
che bello il yo yo
Il padre gli risponde: "Te lo spiego con un esempio: io che porto a casa i soldi sono il capitalista, tua madre che li amministra è il governo, la donna delle pulizie è la classe operaia, tu che hai qualche voce in capitolo 6 il popolo, tua sorella che è ......appena nata è il futuro". Il bambino va a dormire, ma di notte la sorella inizia a piangere perchè s'è fatta la cacca addosso. Il bambino va dal padre, ma non lo trova. Va dalla madre, ma dorme. Va dalla donna di pulizie e la trova a letto con il padre. Torna dalla sorella e dice: "Ho capito cos'è la politica... I capitalisti fottono la classe operaia, il governo dorme, al popolo non lo ascolta nessuno e il futuro è nella merrda!!":D:D:D:D
Buongiorno famiglia schifosa,figli senza dubbio inutili poichè non in grado di comporre un pensiero tanto intelligente!!!:D:D:D:D:DSembra che si intraveda un raggio di sole zio cane....importante non sia un treno e tu in contromano!!!!:D:D:D:D:D
scommetto che noi del 3d famo tutti parte della classe operaia:wall::wall::wall:
giorno classe operaia, allora oggi lo facciamo sto 1.5 del cross :-(
Ultima modifica:


Büs del Gnao trader
BRICS demand global monetary shake-up, greater influence - BuenosAiresHerald.com

BRICS demand global monetary shake-up, greater influence

The BRICS group of emerging-market powers kept up the pressure for a revamped global monetary system that relies less on the dollar and for a louder voice in international financial institutions.
The leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa also called for stronger regulation of commodity derivatives to dampen excessive volatility in food and energy prices, which they said posed new risks for the recovery of the world economy.
Meeting on the southern Chinese island of Hainan, they said the recent financial crisis had exposed the inadequacies of the current monetary order, which has the dollar as its linchpin.
What was needed, they said in a statement, was "a broad-based international reserve currency system providing stability and certainty" - thinly veiled criticism of what the BRICS see as Washington's neglect of its global monetary responsibilities.
The BRICS are worried that America's large trade and budget deficits will eventually debase the dollar. They also begrudge the financial and political privileges that come with being the leading reserve currency.
"The world economy is undergoing profound and complex changes," Chinese President Hu Jintao said. "The era demands that the BRICS countries strengthen dialogue and cooperation."
In another dig at the dollar, the development banks of the five BRICS nations agreed to establish mutual credit lines denominated in their local currencies, not the U.S. currency.
The head of China Development Bank (CDB), Chen Yuan, said he was prepared to lend up to 10 billion yuan to fellow BRICS, and his Russian counterpart said he was looking to borrow the yuan equivalent of at least $500 million via CDB.
"We think this will undoubtedly broaden the opportunities for Russian companies to diversify their loans," Vladimir Dmitriev, the chairman of VEB, Russia's state development bank, told reporters.
The call by the BRICS for a new monetary order are not new. But, coming hours before a meeting in Washington of finance ministers from the Group of Seven industrial nations, the traditional power brokers of the world economy, today's communique showed the growing confidence of emerging markets.
Burdened by heavy debt, the United States, the euro zone and Japan are struggling to shake off the lingering effects of the 2008 global financial crisis. Rich countries will grow 2.4 percent this year and 2.6 percent in 2012, the International Monetary fund forecast this week.
By contrast, less well-off countries have emerged relatively unscathed. The IMF is forecasting that emerging and developing countries will grow 6.5 percent both this year and next.
"The quality and the durability of the global economic recovery process depends to a great measure on how the BRICS economies perform," Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said.
The leaders reviewed the global role of the Special Drawing Right, the IMF's accounting unit and reserve asset, which some experts believe could grow into a partial substitute for the dollar. But they stepped around the issue of whether the yuan should join the SDR, saying only that they welcomed discussion of the composition of the SDR's basket of currencies.
A member-country official said the group was split on whether China's currency, which cannot be freely exchanged except for trade and investment purposes, met the criteria for being part of the SDR.
"There is a need for a broad-basing of the international monetary system. The SDR is an instrument to do that, but we still have no unanimity on the inclusion of the Chinese currency in the SDR as of now," said the official, who declined to be identified.
The SDR now comprises the dollar, the euro, the Japanese yen and the British pound.
"India has said that the SDR is an accounting mechanism used by the IMF, and countries such as Brazil have also said that this (the yuan) should be convertible first," he added.
Though keen on a more diverse global monetary order, Beijing has given no indication that it is ready to make the yuan freely tradable or to dismantle capital controls as the price for the prestige of being part of the SDR.


Büs del Gnao trader
the yuan should be convertible first.......:up:

prima accettate le regole del gioco cari i miei cinesini spakkakatzo .......POI venite a fare tutte le morali che volete.......:D

lasciate libera la vostra valuta........poi vediamo il vs export dove ve lo infilate........quante delle vs ditte produttrici di paccottiglia chiudono e quanti milioni di persone rispedite nelle risaie col zappino.......:D

e basta hahare il quazzo.......:D........


Büs del Gnao trader
Cambi: Cosa Puo' Fermare La Discesa Del Dollaro? (Analisi Fxcm) - Yahoo! Finanza

Esattamente come il suo collega Bernanke, il numero uno della BCE ha ben presente l'effetto che alcune sue dichiarazioni potrebbero avere sull'EurUsd e vedremo se, sostanzialmente, dara' la propria benedizione al raggiungimento ed eventuale superamento di 1.5100. Una frase diretta sulla forza della moneta unica contro il greenback e' l'unica cosa che puo' far scendere il prezzo. Tutto il resto puo' solo farlo salire


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