Certificati di investimento - Cap. 4 (7 lettori)

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È l'unico gioco in cittá.
I prezzi del greggio avanzano dopo che diversi stati Usa hanno revocato le misure di lockdown e con l'Unione Europea intenzionata ad attrarre viaggiatori, eclissando i timori per la domanda di carburante e per il nuovo picco di contagi in India.
Come sempre, oggi si guarda l'Europa, domani l'India ecc... :)
come se il petrolio avesse bisogno di scuse esogene... abbiamo sul piatto accordo con nucleare IRan (fine sanzioni) e possibilità del OPEC+ di ri-aumentare la produzione da maggio.
Per me aspettano solo che salga un pochino per aprire un po i rubinetti.


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Deutsche Lufthansa AG asked shareholders for permission to raise 5.5 billion euros ($6.6. billion) in fresh capital, calling it a necessary step to repair the stricken carrier’s balance sheet after the coronavirus pandemic punctured a decades-long boom in air travel.
At the airline’s annual meeting on Tuesday, Chief Executive Officer Carsten Spohr implored investors to back the motion, which would authorize the issuance of 2.15 billion new shares at the nominal price of 2.56 euros each, about one-fourth Lufthansa’s current stock price. The company said last week it wouldn’t use the full amount available, and instead aim for the “smallest possible” raise.
“The resolution is intended to enable us to increase our capital flexibly so that we can strengthen our balance sheet ratios again and return to our former financial stability,” Spohr in a speech to shareholders.
The move would give Europe’s largest airline enough cash to replace Germany’s so-called silent participation, a major part of Lufthansa’s 9 billion-euro government bailout. The interest rates on the instrument -- a debt-equity hybrid that doesn’t dilute shareholder voting rights -- are set to rise over coming years.
A simple majority is required for the motion to pass. The airline said it hasn’t decided when to undertake the capital raise, but could do so this year if market conditions allow. BBG


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per chi dovesse credere alla ripresa oil sul CH0478387969 c'è ask retail non lontano dal bid mm (spread ampio)
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