Obbligazioni societarie Abengoa XS0498817542 XS1048657800 XS1219438592 XS1113021031 (1 Viewer)


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Abengoa Announces the Opening of the Supplemental Accession Period

Abengoa has announced today through a Hecho Relevante http://www.cnmv.es/portal/HR/verDoc.axd?t={40908adf-0aa7-450f-8dc9-d937815255e5} the opening of the Supplemental Accession Period. The Supplemental Accession Period opens on Wednesday 18, 2017 and will end on Tuesday January 24, 2017 at 6:00 pm CET (Spanish time).

In order to accede to the Restructuring Agreement bondholders are required to complete the following:

1) Accession through Electronic Instruction for bonds deposited in Euroclear/Clearstream or Form of Sub-Proxy for bonds in DTC, in both cases sent through the custodian entity to the Tabulation Agent (Lucid Issuer Services)

2) Complete and send the Noteholder Accession Letterincluded as Schedule 5 in the Supplemental Restructuring Accession and Securities Crediting Notice received recently, to the Restructuring Agent (Global Loan Agency Services) on the following email address [email protected] the end of the Supplemental Accession Period (January 24, 2017 at 6:00 pm Spanish time).

As has been the case throughout the process, all necessary documentation should be available to the bondholder through their custodian entities or Lucid Issuer Services on [email protected]

As a reminder, those bondholders that do not accede to the Restructuring Agreement and opt for the Alternative Terms, will be applied the Standard Terms as a result of the judicial approval of the agreement.

Securities Crediting Notice

Bondholders will also receive the Securities Crediting Notice, which states the necessary steps for bondholders to take in order to receive their corresponding debt and equity instruments (Post Restructuring Entitlements). Below are two important points:

a) Bonds deposited in Euroclear/Clearstream: the electronic instruction sent in order to accede to the Restructuring Agreement already includes the necessary information in order to credit/debit the relevant accounts for the bondholder to receive the Post Restructuring Entitlements. No further action is required by the bondholders.

b) Bonds deposited in DTC: bondholders’ requirements to be completed before January 25, 2017 at 6:00 pm CET (Spanish time) are twofold:

i. Ask for their positions held in DTC to be transferred to Euroclear/Clearstream, and

ii. Send electronic instruction in order to block the bonds and credit/debit the relevant accounts for the bondholder to receive the Post Restructuring Entitlements.

In addition, bondholders that will be New Money financing providers (with the exception of NM1 Anchor Funders) are required to send an executed power of attorney (included as Schedule 6 in the Supplemental Restructuring Accession and Securities Crediting Notice received recently), to the Restructuring Agent (Global Loan Agency Services) on [email protected] and Linklaters on [email protected] January 30, 2017 at 5:00 pm CET (Spanish time).

If you have any questions we encourage you to visit our website (link) with a section dedicated to the Restructuring Process and updated FAQs. You can also contact us on:

email: [email protected]
phone: +34 95 493 70 00, ask for the Investor Relations team,

email: [email protected]
phone: +34 95 493 70 00, ask for the Banking/Financial team

Best regards

Abengoa anuncia el comienzo del periodo adicional de adhesiones al Contrato de Reestructuración

Abengoa ha anunciado hoy mediante Hecho Relevante http://www.cnmv.es/portal/HR/verDoc.axd?t={40908adf-0aa7-450f-8dc9-d937815255e5}el comienzo del periodo adicional de adhesiones (Supplemental Accession Period). Este periodo comenzará el miércoles 18 de enero 2017 y terminará el martes 24 de enero 2017 a las 6:00 pm CET (hora en España).

Para adherirse al Contrato de Reestructuración, los bonistas deben hacer lo siguiente:

1) Enviar una instrucción electrónica para bonos depositados en Euroclear/Clearstream o Form of Sub-Proxy para bonos depositados en DTC siempre a través de su entidad custodio (ver preguntas 4 a 9).

2) Cumplimentar y enviar la carta de adhesión (Noteholder Accession Letter) incluida como anexo “Schedule” 5 en el documento Supplemental Restructuring Accession and Securities Crediting Notice recibido recientemente, al Restructuring Agent (Global Loan Agency Services) en la dirección de correo electrónico [email protected]

Como en anteriores ocasiones, la documentación estará disponible a través de su entidad custodio o de Lucid Issuer Services [email protected].

Como ya hemos mencionado con anterioridad, a aquellos bonistas que no se adhieran al Contrato de Restructuración y elijan los Términos Alternativos, como consecuencia de la homologación judicial, se les aplicarán los Términos Estándar.

Securities Crediting Notice

Los bonistas también recibirán el documento Securities Crediting Notice, donde se explican los pasos a seguir necesarios para que los bonistas puedan recibir los correspondientes títulos, bonos y acciones (Post Restructuring Entitlements). Es necesario resaltar dos cosas:

a) Bonos depositados en Euroclear/Clearstream:la instrucción electrónica enviada por el bonista para la adhesión al Contrato de Reestructuración tiene los detalles suficientes para realizar los movimientos de cuenta necesarios para recibir los bonos y acciones que correspondan, según los términos seleccionados en la adhesión. No se requiere a estos bonistas hacer nada más.

b) Bonos depositados en DTC: los tenedores de estos bonos deben realizar dos cosas antes del 25 de enero 2017 a las 6:00 pm CET (hora en España):

i. Solicitar la transferencia de sus bonos de DTC a Euroclear/Clearstream, y

ii. Enviar instrucción electrónica para el bloqueo de sus bonos y autorizar los movimientos de cuenta necesarios para recibir los bonos y acciones que correspondan, según los términos seleccionados en la adhesión.

Asimismo, aquellos bonistas que está previsto participen en la financiación del Dinero Nuevo (New Money Funding Providers) con la excepción de los NM1 Anchor Funders, deben enviar el poder adjunto como Schedule 6 del documento Supplemental Restructuring Accession and Securities Crediting Notice (New Money Financing Provider Power of Attorney) recibido recientemente debidamente cumplimentado al Restructuring Agent (Global Loan Agency Services) en [email protected] a Linklaters en [email protected], antes del 30 de enero 2017 a las 5:00 pm CET (hora en España)

Si tiene alguna duda le recomendamos visite nuestra página web con una sección dedicada al proceso de reestructuración y una sección de preguntas frecuentes actualizada.

Además, también puede ponerse en contacto con nosotros en:


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Appena ricevuta da HL

Dear all,

We are getting in touch in connection with the financial restructuring of Abengoa, S.A.

As stated in the “Supplemental Restructuring Accession and Securities Crediting Notice” Abengoa requires all New Money Financing Providers, with the exception of the New Money 1 Anchor Funders, to return a duly completed and validly executed Power of Attorney in the form attached as Schedule 6 (New Money Financing Provider Power of Attorney) of the “Supplemental Restructuring Accession and Securities Crediting Notice” (Attached), to the Restructuring Agent no later than 5.00pm CET on 30 January 2017.

New Money Financing Providers, with the exception of the New Money 1 Anchor Funders, shall return a PDF copy of the duly completed and validly executed Power of Attorney by email to: [email protected]. New Money Financing Provider Powers of Attorney must not be returned to the Information Agent.

Please disregard this email if you have not committed to participate in the New Money.

We remain at your disposal in case you have any questions.

Kind regards,

Houlihan Lokey


  • Abengoa - Supplemental Restructuring Accession and Securities Crediting ....pdf
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Forumer storico
Questo è il form da compilare e rimandare a Abengoa

This Power of Attorney is made on [date] by [New Money Financing Provider name] in its capacity as a New Money Financing Provider under the Restructuring Agreement (the “New Money Financing Provider”) whose registered office is at [address], duly represented by, [name] , of legal age, with [nationality] nationality and valid passport number [passport number], with professional address at [address], as legal representative of [New Money Financing Provider name].
Terms used but not otherwise defined in this Power of Attorney have the meanings given to them in the Restructuring Agreement (as defined below). In this Power of Attorney:
“Effective Date” means the date on which the Restructuring Agent confirms to the Parties that the Restructuring Documents have been approved by:
(a) in the case of any Restructuring Document to which any NM1 Anchor Funder is to be a party, the relevant NM1 Anchor Funder (in its capacity as NM1 Anchor Funder);
(b) the Restructuring Committee;
(c) the NM1 Committee; and
(d) Abengoa.
“Restructuring Agreement” means the restructuring agreement dated 24 September 2016 between, amongst others, Abengoa, the Original Obligors, the Original Participating Creditors, the Original Intragroup Creditors and the Restructuring Agent (each as defined therein).
“SRASCN” means the supplemental restructuring accession and securities crediting notice dated 18 January 2017.
1 Appointment
1.1 In connection with the Restructuring Agreement, the New Money Financing Provider hereby authorises Global Loan Agency Services Limited with registered office at 45 Ludgate Hill, London EC4M 7JU, and with Spanish tax identification code N8265930A as Restructuring Agent (expressly waiving any self-contracting (auto-contratación) or conflict of interest (conflicto de intereses) that might arise), with effect from the Effective Date, to:
1.1.1 act on its behalf and, if required under applicable law or if otherwise appropriate, in its name and on its behalf (without the need for any further referral to, or authority from, any other person) in connection with the acceptance, preparation, execution and delivery of any of the Restructuring Documents; and
1.1.2 accept as its representative any mortgage, pledge or any security interest (garantías reales), including any pledge, mortgage, assignment or transfer of title for security purposes to be made to the New Money Financing Provider in relation to the Restructuring Documents.
1.2 In connection with the ratification and raising of any Restructuring Document into the status of a Spanish public document (documento público), the Restructuring Agent shall act as the agent and representative of the New Money Financing Provider and the Restructuring Agent is, with effect from the Effective Date, authorised on behalf of the New Money Financing Provider to enter into, enforce the rights of the New Money Financing Provider and represent the New Money Financing Provider in respect of the granting of any such Spanish public document (documento público).
2 Ratification
The New Money Financing Provider agrees to ratify and confirm everything lawfully done or lawfully caused to be done by the Restructuring Agent under this Power of Attorney.
3 Representations
The New Money Financing Provider, if subscribing for New Money Notes, hereby makes the representations provided in paragraph 1 of Part 2: Securities Crediting Notice of the SRASCN and authorises the Restructuring Agent to provide such representations in substantially similar form on behalf of such New Money Financing Provider in any subscription agreement executed in connection with subscription of such New Money Notes.
4 Liability of the Restructuring Agent
The New Money Financing Provider hereby undertakes to hold the Restructuring Agent harmless with respect to any liability of any nature which may arise on it as a result of the exercise of its powers and faculties under this Power of Attorney as well as its execution.
5 Termination
This Power of Attorney and any rights or obligations granted under it shall terminate immediately upon the occurrence of any one of the following:
5.1.1 the termination of the Restructuring Agreement pursuant to clauses 11.1 or 11.2 of the Restructuring Agreement;
5.1.2 an individual termination by the New Money Financing Provider of the Restructuring Agreement pursuant to clauses 11.3 or 11.6 of the Restructuring Agreement;
5.1.3 the New Money Financing Provider otherwise ceasing to be a New Money Financing Provider (as such term is defined in the Restructuring Agreement);
5.1.4 the termination of the New Money Financing Commitment Letter pursuant to paragraph 18.1 of the New Money Financing Commitment Letter; or
5.1.5 the rights and obligations under the New Money Financing Commitment Letter ceasing to apply to the New Money Financing Provider, including pursuant to paragraphs 18.2 and 18.3 of the New Money Financing Commitment Letter.
6 Governing law
This Power of Attorney and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with it are governed by the common laws of Spain.

[New Money Financing Provider name]

Once completed, this schedule 6 is to be sent to [email protected] by no later than 5.00pm CET on 30 January 2017.

no perpetual no party

Forumer storico
dopo tutti i casini e le decine di documenti della prima volta, vorresti dirmi che adesso si limitano solo a una firma in fondo a questo documento?.. allora forse è davvero la volta buona...


Forumer storico
Questo è il form da compilare e rimandare a Abengoa

This Power of Attorney is made on [date] by [New Money Financing Provider name] in its capacity as a New Money Financing Provider under the Restructuring Agreement (the “New Money Financing Provider”) whose registered office is at [address], duly represented by, [name] , of legal age, with [nationality] nationality and valid passport number [passport number], with professional address at [address], as legal representative of [New Money Financing Provider name].
Terms used but not otherwise defined in this Power of Attorney have the meanings given to them in the Restructuring Agreement (as defined below). In this Power of Attorney:
“Effective Date” means the date on which the Restructuring Agent confirms to the Parties that the Restructuring Documents have been approved by:
(a) in the case of any Restructuring Document to which any NM1 Anchor Funder is to be a party, the relevant NM1 Anchor Funder (in its capacity as NM1 Anchor Funder);
(b) the Restructuring Committee;
(c) the NM1 Committee; and
(d) Abengoa.
“Restructuring Agreement” means the restructuring agreement dated 24 September 2016 between, amongst others, Abengoa, the Original Obligors, the Original Participating Creditors, the Original Intragroup Creditors and the Restructuring Agent (each as defined therein).
“SRASCN” means the supplemental restructuring accession and securities crediting notice dated 18 January 2017.
1 Appointment
1.1 In connection with the Restructuring Agreement, the New Money Financing Provider hereby authorises Global Loan Agency Services Limited with registered office at 45 Ludgate Hill, London EC4M 7JU, and with Spanish tax identification code N8265930A as Restructuring Agent (expressly waiving any self-contracting (auto-contratación) or conflict of interest (conflicto de intereses) that might arise), with effect from the Effective Date, to:
1.1.1 act on its behalf and, if required under applicable law or if otherwise appropriate, in its name and on its behalf (without the need for any further referral to, or authority from, any other person) in connection with the acceptance, preparation, execution and delivery of any of the Restructuring Documents; and
1.1.2 accept as its representative any mortgage, pledge or any security interest (garantías reales), including any pledge, mortgage, assignment or transfer of title for security purposes to be made to the New Money Financing Provider in relation to the Restructuring Documents.
1.2 In connection with the ratification and raising of any Restructuring Document into the status of a Spanish public document (documento público), the Restructuring Agent shall act as the agent and representative of the New Money Financing Provider and the Restructuring Agent is, with effect from the Effective Date, authorised on behalf of the New Money Financing Provider to enter into, enforce the rights of the New Money Financing Provider and represent the New Money Financing Provider in respect of the granting of any such Spanish public document (documento público).
2 Ratification
The New Money Financing Provider agrees to ratify and confirm everything lawfully done or lawfully caused to be done by the Restructuring Agent under this Power of Attorney.
3 Representations
The New Money Financing Provider, if subscribing for New Money Notes, hereby makes the representations provided in paragraph 1 of Part 2: Securities Crediting Notice of the SRASCN and authorises the Restructuring Agent to provide such representations in substantially similar form on behalf of such New Money Financing Provider in any subscription agreement executed in connection with subscription of such New Money Notes.
4 Liability of the Restructuring Agent
The New Money Financing Provider hereby undertakes to hold the Restructuring Agent harmless with respect to any liability of any nature which may arise on it as a result of the exercise of its powers and faculties under this Power of Attorney as well as its execution.
5 Termination
This Power of Attorney and any rights or obligations granted under it shall terminate immediately upon the occurrence of any one of the following:
5.1.1 the termination of the Restructuring Agreement pursuant to clauses 11.1 or 11.2 of the Restructuring Agreement;
5.1.2 an individual termination by the New Money Financing Provider of the Restructuring Agreement pursuant to clauses 11.3 or 11.6 of the Restructuring Agreement;
5.1.3 the New Money Financing Provider otherwise ceasing to be a New Money Financing Provider (as such term is defined in the Restructuring Agreement);
5.1.4 the termination of the New Money Financing Commitment Letter pursuant to paragraph 18.1 of the New Money Financing Commitment Letter; or
5.1.5 the rights and obligations under the New Money Financing Commitment Letter ceasing to apply to the New Money Financing Provider, including pursuant to paragraphs 18.2 and 18.3 of the New Money Financing Commitment Letter.
6 Governing law
This Power of Attorney and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with it are governed by the common laws of Spain.

[New Money Financing Provider name]

Once completed, this schedule 6 is to be sent to [email protected] by no later than 5.00pm CET on 30 January 2017.
Scusate, dato il mio inglese insufficiente, mi spiegate a cosa serve questa roba??

Non sono bastati tutti i documenti gia inviati?:wall:

Cmq basta rispedire solo queste 2 paginette, giusto?


Forumer storico
Qualcuno sa aiutarmi in relazione a come avviene la fusione tra le azioni A e B ?
C'e' giá un rapporto di concambio ?/


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