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(ANSA) - ROMA, 14 GIU - L'azione dell'Europa contro la crisi procede positivamente, ma quanto fatto finora non e' sufficiente e l'euro e' ancora esposto a turbolenze. Lo ha detto il premier Mario Monti dopo l'incontro a Palazzo Chigi con il presidente francese Francois Hollande. Monti ha spiegato che c'e' una ''fortissima convergenza di vedute'' col collega francese e che con lui ha parlato anche di eurobond. Hollande ha detto di avere ''molto rispetto'' per quello che il governo italiano sta facendo.
Reuters: Central banks preparing for coordinated action to provide liquidity after Greek election if needed
By Jamie Coleman || June 14, 2012 at 19:06 GMT || 4 comments || Add comment
According to G20 sources.
EUR/USD rallying on the news. The liquidity would be dispersed across the markets and currencies, so not really sure why this is euro bullish, as Europe would derive the lion’s share of support, one would assume.
Looks like it is a question of cover shorts first, ask questions later.
Stocks and commodity currencies like liquidity talk, no matter the currency, as does gold…
It’s almost as if Mr. Market doesn’t understand that in order to get the liquidity, the shite has to hit the fan first…He’s skipping that first bit… My take on the headline is we’re talking about extending bigger swap lines from one central bank to another in the near-term, not necessarily coordinated QE, or anything of the like, though I’m just reacting to a headline and to past central bank actions in times of stress.