OT: Topic del cazzeggio (5 lettori)


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US Supreme Court Issues 1st Ruling On Pres. Trump’s Tax Returns, Says NY Grand Jury Can Get Trump’s Financial Records (Bloomberg)

Ci sarà da ridere.


Forumer storico

Anche il libro di Bolton potrebbe aver aiutato alcune menti semplici a rendersi conto dell'ignoranza abissale di Trump. Specie dove il National Security Advisor rivela che Trump era convinto la Finlandia fosse parte della Russia (io, invece, trovo notevole sapesse che confinano...:lol: ) e non sapesse che il Regno Unito dispone di un arsenale nucleare...



Forumer storico
US Supreme Court Issues 1st Ruling On Pres. Trump’s Tax Returns, Says NY Grand Jury Can Get Trump’s Financial Records (Bloomberg)

Ci sarà da ridere.

Purtroppo però:

Erwin Chemerinsky, a leading legal scholar and the dean of Berkeley Law, said the immediate effect of the rulings was that it was “unlikely that either will be resolved soon or provide access to President Trump’s tax returns before the November election.”


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