Thread @personam Ignatius: Nikon


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D5300 specs, etc:

· Effective pixel count of around 2.42-million pixels. Nikon’s first model with built-in Wi-Fi and GPS. Equipped with vari-angle monitor (same as D5200). The camera also dispenses with the metal sash inside the body and employs a monocoque structure that integrates the camera cover and body. The D5300 is also lighter (530g vs. 555g for the D5200).
· The existing D5200 model was launched in December 2012, so the successor model is coming out 11 months later.
· Nikon has now launched three new interchangeable lens system cameras this year (following the D7100 in March and the D610 on 8 October). Nikon launched the D3200 in May 2012 in the entry-level D3000 series, leaving space to fill in the D5000 series and above.
D5300 specs, etc:
· Effective pixel count of around 2.42-million pixels. Nikon’s first model with built-in Wi-Fi and GPS. Equipped with vari-angle monitor (same as D5200). The camera also dispenses with the metal sash inside the body and employs a monocoque structure that integrates the camera cover and body. The D5300 is also lighter (530g vs. 555g for the D5200).
· The existing D5200 model was launched in December 2012, so the successor model is coming out 11 months later.
· Nikon has now launched three new interchangeable lens system cameras this year (following the D7100 in March and the D610 on 8 October). Nikon launched the D3200 in May 2012 in the entry-level D3000 series, leaving space to fill in the D5000 series and above.

Grazie per la segnalazione (anche se ovviamente avevo già letto l'apposito articolo su DPreview):up:.

Comunque sia, sono felicemente e karlpopperianamente canoniano. Tutto potrà accadere, ma so per certo che non sarà la Nikon D5300 a trascinarmi verso il Lato Oscuro della Forza ;).

Piuttosto, è quasi ora di pensare alla wishlist per il 2014.

Una Canon 6D (prezzo di lancio 2.000 euro; ora è sui 1.400, nel 2014 scenderà ancora)?
Una 5DMarkIII (eccessiva: 2.500 euro nuova, usate non si trovano ancòra)?
O una nuova lente?

Eh, che problemi. :mumble:

Update: una Nikon in casa cell'abbiamo diggià. :specchio:


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