Obbligazioni in default Aiuto su NXP

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Caro Methos, ciò che possiamo fare è cercare di tenere d'occhio l'evolversi della situazione.

Il distressed exchange, se accettato, ha un parziale effetto positivo per l'emittente: riduce infatti il debito di circa il 25%, secondo le stime di S&P in caso di piena accettazione, consentendo a regime di risparmiare circa 150 mln $ in interessi all'anno, come calcolato da Moody's nell'ipotesi di successo dello swap proposto da NXP.

La cosa incrementa un po' le chance di NXP, che non avrà scadenze debitorie significative prima del 2012.

Tuttavia il debito residuo da servire resta pesante (poco meno di 5 mld $) e NXP una società ad alto leverage, ivi compresi i 200 mln $ ritirati dalle linee di credito a propria disposizione per finanziare lo swap. Inoltre NXP continuerà a bruciare cassa nel 2009 nonostante l'alleggerimento nei costi di servizio del debito.

In positivo la mancanza di scadenze di rimborso fino al 2012 ed un livello di liquidità temporanemaente sufficiente, secondo S&P.

Se le cose andassero bene, S&P ipotizza di riportare il rating a CCC+ ad aprile del 2009.
Il commento alla rating action di S&P...

Dutch Semiconductor Group NXP B.V. Downgraded To 'CC' On Exchange Offer; All Ratings On CreditWatch Negative

PARIS (Standard & Poor's) March 4, 2009--Standard & Poor's Ratings Services today said it has lowered its long-term corporate credit rating on Dutch semiconductor manufacturer NXP B.V. to 'CC' from 'CCC'. We also lowered the issue ratings on the company's senior first-priority secured bank loan rating to 'CCC+' from 'B', senior secured notes to 'CC' from 'CCC', and senior unsecured notes to 'C' from 'CCC-', as a result of our downgrade of NXP.

At the same time, we placed all ratings on CreditWatch with negative implications. The recovery ratings on the abovementioned debt issues are unchanged, respectively at '1+', '4', and '5', indicating our expectations for full (100%) recovery, average (30%-50%) recovery, and modest (10%-30%) recovery in the event of a payment default.

"These rating actions follow NXP's announcement that it is inviting holders of its senior unsecured notes--and, on a second-priority basis, holders of its senior secured notes--to exchange their notes for new euro- and dollar-denominated secured notes," said Standard & Poor's credit analyst Patrice Cochelin.

"This is an exchange offer that, under our criteria, is tantamount to default, given that acceptance of the new notes would represent a substantial discount to the par amount of the outstanding issues."

The new notes would have up to €250 million in nominal value, mature in 2013, and carry a 10% coupon.

On completion of the transaction, we would lower the ratings on the unsecured notes--and possibly, depending on acceptance, on the senior secured notes--to 'D' (default). We would also lower the corporate credit rating to 'SD' (selective default) on the assumption that the company continues to honor its other debt obligations.

As soon as is practical thereafter, we would reassess NXP's capital structure, including debt recovery prospects, and assign new ratings based on the amount of notes the company successfully tendered and following our review of the revised liability structure.

We expect to resolve the Creditwatch in April 2009, after reviewing the results of the exchange offer. "Assuming the exchange offer succeeds and once transactions have been completed, we could raise the corporate credit rating to 'CCC+'.

This outcome is very preliminary, however, given the rapid and significant events affecting our assessment of the company's business and financial risk profiles," said Mr. Cochelin.

We believe the exchange offer could alleviate a portion of NXP's current debt burden (about 25% of its gross debt, according to our calculations, based on the unsecured debt offer and assuming full acceptance) and related interest expense. However, we estimate that NXP should continue to carry very high gross debt of slightly below $5 billion, based on gross debt as of Dec. 31, 2008, and including the subsequent $200 million draw on the company's revolving credit facility announced in February 2009.

Because we expect to continue to assess NXP's post-exchange leverage as high, and assuming continued negative free operating cash flow in 2009 despite the lower interest burden, we anticipate that refinancing risks of 2012 and 2013 maturities could remain a rating constraint.

Over the near term, these risks are partially offset by our assessment of NXP's adequate liquidity and our expectations of modest, if any, principal debt repayment until 2012.
Quello di Moody's...

Approximately US$6.0 billion debt securities affected

Frankfurt, March 03, 2009 -- Moody's Investors Service downgraded NXP Semiconductors' (NXP) corporate family rating to Caa2 from Caa1 and the ratings for its senior secured notes to Caa2 from Caa1 and senior unsecured notes to C from Caa3. Simultaneously, Moody's downgraded the probability of default rating (PDR) to Ca from Caa1. The rating outlook remains negative.

The downgrade of the PDR to Ca reflects Moody's view that NXP's recent debt exchange offer is a distressed exchange. It also reflects the high likelihood of the transaction closing in the agency view. While no payment default has occurred and there are no debt maturities until September 2012, in Moody's opinion the successful closing of the transaction, which is designed to reduce debt and interest expense, would represent the occurrence of a deemed default.

The downgrade of the Corporate Family Rating to Caa2 reflects the expected recovery rate and probability of default after the closure of the exchange offer and the new capital structure with lower debt loading, if successfully implemented. The outlook is negative in view of uncertainty regarding (i) the level of acceptance of the exchange offer and (ii) in view of the limited sales visibility for 2009. The Caa2 Rating of senior secured notes could fall below the Corporate Family Rating upon a successful completion of the exchange offer depending on the level of acceptance, because these instruments will rank behind the new super priority notes and the revolver. The C Rating of the senior unsecured notes mirrors the recovery rate of 15% / 17% as proposed by the exchange offer.

Under the proposed exchange scenarios, up to €250 million of new super priority notes will be offered to exchange pro rata among approximately $2 billion of senior unsecured notes, possibly followed by pro rata exchange among senior secured notes. If successful, the exchange will result in a swap of unsecured debt at a substantial discount to face value for the new super priority notes maturing in July 2013. Existing unsecured noteholders that elect to participate in the exchange transaction would accept principal reductions of 83%-85%, depending on whether the exchange offer is accepted prior to the early tender date or after the early tender date.

Moody's views this transaction as a means of shrinking an unsustainable debt capital structure (NXP has roughly $6 billion of long-term notes) and reducing interest expense by approximately $148 million per year. The company's interest burden absent the exchange offer may become a source of significant financial stress. Combined with expectations of high restructuring cost and earnings weakness in the remaining core businesses, Moody's anticipates the company's EBITDA and operating cash flow will be meaningfully reduced in the future. Collectively, these features cause the transaction to be viewed as analogous to a partial restructuring, which is deemed to represent a default by Moody's and incorporated in the Ca PDR.

During the exchange offer process, the Ca PDR will prevail. Upon closing of the exchange, the PDR will be repositioned to Caa2/LD to reflect the limited default that will have occurred. This incorporates our current belief that the going-forward PDR will likely end up at the Caa2 level shortly after transaction closing. The "/LD" suffix will be removed after three business days.

In the event that some debt issues are retired in their entirety upon transaction closing, the relevant ratings for the same would be withdrawn.
..Issuer: NXP B.V.
....Probability of Default Rating, Downgraded to Ca from Caa1
....Corporate Family Rating, Downgraded to Caa2 from Caa1
....Senior Secured Regular Bond/Debenture, Downgraded to Caa2, LGD4, 61% from Caa1, LGD3, 43%
....Senior Unsecured Regular Bond/Debenture, Downgraded to C, LGD6, 100% from Caa3, LGD5, 88%

NXP's ratings were assigned by evaluating factors we believe are relevant to the credit profile of the issuer, such as i) the business risk and competitive position of the company versus others within its industry, ii) the capital structure and financial risk of the company, iii) the projected performance of the company over the near to intermediate term, and iv) management's track record and tolerance for risk.

These attributes were compared against other issuers both within and outside of NXP's core industry and NXP's ratings are believed to be comparable to those of other issuers of similar credit risk.

The last rating action for NXP has been on November 21, 2008, when Moody's downgraded NXP's corporate family rating to Caa1 from B3, its senior secured notes to Caa1 from B3 and senior unsecured notes to Caa3 from Caa2.

NXP Semiconductors, headquartered in Eindhoven, Netherlands, is a leading semiconductor company, focusing on the designs and manufacture of semiconductors for general applications, power management (Multi-Market) and application-specific integrated circuits for the home electronics, automotive and identification technology application markets. NXP posted sales of USD5.4 billion (including the Mobile & Personal business until the beginning of August 2008) in fiscal year 2008
ormai la considero andata, devo solo battermi la testa contro il muro perchè è colpa mia...

Grazie Mark per le notizie
ormai la considero andata, devo solo battermi la testa contro il muro perchè è colpa mia...

Grazie Mark per le notizie

Sarà difficile mettere in salvo le penne, anche perché il settore soffriva di sovracapacità produttiva già nella fase pre-Lehman... non lo seguo da vicino e dunque non saprei dirti in che misura le cose siano peggiorate, ma temo di una buona spanna, vista anche la sua ciclicità ....
Pare che solo una parte molto modesta degli obbligazionisti abbia accettato l'offerta per il distressed exchange sul debito juniores formulata da NXP.

I simpatici danesi di Jyske ipotizzano oggi che NXP abbia elevate probabilità di andare in default comunque, a prescindere dal successo delle iniziative condotte a riduzione del debito (per quella relativa al debito senior secured, la deadline è stata posticipata al prossimo 23 marzo).

[FONT=JyskeSauna,Bold]Only 16% have accepted NXP’s offer[/FONT]
NXP has published the result of its bond exchange offer which shows that not many subordinated bondholders have accepted the offer. In all, only about 16% of the outstanding subordinated bond amount has been exchanged. At the same time, NXP extended the early tender deadline for senior secured debt until 23 March.

Unless more investors commit to the bond swap, NXP stands to save approx. USD 40 million in annual interest expenses, which is lower
than the company’s own expectations (savings of USD 140-150 million).

The demand for electronics components is still declining, which is also reflected in the prices. Positive price movements in respect of electronics
components normally occur when the market can see that production capacity is going to drop, typically due to suspensions of payments.

This happened most recently for computer memory modules, which went up 2% when the Taiwanese plan for consolidation in the industry was put on hold, but the trend is seen for almost all component types.

We therefore still expect a large drop in NXP’s revenue, and we fear that the company will not be able to reduce costs at the same speed. This will result in both declining EBITDA and cash flows, and the likelihood of the company filing for bankruptcy in the course of the next few quarters is considerable, notwithstanding the result of their debt swap offer.

Lo swap distressed su debito secured e unsecured di NXP ha avuto luogo, portando S&P prima ad abbattere i rating su issuer e bond a SD/D, come da copione, e poi a rielevarli... info utili a mo' di promemoria su quanto successo nelle rating actions...

Dutch Semiconductor Group NXP B.V. Downgraded To 'SD' On Distressed Exchange Results

PARIS (Standard & Poor's) April 2, 2009--Standard & Poor's Ratings Services said today that it lowered its long-term corporate credit rating on Dutch semiconductor manufacturer NXP B.V. to 'SD' (selective default) from 'CC'.

At the same time, the ratings on NXP's senior unsecured notes were lowered to 'D' from 'C', and the senior secured notes were lowered to 'D' from 'CC'. The rating on NXP's senior ranking secured revolving credit facility remains at 'CCC+'.

All ratings on NXP and subsidiary NXP Funding LLC were removed from CreditWatch where they were placed with negative implications on March 4, 2009, after the company announced a debt exchange offer.

"The lowering of the corporate credit rating to 'SD' and of the bond issue ratings to 'D' reflects NXP's March 31, 2009, announcement of the result of the exchange offer, which NXP expects to settle today," said Standard & Poor's credit analyst Patrice Cochelin.

About $593 million of secured and unsecured bonds were tendered to NXP, and the company will exchange them for about $128 million worth of new super priority notes based on a substantial discount (ranging from 68% to 85% depending on the issues) to the par amount of the outstanding issues, which is considered a distressed exchange offer under our criteria, and as such, tantamount to a default.

We understand that the new notes will mature in 2013 and carry a 10% coupon, and assume that these will rank pari passu with the €500 million revolving credit facility.

"In the coming days, we will reevaluate NXP's post-exchange capital structure and, absent any other new development, we expect to raise NXP's corporate credit rating to 'CCC+', with a negative outlook, from 'SD'," said Mr. Cochelin.

Because of our expectation of continued negative free operating cash flow generation for NXP in 2009 despite a somewhat lower interest burden, refinancing risks for the 2012 and 2013 maturities are likely to remain a rating constraint, and will likely lead us to assign a negative outlook on the expected 'CCC+' rating.
La seconda, con la rielevazione del rating. La riduzione del fardello debitorio per effetto dello swap è risultata pari al 7% del totale... piuttosto modesta...

NXP B.V. Upgraded To 'CCC+' On Lower Debt Following Completion Of Exchange Offer; Outlook Negative

PARIS (Standard & Poor's) April 3, 2009--Standard & Poor's Ratings Services said today that it raised its long-term corporate credit rating on Dutch semiconductor manufacturer NXP B.V. to 'CCC+' from 'SD' (selective default). The outlook is negative.

At the same time, the ratings on NXP's secured notes were raised to 'CCC+' from 'D'. The recovery rating on these notes is '4', indicating our expectation of average (30%-50%) recovery in the event of a payment default.

The ratings on NXP's unsecured notes was raised to 'CCC' from 'D'; these notes have a recovery rating of '5', indicating our expectation of modest (10%-30%) recovery in the event of a payment default.

The issue rating on NXP's senior ranking secured revolving credit facility was raised to 'B' from 'CCC+', two notches above the corporate credit rating, and the recovery rating on this facility was revised to '1' from '1+', indicating our expectation of very high (90%-100%) recovery in the event of a payment default.

NXP settled its distressed exchange offer yesterday.

"The new ratings primarily reflect our assessment of NXP's capital structure and financial risk profile following completion as still highly leveraged," said Standard & Poor's credit analyst Patrice Cochelin.

We estimate that the exchange offer reduced NXP's gross indebtedness by about $465 million, or about 7%, to $6.0 billion, based on NXP's reported gross debt at Dec. 31, 2008, using the current euro-dollar exchange rate, and including the recent revolver draw.

"The negative outlook primarily reflects our view that very challenging economic conditions and large cash outlays for restructuring and interest payments will continue to trigger cash burn at NXP over the foreseeable future," said Mr. Cochelin.

In addition, the low debt reduction achieved through the exchange offer has not alleviated our concerns about the medium-term sustainability of NXP's capital structure. We therefore consider that NXP retains a relatively high risk of further below-par capital structure transactions and, ultimately, faces high challenges for the refinancing on its first debt maturities in 2012.

A dramatic reduction in NXP's cash burn while maintaining adequate cash balances could support rating stability, however
Lascio qui anche il commento di Moody's che segnala l'elevata probabilità che già nei prossimi mesi vi sia un secondo tentativo di swap sul debito, sempre mirato a ridurre debito e leverage.

Rispetto agli obiettivi di riduzione del debito e del carico degli interessi, il risultato ottenuto è troppo modesto.

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Moody's affirms NXP's CFR at Caa2 with a negative outlook, secured notes downgraded to C.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Approximately US$6.0 billion debt securities affected [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Frankfurt, April 03, 2009 -- Moody's Investors Service today affirmed the Caa2 CFR of NXP Semiconductors' (NXP) on the assumption that the relatively low, below 40% of superpriority notes offered, take-up of its private debt exchange offer will be complemented near term by further debt restructuring measures, so that upon completion, NXP's operating performance and credit metrics warrant at least that Caa2 rating. The probability of default rating (PDR) was maintained at Ca, but the LD suffix (Limited Default) was attached reflecting the final closing of NXP's debt exchange transaction. This LD designation will be withdrawn in approximately 3 business days. Moody's downgraded the ratings for the senior secured notes of NXP to C from Caa2, to a Loss Given Default level commensurate with the 25-32% of face value in priority notes that about 7% of the secured note holders had accepted in the exchange. Moody's expects the secured notes to be involved in any future debt restructuring as well. The unsecured long-term debt of NXP was affirmed at C, and LGD amended to LGD6 (85%) to reflect the exchange rate. The outlook for the ratings remains negative. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]The debt exchange resulted in a swap of senior unsecured and secured debt (at a substantial discount) for new super priority notes ranking pari-passu with the EUR500 million revolving credit facility. Existing noteholders that elected to participate in the exchange accepted principal reductions of between 68% - 85%, depending upon the class of notes and date of tender. Moody's views the exchange as a distressed exchange for the particular securities involved, and reflects that a limited default has occurred through the assignment of the probability of default rating of Ca/LD (Limited Default). [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]The debt exchange has been funded with €29 million of New Euro Super Priority Notes and approximately $90 million of New Dollar Super Priority Notes, both due 2013 and with a 10% coupon. NXP received commitments representing approximately $593 million face amount of notes. As a result of the debt exchange the Issuers' overall indebtedness will be reduced by approximately $465 million and their related interest expense by approximately $30 million. Compared to about $6.5 billion debt outstanding before the exchange, the swap produced only a modest improvement in leverage and interest coverage. The company's CFR of Caa2 and the Ca/LD PDR as well as its negative rating outlook reflect NXP's very weak credit metrics, and the prospect that further debt restructuring is likely to be pursued over the next several months leading to more meaningful de-leveraging. Moody's believes that demand for semiconductors will continue to drop in 2009 given deteriorating macro-economic conditions, and that NXP's operating performance will continue to suffer. Although NXP maintains adequate liquidity, its capital structure appears unsustainable over the medium term unless semiconductor volumes rebound significantly. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Issuer: NXP B.V. [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]..Downgrades: [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]....Senior Secured Regular Bond/Debenture, Downgraded to a range of C, LGD5, 75% from a range of Caa2, LGD4, 61% [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]..Upgrades: [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]....Senior Unsecured Regular Bond/Debenture, Upgraded to LGD5, 85% from LGD6, 100% [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]..Adjustment: [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica].... Probability of Default Rating, Adjusted to Ca/LD from Ca [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]NXP's ratings were assigned by evaluating factors we believe are relevant to the credit profile of the issuer, such as i) the business risk and competitive position of the company versus others within its industry, ii) the capital structure and financial risk of the company, iii) the projected performance of the company over the near to intermediate term, and iv) management's track record and tolerance for risk. These attributes were compared against other issuers both within and outside of NXP's core industry and NXP's ratings are believed to be comparable to those of other issuers of similar credit risk. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]The last rating action for NXP has been on March 3, 2009, when Moody's downgraded NXP's corporate family rating to Caa2 from Caa1, its senior secured notes to Caa2 from Caa1 and senior unsecured notes to C from Caa3. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]NXP Semiconductors, headquartered in Eindhoven, Netherlands, is a leading semiconductor company, focusing on the designs and manufacture of semiconductors for general applications, power management (Multi-Market) and application-specific integrated circuits for the home electronics, automotive and identification technology application markets. NXP posted sales of USD5.4 billion (including the Mobile & Personal business until the beginning of August 2008) in fiscal year 2008.[/FONT]
Lascio qui anche il commento di Moody's che segnala l'elevata probabilità che già nei prossimi mesi vi sia un secondo tentativo di swap sul debito, sempre mirato a ridurre debito e leverage.

Rispetto agli obiettivi di riduzione del debito e del carico degli interessi, il risultato ottenuto è troppo modesto.

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Moody's affirms NXP's CFR at Caa2 with a negative outlook, secured notes downgraded to C.[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica]Approximately US$6.0 billion debt securities affected [/FONT]


Arrivato il secondo tentativo di NXP di ridurre il debito. In pratica, offrono cash per un totale di 300 mln $ per acquisti a 30-35/100 sui bond senior unsecured e fino a 40-45/100 sugli altri bond secured (per questi ultimi, soltanto nei limiti in cui avanzasse capienza nei 300 mln $ per scarsità di adesioni alla prima offerta) più un altro 2,5% in caso di adesione alla early tender date.

E' un distressed exchange, per cui il rating finisce intanto a livello di SD. Se le cose andassero a buon termine, si ridurrebbe il debito di un 16%, ed il rating passerebbe a quota CCC+.

La situazione resterebbe cmq traballante, con un gross debt a quota 4,7 mld $, cash disponibile per 0,8 mld $ e altri 300 mln $ disponibili sotto la linea di credito utilizzabile da NXP.

Però qualche barlume di speranza almeno di non andare a picco nel brevissimo termine potrebbe presentarsi, dipendendo da quanta cassa brucerà NXP (per la quale S&P pronostica che sia negative free operating cash flow per l'intero 2009), e considerato che non dovrà rinegoziare debito fino al 2012-2013.

Dutch Semiconductor Group NXP B.V. Downgraded To 'CC' On Bond Purchase Offer; All Ratings On CreditWatch Negative

--Dutch chip manufacturer NXP has launched a deeply discounted bond purchase offer
--The purchase would qualify as distressed under our criteria
--We are lowering our long-term rating to 'CC', from 'CCC+' and placing all ratings on CreditWatch negative
--On completion of the purchase, we expect to lower the corporate credit rating to 'SD' (selective default)
--Based on preliminary analysis, post-exchange ratings could return to pre-exchange levels, or 'CCC+'

PARIS (Standard & Poor's) June 8, 2009--Standard & Poor's Ratings Services said today that it has lowered its long-term corporate credit rating on Dutch semiconductor manufacturer NXP B.V. to 'CC' from 'CCC+'. At the same time, we placed the corporate rating and issue ratings on CreditWatch with negative implications.

The recovery ratings on the abovementioned debt issues are unchanged, respectively at '1', '4', and '5', indicating our expectations for full (90%-100%) recovery, average (30%-50%) recovery, and modest (10%-30%) recovery in the event of a payment default.

These rating actions follow NXP's announcement that it is offering holders of its senior unsecured notes--and, on a second- and third-priority basis, holders of its senior secured floating and fixed notes--a cash settlement of up to $300 million, based on parities of 30.5%-35% for unsecured notes and 40%-45% for secured notes—excluding early tender premiums of 2.5 basis points.

"This is an offer that, under our criteria, is tantamount to default, given that its acceptance would represent a substantial discount to the par amount of the outstanding issues," said Standard & Poor's credit analyst Patrice Cochelin.

On completion of the transaction, we would expect to lower the ratings on the unsecured notes--and possibly, depending on acceptance, on other debt issues--to 'D' (default). We would also lower the long-term corporate credit rating to 'SD' (selective default) on the assumption that the company continues to honor its other debt obligations. As soon as is practical thereafter, we would reassess NXP's capital structure, following our review of the revised liability structure.

At March 31, 2009, the company reported consolidated gross debt of $6.4 billion, including a $0.6 billion revolver draw, or about $5.7 billion, according to our estimates, giving pro forma consideration for a debt exchange and a $0.3 billion revolver repayment in April and May 2009.

We expect to resolve the CreditWatch status in July 2009, after reviewing the results of the purchase offer.

Assuming the offer succeeds, and in the absence of other developments, we could raise the corporate credit rating back to 'CCC+' once transactions have been completed, the same level as before the purchase announcement. This outcome is very preliminary, however, given the rapid and significant events affecting our assessment of the company's business and financial risk profiles and the potentially mixed credit impacts of the bond purchase offer.

We believe the offer could alleviate a meaningful portion of NXP's current debt burden (about 16% of its net debt, according to our calculations, after giving consideration to the April 2009 exchange offer, based on the unsecured debt offer, and assuming acceptance resulting in the maximum $300 million cash outflow) and related interest expense.

However, we estimate that NXP will likely continue to carry very high gross debt of about $4.7 billion, against consolidated cash and equivalents of less than $0.8 billion, after the reduction linked to the purchase of notes, and based on May 2009 cash numbers, and revolver availability of about $300 million.

Because we expect to continue to assess NXP's post-exchange leverage as high, and assuming continued negative free operating cash flow in 2009 despite the lower interest burden, we anticipate that refinancing risks of 2012 and 2013 maturities could remain a rating constraint. Over the near term, these risks are partially offset by our assessment of NXP's adequate liquidity and our expectations of modest, if any, principal debt repayment until 2012.

Related Research
"How Standard & Poor's Uses Its 'CCC' Rating," published Dec. 12, 2008.
"Rating Implications Of Exchange Offers And Similar Restructurings, Update," published May 12, 2009.
"Corporate Ratings Criteria 2008," published April 15, 2008 (see section "Definitions").

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