Titoli di Stato area non Euro ARGENTINA obbligazioni e tango bond (5 lettori)


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Oggi Fernandez ritira l’offerta è da il benservito al professor Guzman. Inizierà così la trattativa con i creditori con un nuovo ministro per raggiungere una soluzione consensuale.

Canje: Alberto Fernández decide hoy negociaciones con bonistas, o si Argentina entra en default
Io non so se Guzman lo abbiano messo lì apposta come tiro al bersaglio dentro una lucida e lungimirante strategia di negoziazione; ma se così non fosse, l'articolo che posto di seguito coglie nel segno pienamente : a causa di un presuntuosetto con un manipolo di massimalisti accademici (che se ne stanno dentro le loro comode residenze, lontano dalla mischia), un intero popolo corre il rischio di un bagno di sangue peggiore di quello che già sta facendo per errori pregressi e per la pandemia.
Speriamo per tutti che Zorro sia ben consapevole della realtà...

El peligro de usar a la Argentina como ratón de laboratorio de la academia | El Cronista


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Con Fineco hanno tolto dalle operazioni in attesa di registrazione la cedola del 22 :)

mi accontenterò della sorpresa allora :)

a parte gli scherzi oggi è il termine alle ore 17.00 di New York ...

mld opzioni potrebbero essere proroga al 22 o proroga a data da destinarsi ma dovrebbero pagare il rateo a quel punto...

ho letto alcuni articoli che fanno intendere che chi ha dato l’adesione farà il concambio e continueranno a trattare con gli altri....

mi sembra strana come cosa...


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Appena arrivata da Fineco.

Gentile Consolidato,

desideriamo informarla che i prestiti obbligazionari emessi
dalla Repubblica Argentina indicati nel link sottostante:


saranno sospesi dalle negoziazioni sul mercato EuroTLX a
decorrere dall’11 maggio 2020, in attesa di conoscere
l’esito dell’offerta di scambio promossa dall’emittente ed i
conseguenti effetti sugli stessi strumenti finanziari.

Cordiali saluti

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UPDATE 1-Argentina says open to dialogue with creditors ahead of debt deadline
(Recasts with Guzman quotes)
By Hugh Bronstein
BUENOS AIRES, May 8 (Reuters) - Argentina remained open to dialogue with creditors hours ahead of a Friday afternoon deadline for bondholders to agree to the government's bond restructuring offer and will reassess after the deadline expires, Economy Minister Martin Guzman said.

His proposal to restructure about $65 billion in "unsustainable" sovereign bonds was set to expire at 6 p.m.

(2100 GMT) in Buenos Aires with no indications of a deal with creditors or an extension of the deadline on the horizon.

"Argentina remains open to dialogue," Guzman said in a text message, adding that he will assess the situation anew once Friday's deadline expires.

Some major holders have balked at Argentina's proposal to impose big cuts in coupon payments, a three-year payment hiatus and a push back of maturities into the next decade. The offer was unveiled in the middle of last month.

"We made a sustainable offer in good faith and we appreciate that part of our creditors have already accepted it. We also remain flexible: any combination of interest or principal reduction, grace period, and extension of maturities that is aligned with the debt sustainability analyses of Argentina's government and the IMF will be considered," Guzman said.

If creditors have ideas that suit them better while respecting the constraints that Argentina faces, Guzman said in his text message, "We are ready to listen."
The market is pessimistic about the chances of a deal being reached today," said Gabriel Zelpo, director of Buenos Aires economic consultancy Seido.

The bond revamp is part of a broad restructuring with creditors, including the International Monetary Fund and Paris Club of country-to-country lenders.

The government says its ability to pay creditors is extremely limited as Argentina was already in recession before going on lockdown against the coronavirus pandemic on March 20.

Since then the economy has shriveled.

"We will assess the situation after the offer expires today and we will continue working to achieve the goal of restoring debt sustainability to put the county back on its feet and to establish a sustainable, healthy, and long-lasting relationship with our creditors," Guzman said.

Argentine country risk as measured by JP Morgan's Emerging Markets Bond Index Plus <11EMJ> was virtually unchanged when the market opened on Friday at 3,311 basis points over safe-haven U.S. Treasury bonds.

Overall, it is unclear to us if an understanding will be reached," Citi said in a note to clients.

"The final outcome remains very uncertain to us," it said.

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