Investimenti & Sviluppo (IES) 10% di Buy Back sul flottante e Novità (5 lettori)


Nuovo forumer
un buon anno a tutti specialmente al "k"....mi sono autoimposto due settimane di astinenza internettiana/finanziaria, mi ha fatto molto bene.
Riparto in questo inizio anno con la notizia sensazionale della tanto agognata rottamazione del mio modem a 56k (pace all'anima sua...) per una splendida chiavetta HSDPA della "3".....non ne potevo più-----
Mi fa piacere (preferivo comunque perdere, almenoo guadagnavo qualcosa....) sapere di aver vinto il concorso a pronostico secco "a quanto stara' ies al 31 dicembre.." se mi dite il premio vi farò avere il mio recapito per la spedizione....


Forumer attivo
dal blog di Begge Grillo:

L' oroscopo del 2009

A gennaio l’economia rallenta, ma tiene.
A febbraio Morfeo Napolitano nutre qualche preoccupazione per il PIL.
A marzo Tremonti implora gli italiani, Geronzi, Profumo e Passera di comprare Bot, Btp e CCT.
Ad aprile lo psiconano garantisce sul futuro dell’Italia.
A maggio Boss(ol)i rassicura che il federalismo è alle porte.
A giugno alle elezioni non ci va nessuno.
A luglio i nuovi disoccupati sono più di due milioni.
Ad agosto Morfeo Napolitano spiega in diretta televisiva che una possibile crisi lo inquieta.
A settembre Tremonti taglia del 30% le pensioni e gli stipendi del pubblico impiego. Sempre a settembre il debito pubblico supera i 1900 miliardi. Sempre a settembre lo psiconano si fa riprendere in via Montenapoleone a Milano a fare acquisti per rassicurare gli italiani. Bondi, Cicchitto e Gasparri passano tutti i pomeriggi alla Upim a riempire i carrelli.
A ottobre gli insegnanti non ricevono lo stipendio e le scuole sono chiuse.
A novembre falliscono le amministrazioni pubbliche di Roma, Napoli, Palermo e Bari. Sempre a novembre lo psiconano si reca due settimane alle Barbados per dare l’esempio e dimostrare a tutti che la crisi è un’invenzione dei comunisti.
A dicembre, dall’elicottero, mentre varca il confine austriaco, Tremonti dichiara la bancarotta dello Stato e il federalismo fiscale. Nel senso che ognuno si terrà per sé quello che gli è rimasto in tasca.
A dicembre lo psiconano decide di prolungare per qualche anno le sue vacanze e di farsi assistere dal super consulente Lucianone Gaucci per trattare il suo rientro in Italia ai domiciliari con i tribunali della Repubblica.

Buon 2009!


Viva i popoli, Viva le Nazioni europee, fanculo U€

Finiamola, svegliamoci, siamo liberi, abbiamo la storia, non possiamo essere più schiavi, succubi, con il complesso di inferiorità.

A fancuffia Grillo, Morfeo, rossi, neri, anglosassoni e americani più tutte le loro colonie ed ex colonie.

Non apriamo il 2009 con questa gente.........è salutare.



Finiamola, svegliamoci, siamo liberi, abbiamo la storia, non possiamo essere più schiavi, succubi, con il complesso di inferiorità.

A fancuffia Grillo, Morfeo, rossi, neri, anglosassoni e americani più tutte le loro colonie ed ex colonie.

Non apriamo il 2009 con questa gente.........è salutare.


Forumer attivo
GCI 2008–
2009 rank GCI
(among 2007 2007–2008
Country/Economy Rank Score countries)* rank​
United States 1 5.74 1 1
Switzerland 2 5.61 2 2
Denmark 3 5.58 3 3
Sweden 4 5.53 4 4
Singapore 5 5.53 5 7
Finland 6 5.50 6 6
Germany 7 5.46 7 5
Netherlands 8 5.41 8 10
Japan 9 5.38 9 8
Canada 10 5.37 10 13
Hong Kong SAR 11 5.33 11 12
United Kingdom 12 5.30 12 9
Korea, Rep. 13 5.28 13 11
Austria 14 5.23 14 15
Norway 15 5.22 15 16
France 16 5.22 16 18
Taiwan, China 17 5.22 17 14
Australia 18 5.20 18 19
Belgium 19 5.14 19 20
Iceland 20 5.05 20 23
Malaysia 21 5.04 21 21
Ireland 22 4.99 22 22
Israel 23 4.97 23 17
New Zealand 24 4.93 24 24
Luxembourg 25 4.85 25 25
Qatar 26 4.83 26 31
Saudi Arabia 27 4.72 27 35
Chile 28 4.72 28 26
Spain 29 4.72 29 29
China 30 4.70 30 34
United Arab Emirates 31 4.68 31 37
Estonia 32 4.67 32 27
Czech Republic 33 4.62 33 33
Thailand 34 4.60 34 28
Kuwait 35 4.58 35 30
Tunisia 36 4.58 36 32
Bahrain 37 4.57 37 43
Oman 38 4.55 38 42
Brunei Darussalam 39 4.54 n/a n/a
Cyprus 40 4.53 39 55
Puerto Rico 41 4.51 40 36
Slovenia 42 4.50 41 39
Portugal 43 4.47 42 40
Lithuania 44 4.45 43 38
South Africa 45 4.41 44 44
Slovak Republic 46 4.40 45 41
Barbados 47 4.40 46 50
Jordan 48 4.37 47 49
Italy 49 4.35 48 46
India 50 4.33 49 48
Russian Federation 51 4.31 50 58
Malta 52 4.31 51 56
Poland 53 4.28 52 51
Latvia 54 4.26 53 45
Indonesia 55 4.25 54 54
Botswana 56 4.25 55 76
Mauritius 57 4.25 56 60
Panama 58 4.24 57 59
Costa Rica 59 4.23 58 63
Mexico 60 4.23 59 52
Croatia 61 4.22 60 57
Hungary 62 4.22 61 47
Turkey 63 4.15 62 53
Brazil 64 4.13 63 72
Montenegro 65 4.11 64 82
Kazakhstan 66 4.11 65 61
Greece 67 4.11 66 65
Romania 68 4.10 67 74
GCI 2008–
2009 rank GCI
(among 2007 2007–2008
Country/Economy Rank Score countries)* rank​
Azerbaijan 69 4.10 68 66
Vietnam 70 4.10 69 68
Philippines 71 4.09 70 71
Ukraine 72 4.09 71 73
Morocco 73 4.08 72 64
Colombia 74 4.05 73 69
Uruguay 75 4.04 74 75
Bulgaria 76 4.03 75 79
Sri Lanka 77 4.02 76 70
Syria 78 3.99 77 80
El Salvador 79 3.99 78 67
Namibia 80 3.99 79 89
Egypt 81 3.98 80 77
Honduras 82 3.98 81 83
Peru 83 3.95 82 86
Guatemala 84 3.94 83 87
Serbia 85 3.90 84 91
Jamaica 86 3.89 85 78
Gambia, The 87 3.88 86 102
Argentina 88 3.87 87 85
Macedonia, FYR 89 3.87 88 94
Georgia 90 3.86 89 90
Libya 91 3.85 90 88
Trinidad and Tobago 92 3.85 91 84
Kenya 93 3.84 92 99
Nigeria 94 3.81 93 95
Moldova 95 3.75 94 97
Senegal 96 3.73 95 100
Armenia 97 3.73 96 93
Dominican Republic 98 3.72 97 96
Algeria 99 3.71 98 81
Mongolia 100 3.65 99 101
Pakistan 101 3.65 100 92
Ghana 102 3.62 n/a n/a
Suriname 103 3.58 101 113
Ecuador 104 3.58 102 103
Venezuela 105 3.56 103 98
Benin 106 3.56 104 108
Bosnia and Herzegovina 107 3.56 105 106
Albania 108 3.55 106 109
Cambodia 109 3.53 107 110
Côte d’Ivoire 110 3.51 n/a n/a
Bangladesh 111 3.51 108 107
Zambia 112 3.49 109 122
Tanzania 113 3.49 110 104
Cameroon 114 3.48 111 116
Guyana 115 3.47 112 126
Tajikistan 116 3.46 113 117
Mali 117 3.43 114 115
Bolivia 118 3.42 115 105
Malawi 119 3.42 n/a n/a
Nicaragua 120 3.41 116 111
Ethiopia 121 3.41 117 123
Kyrgyz Republic 122 3.40 118 119
Lesotho 123 3.40 119 124
Paraguay 124 3.40 120 121
Madagascar 125 3.38 121 118
Nepal 126 3.37 122 114
Burkina Faso 127 3.36 123 112
Uganda 128 3.35 124 120
Timor-Leste 129 3.15 125 127
Mozambique 130 3.15 126 128
Mauritania 131 3.14 127 125
Burundi 132 2.98 128 130
Zimbabwe 133 2.88 129 129
Chad 134 2.85 130 131​
* One country that was included last year is not shown because of lack of
survey data (Uzbekistan). This explains why the lowest rank in this column
is 130, rather than 131.​
Global Competitiveness Index rankings and 2007–2008 comparisons

GCI 2008–2009 GCI 2008–2009​
The Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009 © 2008 World Economic Forum



Forumer attivo
Key indicators
Total population (millions), 2007 .............................58.2
GDP (US$ billions), 2007......................................2,104.7
GDP per capita (US$), 2007 ..............................35,872.4
GDP (PPP) as share (%) of world total, 2007 .......2.76
Global Competitiveness Index
GCI 2008–2009.........................................................49 ......4.4
GCI 2007–2008 (out of 131)..................................................46 ........4.4
GCI 2006–2007 (out of 122)..................................................47 ........4.4
Basic requirements.............................................................58 ........4.5
1st pillar: Institutions ...........................................................84 ........3.7
2nd pillar: Infrastructure.....................................................54 ........3.9
3rd pillar: Macroeconomic stability................................100 ........4.5
4th pillar: Health and primary education .........................30 ........6.0
Efficiency enhancers..........................................................42 ........4.4
5th pillar: Higher education and training.........................44 ........4.4
6th pillar: Goods market efficiency...................................62 ........4.2
7th pillar: Labor market efficiency ..................................126 ........3.6
8th pillar: Financial market sophistication.......................91 ........3.9
9th pillar: Technological readiness...................................31 ........4.5
10th pillar: Market size..........................................................9 ........5.6
Innovation and sophistication factors ............................31 ........4.2
11th pillar: Business sophistication .................................21 ........5.0
12th pillar: Innovation..........................................................53 ........3.4
The most problematic factors for doing business
Inefficient government bureaucracy.........................21.0
Tax rates .........................................................................14.7
Tax regulations ..............................................................13.7
Inadequate supply of infrastructure ..........................11.2
Policy instability...............................................................8.5
Access to financing........................................................7.6
Restrictive labor regulations.........................................6.4
Inflation .............................................................................3.2
Crime and theft ................................................................2.0
Government instability/coups .......................................1.9
Poor work ethic in national labor force ......................1.7
Inadequately educated workforce...............................1.3
Poor public health...........................................................0.8
Foreign currency regulations........................................0.0
Rank Score
(out of 134) (1–7)
2.2: Country/Economy Profiles
GDP (PPP US$) per capita, 1980–2007
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Percent of responses
Note: From a list of 15 factors, respondents were asked to select the five most problematic for doing business in their country and to rank them between
1 (most problematic) and 5. The bars in the figure show the responses weighted according to their rankings.



2 Transition
Stage of development
1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006

Italy OECD
Italy Innovation-driven economies
Health and
Higher education
and training
Goods market
Labor market efficiency
Financial market
Market size
The Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009 © 2008 World Economic Forum
2.2: Country/Economy Profiles
The Global Competitiveness Index in detail

Competitive Advantage Competitive Disadvantage
1st pillar: Institutions
1.01 Property rights .............................................................59 ........

1.02 Intellectual property protection....................................42 ........

1.03 Diversion of public funds .............................................74 ........

1.04 Public trust of politicians..............................................92 ........

1.05 Judicial independence .................................................78 ........

1.06 Favoritism in decisions of government officials ..........91 ........

1.07 Wastefulness of government spending.....................128 ........

1.08 Burden of government regulation..............................130 ........

1.09 Efficiency of legal framework ....................................114 ........

1.10 Transparency of government policymaking ...............111 ........

1.11 Business costs of terrorism.........................................79 ........

1.12 Business costs of crime and violence .........................73 ........

1.13 Organized crime.........................................................124 ........

1.14 Reliability of police services.........................................54 ........

1.15 Ethical behavior of firms ..............................................78 ........

1.16 Strength of auditing and reporting standards ..............85 ........

1.17 Efficacy of corporate boards......................................117 ........

1.18 Protection of minority shareholders’ interests ..........110 ........

2nd pillar: Infrastructure
2.01 Quality of overall infrastructure....................................73 ........

2.02 Quality of roads............................................................55 ........

2.03 Quality of railroad infrastructure ..................................52 ........

2.04 Quality of port infrastructure........................................95 ........

2.05 Quality of air transport infrastructure...........................78 ........

2.06 Available seat kilometers* ...........................................13 ........

2.07 Quality of electricity supply .........................................48 ........

2.08 Telephone lines* ..........................................................20 ........

3rd pillar: Macroeconomic stability
3.01 Government surplus/deficit* .......................................86 ........

3.02 National savings rate*..................................................82 ........

3.03 Inflation* ......................................................................21 ........

3.04 Interest rate spread* .................................................104 ........

3.05 Government debt*.....................................................123 ........

4th pillar: Health and primary education
4.01 Business impact of malaria..........................................28 ........

4.02 Malaria incidence* .........................................................1 ........

4.03 Business impact of tuberculosis..................................13 ........

4.04 Tuberculosis incidence*...............................................13 ........

4.05 Business impact of HIV/AIDS ......................................31 ........

4.06 HIV prevalence*...........................................................74 ........

4.07 Infant mortality*...........................................................10 ........

4.08 Life expectancy*............................................................5 ........

4.09 Quality of primary education........................................45 ........

4.10 Primary enrollment* ....................................................12 ........

4.11 Education expenditure* ...............................................55 ........

5th pillar: Higher education and training
5.01 Secondary enrollment*................................................26 ........

5.02 Tertiary enrollment* .....................................................19 ........

5.03 Quality of the educational system ...............................84 ........

5.04 Quality of math and science education .......................69 ........

5.05 Quality of management schools..................................61 ........

5.06 Internet access in schools ...........................................65 ........

5.07 Local availability of research and training services ......35 ........

5.08 Extent of staff training ...............................................109 ........

6th pillar: Goods market efficiency
6.01 Intensity of local competition ....................................104 ........

6.02 Extent of market dominance .......................................30 ........

6.03 Effectiveness of anti-monopoly policy.........................59 ........

6.04 Extent and effect of taxation .....................................129 ........

6.05 Total tax rate* ............................................................121 ........

6.06 No. of procedures required to start a business*.........58 ........

6.07 Time required to start a business* ..............................24 ........

6.08 Agricultural policy costs ...............................................94 ........

6.09 Prevalence of trade barriers.........................................46 ........

6.10 Trade-weighted tariff rate*.............................................5 ........

6.11 Prevalence of foreign ownership...............................106 ........

6.12 Business impact of rules on FDI ...............................122 ........

6.13 Burden of customs procedures ...................................61 ........

6.14 Degree of customer orientation ..................................58 ........

6.15 Buyer sophistication ....................................................40 ........

7th pillar: Labor market efficiency
7.01 Cooperation in labor-employer relations ....................126 ........

7.02 Flexibility of wage determination...............................129 ........

7.03 Non-wage labor costs* ..............................................123 ........

7.04 Rigidity of employment*..............................................70 ........

7.05 Hiring and firing practices ..........................................134 ........

7.06 Firing costs* ..................................................................5 ........

7.07 Pay and productivity...................................................131 ........

7.08 Reliance on professional management .....................117 ........

7.09 Brain drain....................................................................71 ........

7.10 Female participation in labor force*.............................84 ........

8th pillar: Financial market sophistication
8.01 Financial market sophistication....................................70 ........

8.02 Financing through local equity market.........................74 ........

8.03 Ease of access to loans .............................................108 ........

8.04 Venture capital availability ............................................87 ........

8.05 Restriction on capital flows .......................................123 ........

8.06 Strength of investor protection*..................................39 ........

8.07 Soundness of banks ....................................................79 ........

8.08 Regulation of securities exchanges.............................73 ........

8.09 Legal rights index*.......................................................93 ........

9th pillar: Technological readiness
9.01 Availability of latest technologies.................................63 ........

9.02 Firm-level technology absorption.................................76 ........

9.03 Laws relating to ICT.....................................................52 ........

9.04 FDI and technology transfer ......................................103 ........

9.05 Mobile telephone subscribers* .....................................2 ........

9.06 Internet users* ............................................................22 ........

9.07 Personal computers*...................................................29 ........

9.08 Broadband Internet subscribers*.................................26 ........

10th pillar: Market size
10.01 Domestic market size* ................................................10 ........

10.02 Foreign market size* ...................................................12 ........

11th pillar: Business sophistication
11.01 Local supplier quantity .................................................27 ........

11.02 Local supplier quality ...................................................26 ........

11.03 State of cluster development ........................................4 ........

11.04 Nature of competitive advantage ................................14 ........

11.05 Value chain breadth......................................................13 ........

11.06 Control of international distribution .............................30 ........

11.07 Production process sophistication ...............................25 ........

11.08 Extent of marketing .....................................................35 ........

11.09 Willingness to delegate authority ..............................109 ........

12th pillar: Innovation
12.01 Capacity for innovation ................................................22 ........

12.02 Quality of scientific research institutions.....................99 ........

12.03 Company spending on R&D ........................................51 ........

12.04 University-industry research collaboration ...................77 ........

12.05 Gov’t procurement of advanced tech products .........117 ........

12.06 Availability of scientists and engineers ........................45 ........

12.07 Utility patents*.............................................................25 ........

* Hard data
Note: For further details and explanation, please refer to the section “How to
Read the Country/Economy Profiles” at the beginning of this chapter.

The Global



Viva i popoli, Viva le Nazioni europee, fanculo U€
O VB....hanno dimenticato di citare Natali e I&S tra le cause dell'inefficienza. ;)

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