Streep-tease del sistema-bund e compagnia-viet. MAGG. 1985 a (1 Viewer)


Forumer storico
dan24 ha scritto:
Dice anche che si è andati vicini come mai al ritiro di massa dei soldi dai conti correnti delle banche
Poh, vecchio trucco, da un secolo la storia funziona sempre uguale. I banchieri obbligarono il governo USA ad istituire la Fed proprio sull'onda di una crisi di quel tipo, del tipo.
E ora hanno ricattato il governo allo stesso identico modo, per un obbiettivo un po' diverso. Ma vedrai che parallelamente alla Bad Bank riusciranno a far passare delle leggi che gli interessano.


Metatarso ha scritto:
di cosa vuoi discutere ?
la crisi _è_ finita qui.
I banchieri hanno vinto, hanno inqulato il popolo, hanno avuto un profitto indicilbile, questa crisi è stato un enorme ricatto su scala globale, per loro è stata meglio di una guerra.
La crisi è finita, punto.

sul resto, ok

ma non credo la crisi sia finita
e citerò ancora il buon Winston :cool:

* Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.
o Speech given after the British victory over the German Afrika Korps at the Second Battle of El Alamein in Egypt (1942-11-10)

e i banksters non è ancor detto che scappino unscathed

ricordiamo il CEO di GS assunto in FED ....
se il loro gioco era il potere, è una debacle
se erano i soldi, non hanno ancora iniziato a pagare



ragazzi qualcosa sta succedendo su qs assicurazione .. ambac - abk, non è possibile che scende del 30 % oggi quando è festa nazionale su tutti i finanziari .....

sarà per questo ?

Ambac Responds to Moody’s Rating Action

NEW YORK, September 18, 2008 -- Ambac Financial Group, Inc. (NYSE: ABK) (Ambac) expressed surprise and disappointment with Moody’s decision to place the ratings of Ambac and its subsidiaries on review for downgrade. Throughout this difficult market environment and credit cycle, the Company has engaged in constructive dialogue with Moody’s regarding its housing-related exposures, the strengths of its business model and strategies to enhance its standing in a marketplace where many, if not all, financial institutions have experienced diminished franchise value.

Ambac expects to continue to work with Moody’s as the rating agency seeks to apply its most recent mortgage-related assumptions to unique attributes of the individual transactions in Ambac’s portfolio. Ambac believes that the current housing-related situation is unprecedented and should be viewed as an extreme stress scenario against which its financial strength is being assessed.

In its September 18th, 2008 announcement related to loss projections for subprime RMBS, Moody’s acknowledged that “…there continues to be significant uncertainty around the ultimate losses for these loans, which will depend in part on future loss severities and default frequencies, the level of loan modifications and/or government intervention, and the future state of the US economy”. Further, the rating agency recognized that “…the bulk of ultimate losses will be recognized over a longer period of time, as evidenced by cumulative loss levels which are currently averaging 1.5% to 4.2% across the vintages reviewed.” They further confirmed that, “Current losses are still low because loans remain relatively unseasoned in more recent vintages and partly because modifications may also be slowing down loss recognition”.

Michael Callen, Chairman and CEO, commented, “Ambac believes that Moody’s rating actions continue to cause confusion, uncertainty and the risk of material economic damage if their assumptions ultimately prove to be too onerous. We are aggressively managing our mortgage-related exposures and have made demonstrable progress in reducing the risk in our insured portfolio. Ambac’s financial strength will continue to improve as we de-lever and commute and remediate our exposures.”

un altra osservazione visto che lo stato usa se prende tutta la cartaccia presente nel sistemna finanziario, a questo punto che servono le agenzie di rating visto il clamoroso flop nel prevenire qs crisi, nell'incapacità di dare giudizi post anzichè ante .....

Andrea 53

Forumer storico
Andrea 53 ha scritto:
short stox 3200 vediamo se stasera pago io o paga lui :rolleyes:

io vado a nanna buona permanenza a voi ....... :ciao:

ps messo sp a 3150 prezzo di apertura :specchio:


entrato con il secondo a 3313 media 3257 vediamo settimana prossima che aria tira .

buon fine settimana a tutti :ciao:

buon compleanno DITRO :up:

Andrea 53

Forumer storico
non mi pare che gli americani siano cosi entusiasti come gli europei di tutto questo aldebaran messo su dalla fed e dal governo americano .

mi chiedo se gli americani salveranno il c....o alle loro assicurazioni finanziarie ecc.ecc. ma da noi faranno lo stesso :-?

oppure salvati gli americani salvato il mondo :-o

vediamo se questo fine settimana se ne escono con qualche altra bella trovata :ciao:


collegio dei patafisici
Un po di storno nell'ultima mezz'ora prima del week no? che poi chissa cosa si inventano nel week end questi...


conclusion by Russell Napier of CLSA:

Let's get to the bottom line. A deleveraging process is under way. It can happen against a background of bankruptcy, deflation, declining cash flows and bank bankruptcy or in a slower way against a background of inflation. Both reduce the debt burden, but one is socially jarring and led in the past to mass unemployment and arguably WWII. Democracies will choose the inflationary approach. This is not evident today, but it will be more evident soon enough as the BoJ, ECB, BoE and others realise that their current monetary policy is driving them not to slower growth and lower inflation but to deflationary calamity. Today, you can see the calamity of the deflationary disease but what will you see tomorrow, or the day after, if the monetary cure pours from the medicine jars of the global central banks?

It's your call. Nobody is asking you to be brave as most of us are in the business of buying equities somewhere in the world. This is a business we still hope to be in next year. Now, as a fiduciary do you want to commit your funds to equities in economies where deleveraging, albeit against a background of inflation, is almost inevitable over the long term? Or perhaps if you are in the business of owning equities, perhaps you should consider committing your funds to equities in economies where loan-to deposit ratios are low, consumer and corporate gearing is low, savings are high and many external accounts are in significant surplus? It is that time when anybody who still wishes to be an investor in equities next year has to make the choice between these two conflicting systems. It's your call.


collegio dei patafisici
gipa69 ha scritto:
Un po di storno nell'ultima mezz'ora prima del week no? che poi chissa cosa si inventano nel week end questi...


conclusion by Russell Napier of CLSA:

Let's get to the bottom line. A deleveraging process is under way. It can happen against a background of bankruptcy, deflation, declining cash flows and bank bankruptcy or in a slower way against a background of inflation. Both reduce the debt burden, but one is socially jarring and led in the past to mass unemployment and arguably WWII. Democracies will choose the inflationary approach. This is not evident today, but it will be more evident soon enough as the BoJ, ECB, BoE and others realise that their current monetary policy is driving them not to slower growth and lower inflation but to deflationary calamity. Today, you can see the calamity of the deflationary disease but what will you see tomorrow, or the day after, if the monetary cure pours from the medicine jars of the global central banks?

It's your call. Nobody is asking you to be brave as most of us are in the business of buying equities somewhere in the world. This is a business we still hope to be in next year. Now, as a fiduciary do you want to commit your funds to equities in economies where deleveraging, albeit against a background of inflation, is almost inevitable over the long term? Or perhaps if you are in the business of owning equities, perhaps you should consider committing your funds to equities in economies where loan-to deposit ratios are low, consumer and corporate gearing is low, savings are high and many external accounts are in significant surplus? It is that time when anybody who still wishes to be an investor in equities next year has to make the choice between these two conflicting systems. It's your call.

recupero sul finale.... allora ormai il week non è più un rischio ma una opportunità.... :lol:


collegio dei patafisici
PILU ha scritto:
ragazzi qualcosa sta succedendo su qs assicurazione .. ambac - abk, non è possibile che scende del 30 % oggi quando è festa nazionale su tutti i finanziari .....

sarà per questo ?

Ambac Responds to Moody’s Rating Action

NEW YORK, September 18, 2008 -- Ambac Financial Group, Inc. (NYSE: ABK) (Ambac) expressed surprise and disappointment with Moody’s decision to place the ratings of Ambac and its subsidiaries on review for downgrade. Throughout this difficult market environment and credit cycle, the Company has engaged in constructive dialogue with Moody’s regarding its housing-related exposures, the strengths of its business model and strategies to enhance its standing in a marketplace where many, if not all, financial institutions have experienced diminished franchise value.

Ambac expects to continue to work with Moody’s as the rating agency seeks to apply its most recent mortgage-related assumptions to unique attributes of the individual transactions in Ambac’s portfolio. Ambac believes that the current housing-related situation is unprecedented and should be viewed as an extreme stress scenario against which its financial strength is being assessed.

In its September 18th, 2008 announcement related to loss projections for subprime RMBS, Moody’s acknowledged that “…there continues to be significant uncertainty around the ultimate losses for these loans, which will depend in part on future loss severities and default frequencies, the level of loan modifications and/or government intervention, and the future state of the US economy”. Further, the rating agency recognized that “…the bulk of ultimate losses will be recognized over a longer period of time, as evidenced by cumulative loss levels which are currently averaging 1.5% to 4.2% across the vintages reviewed.” They further confirmed that, “Current losses are still low because loans remain relatively unseasoned in more recent vintages and partly because modifications may also be slowing down loss recognition”.

Michael Callen, Chairman and CEO, commented, “Ambac believes that Moody’s rating actions continue to cause confusion, uncertainty and the risk of material economic damage if their assumptions ultimately prove to be too onerous. We are aggressively managing our mortgage-related exposures and have made demonstrable progress in reducing the risk in our insured portfolio. Ambac’s financial strength will continue to improve as we de-lever and commute and remediate our exposures.”

un altra osservazione visto che lo stato usa se prende tutta la cartaccia presente nel sistemna finanziario, a questo punto che servono le agenzie di rating visto il clamoroso flop nel prevenire qs crisi, nell'incapacità di dare giudizi post anzichè ante .....

sono interessanti anche i bond ricompresi nell'elenco delle obbligazioni a basso rischio basso rendimento dei patti chiari... :D e Ambac è ricompresa nell'elenco dei finanziari per cui lo short selling è molto limitato.

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