year or 91 days
July23is 1/3 of a year or 121 days
Aug5is 3/8 of a year or 136 days
Sept22is 1/2 of a year or 182 days
Nov8is 5/8 of a year or 227 daysNov22is 2/3 of a year or 242 days
Dec21is 3/4 of a year or 273 days
Feb4is 7/8 of a year or 319 days
Mar20is 1 year or 365 calendar days
All of these periods are important to watch for changes in trend. The most important are ½ and the end of the season; next important ¼ and ¾ , and ⅓ and ⅔.
MID SEASON POINTSThese are May 5, August 5, November 8 and February 4. By checking over past records of prices, you will see how often highs & lows have occurred during these periods.
The Tables for Time Periods and Price Resistance are made up to cover 40 years in the future. You can also use them for 40 years in the past
These Tables measure Price and Time Resistance from 6½ to 2080.
Each period of one year or 52 weeks is shown at the bottom of the Table and the division of the yearly time periods are shown both for the Seasonal and Natural Time Periods and for the proportionate parts of a year starting from the date of any high or low price
.Below we give the Tables showing the Price and Time Periods
.1/8of year46days6½weeksPrice6½
1/4of year91days13weeksPrice13
1/3of year121days17weeksPrice17
3/8of year136days19½weeksPrice19½
1/2of year182days26weeksPrice265/8of year227days32½weeksPrice32½
2/3of year242days35weeksPrice353/4of year273days39weeksPrice397/8of year319days45½weeksPrice45½
From the above table you can see that the year is divided into 10 divisions of Time and starting with 6½ to 52, the price is also divided into 10 divisions.
These Tables continue the same for 40 years or more, making equal divisions of Time and Price
ma ci sono ancora le stagioni di una volta?

NATURAL SEASONAL TIME PERIODSThese periods do not start with the calendar year but start with the Spring Season March 20. The year is divided up into 8 equal parts and also divided into 1/3’s which give two more time periods.
These Time Periods are as follows
:Mar 20toMay5is 1/8 of a year or 46 daysJune21is 1/4 of a year or 91 days
July23is 1/3 of a year or 121 days
Aug5is 3/8 of a year or 136 days
Sept22is 1/2 of a year or 182 days
Nov8is 5/8 of a year or 227 daysNov22is 2/3 of a year or 242 days
Dec21is 3/4 of a year or 273 days
Feb4is 7/8 of a year or 319 days
Mar20is 1 year or 365 calendar days
All of these periods are important to watch for changes in trend. The most important are ½ and the end of the season; next important ¼ and ¾ , and ⅓ and ⅔.
MID SEASON POINTSThese are May 5, August 5, November 8 and February 4. By checking over past records of prices, you will see how often highs & lows have occurred during these periods.
The Tables for Time Periods and Price Resistance are made up to cover 40 years in the future. You can also use them for 40 years in the past
These Tables measure Price and Time Resistance from 6½ to 2080.
Each period of one year or 52 weeks is shown at the bottom of the Table and the division of the yearly time periods are shown both for the Seasonal and Natural Time Periods and for the proportionate parts of a year starting from the date of any high or low price
.Below we give the Tables showing the Price and Time Periods
.1/8of year46days6½weeksPrice6½
1/4of year91days13weeksPrice13
1/3of year121days17weeksPrice17
3/8of year136days19½weeksPrice19½
1/2of year182days26weeksPrice265/8of year227days32½weeksPrice32½
2/3of year242days35weeksPrice353/4of year273days39weeksPrice397/8of year319days45½weeksPrice45½
From the above table you can see that the year is divided into 10 divisions of Time and starting with 6½ to 52, the price is also divided into 10 divisions.
These Tables continue the same for 40 years or more, making equal divisions of Time and Price
ma ci sono ancora le stagioni di una volta?