Azionario Japan hedgiato


Forumer storico
Salve a tutti è la prima volta che scrivo qua , di solito frequento la sezione obbligazionaria .
Cerco un fondo ( o un ETF) che investa in azioni giapponesi ma copra il cambio eur/yen .
Per meglio dire ne cercherei due , uno large caps e uno small , ma entrambi espressi in Eur con copertura valutaria.
Ho cercato su Morningstar ma non trovo nulla con la dizione hedged , e ricercarli uno per uno è defatigante . Qualcuno può aiutarmi ?
Grazie .
Salve a tutti è la prima volta che scrivo qua , di solito frequento la sezione obbligazionaria .
Cerco un fondo ( o un ETF) che investa in azioni giapponesi ma copra il cambio eur/yen .
Per meglio dire ne cercherei due , uno large caps e uno small , ma entrambi espressi in Eur con copertura valutaria.
Ho cercato su Morningstar ma non trovo nulla con la dizione hedged , e ricercarli uno per uno è defatigante . Qualcuno può aiutarmi ?
Grazie .

Grazie , trovati nel frattempo diversi . Alla fine ho optato per due etf , uno sul Nikkey , l' altro sul Topix , entrambi a cambio coperto che non sapevo neanche esistessero.
Pictet è sicuramente un ottimo fondo , ti segnalo per la piccola ricerca fatta che a 6 mesi sottoperforma il BGF Japan Value E2 Eur hedge di ben 10 punti percentuali ( e di 3 l' Etf di Amundi ).
Molto gentile comunque la Tua risposta
by Stewart Cowley on May 31, 2013 at 10:03

The Japanese monetary base - defined as all the coins and notes and money in current accounts in Japan - is growing fast. It’s like a giant sack of money being hauled around the economy to get things going. More to the point, the Bank of Japan has decided to make the sack so big they expect it to pump up the economy to the point that prices start rising again by 2% year on year. The whole world should be hoping it works.

At a recent grilling on Capitol Hill Federal Reserve chair Ben Bernanke was asked whether the Fed’s quantitative easing program at $3trn had gone too far. He retorted, in words to this effect, “If you think that’s big, take a look at the Japanese… .” The scale of the ambition of this monetary experiment has so far been hidden – there wasn’t any evidence for it. Until now.

What Bernanke is talking about is that although the scale of the target is ¥270trn is, in today’s money, close to what the Fed is engaged in, if you put it into the context of the relative sizes of the two economies, it is truly colossal. To match them the Americans would have to put an astonishing $7trn into the US system, which is close to 50% of US nominal GDP. It’s enough to make you spit your sushi out.

And it’s working. Since the policy announcement in December 2012 the Nikkei is up 65%, the yen has declined against the US dollar by 26% and 10-year maturity Japanese government bond yields have risen… 0.17%.

The process has included the declaration that the BOJ will buy bonds with a maturity of up to seven years so it’s understandable that bond yields haven’t risen yet, but in terms of a reaction you can only think that the Americans, after all their years of careful manipulation, will be looking upon it with some envy.

Just to add salt to the wound Q1 GDP leapt to an annualized 3.5%. It’s all welcome but in reality the size of the reaction is a million miles ahead of the evidence.

Our mania for asking central banks to be the parental credit provider, the source of money, jobs and growth, has become so ingrained in our current psyche that we now think it’s normal to look to them at every set back. The limits of monetary policy are pretty well known: all profits in society are funded by credit growth.

Without it so-called capitalist societies can’t exist. Central banks can’t create credit demand or growth – that’s the job of governments and people.

And therein lies the fault. The point that most people seem to have missed so far is that the BOJ has targeted the monetary base and not broad money supply (borrowing). They have explicitly stated that they will “let the monetary base grow faster than the assets of the Bank of Japan”. In other words they are prepared to see the amount of notes and coins and deposits floating around Japanese society grow at an extraordinary rate, cranking up the metaphorical and physical printing presses. It is the truest form of quantitative easing the world has ever seen.

Weapons-grade monetarists must be holding their heads in their hands at this. As far as they are concerned proper monetary theory targets credit NOT paper money. And they are right to think this way. Over the last 30 years broad money supply can explain 60% of the movement in Japanese inflation whilst notes and coins is so bad at predicting inflation it actually has a negative number in front of it at -20%. On this basis this is a flawed policy.

Keen observers of money numbers will have noticed that broad money growth has flipped up from nothing to 2% in recent months. Bank lending is rising at the same rate but that was happening anyway. This trend needs to continue and accelerate. With it the yen will fall in a controlled way, bond yields will gently rise and the stock market may even make new highs.

Stewart Cowley: Japan goes double or bust - Citywire

Stewart Cowley: Japan goes double or bust - Citywire
10 giugno 2013

TOKYO - L'economia giapponese si sta riprendendo più del previsto e oggi il mercato azionario ha segnato un rimbalzo di oltre il 3% dopo le turbolenze delle ultime due settimane e mezzo. Il Prodotto interno lordo del Giappone nel primo trimestre 2013 è stato rivisto al rialzo, rispetto alle stime preliminari, a un robusto +4,1% annualizzato, rispetto alla precedente indicazione del 3,5%: sul trimestre precedente il progresso è stato dell'1% anziché il +0,9% della prima proiezione. Gli investimenti di capitale delle imprese (-0,3% anziché meno 0,7%) e la domanda interna sono risultati superiori alle proiezioni iniziali. Rispetto alla crescita del 2,4% negli Usa e alla contrazione dello 0,7% nell'Eurozona, insomma, il Sol levante sta mostrando una economia in fase di rimarchevole ripresa.

Inoltre, sul fronte della bilancia delle partite correnti, il Giappone ha registrato un forte surplus, per un importo di 750 miliardi di yen (circa 7,7 miliardi di dollari) raddoppiato rispetto all'aprile 2012: un miglioramento che riflette in parte l'indebolimento dello yen ma anche i miglioramenti recenti sui mercati finanziari. Il volume dei crediti erogati dalle banche, inoltre, a maggio risulta cresciuto dell'1,8% rispetto a un anno prima, il massimo incremento mensile dall'agosto 2009 (però proprio oggi Mizuho Corporate Bank ha annunciato un rialzo del prime lending rate a lungo termine dall'1,25% all'1,3%: si tratta di un benchmark per una vasta serie di prestiti in Giappone).

A sostenere la Borsa oggi contribuisce in modo rilevante il rafforzamento del dollaro intorno a quota 98 sullo yen, a parte poi l'onda di alcune mosse del governo, come l'annuncio di venerdì che il maxifondo pensioni pubblico comprerà meno bond domestici e più azioni, oltre che più titoli esteri.


Pil giapponese rivisto in rialzo al +4,1% annualizzato. Nikkei in forte recupero:+4,9% - Il Sole 24 ORE
Oggi, 14:47 di T Ferraro
Nonostante la recente fase di declino per la Borsa di Tokio, Nomura mantiene una view positiva sull'azionario nipponico alzando gli obiettivi per fine anno. La primaria casa d'affari giapponese vede l'indice Nikkei spingersi fino a 18mila punti dai 16mila indicati in precedenza. Rispetto alla chiusura odierna del Nikkei (12.445,38 punti), lo spazio di apprezzamento è quindi di quasi il 45%. Alzate anche le stime legate all'indice Topix visto salire fino a 1.500 punti da 1.350 indicati in precedenza.
Le nuove stime si basano sulle attese di recupero degli utili con l'Eps 2013 per le società del Topix visto al nuovo massimo assoluto a 82,5 rispetto al precedente record che era di 80. "Pensiamo che il pieno impatto dell'Abenomics sul capex e sui redditi deve ancora farsi sentire, il che significa che ci sono ancora opportunità di investimento consistenti", rimarca Nomura che ritiene sempre più probabile che la Bank of Japan prenderà ulteriori iniziative.

Giappone: Nomura alza target su Nikkei e Topix, attese nuove azioni della BoJ - 13-06-2013
June 28, 2013 3:30am EDT
* Nikkei climbs 3.5 pct on day, up 3.4 pct for week

By Tomo Uetake
TOKYO, June 28 (Reuters) - Japan's Nikkei share average rose
3.5 percent to its highest close this month, helped by optimism
that China on that the U.S. Federal Reserve will not soon rein
in its stimulus measures and by encouraging Japanese economic
Modest gains in Asian markets also lifted the mood as the
benchmark Nikkei ended 463.77 points higher at
13,677.32, the highest close since May 31.
The index gained 3.4 percent for the week, extending its
winning streak to two weeks, after a confidence-sapping sell-off
that began last month.
Concerns over China's credit crunch continued to subside
with Beijing's central bank pledging to ensure reasonable
lending growth and stable markets.
"Investors were relived that one of the biggest worries is
receding," said Hiroichi Nishi, an assistant general manager at
SMBC Nikko Securities.
The improved mood in Asian bourses followed Wall Street's
rally as two more U.S. Federal Reserve officials sought to
reassure markets that any tightening of its stimulus drive was
still a distant prospect.
Upbeat domestic data also contributed to Friday's advance.
Japan's core consumer prices were flat in May compared with a
year earlier, marking the first time they have stopped falling
in seven months, government data showed on Friday.
Meanwhile, Japanese industrial output rose 2.0 percent in
May from the previous month, up for the fourth consecutive
month, a sign that a pick-up in exports is underpinning factory
output and the broader economy. The figure was better than a
market consensus of a 0.2 percent increase.
"Investors were cheered by the better data and see that
Abenomics is being effective for the economy," said Takuya
Takahashi, an analyst at Daiwa Securities.
The Topix gained 3.2 percent to 1,133.66, with 3.19
billion shares changing hands. That was the highest in a week
but still below last month's average daily volume of 4.67
The weak yen also buoyed the market, with the yen dropped a
two-and-a-half week trough to the dollar in Asian trade on
Friday, helping exporters attract buyers.
Against the greenback, the yen weakened 0.4 percent
to 98.75 after falling to 99.03 yen earlier, its lowest since
June 11.


Market players said the Nikkei may remain resilient.
Yasuo Sakuma, portfolio manager at Bayview Asset Management,
said that if other variables are constant, the Nikkei could hit
14,000 next week.
He added that a 5 percent jump on Friday in the TSE real
estate investment trust (REIT) index is noteworthy as
it is seen as a bellwether for the market.
While all of Topix's 33 subsectors were in positive
territory, real estate companies and financials led Friday's
The Topix real estate sector sub-index climbed
5.6 percent and banking and securities
sub-indices advanced 4.8 percent and 4.6 percent, respectively.

Nikkei jumps as worries on China, Fed policy retreat | Reuters

Yahoo - English to Italian Translation
Grazie, ha trovato nel frattempo diversa. Alla fine ho deciso per due etf, uno sul Nikkei, l''altra su Topix, sia in denaro coperture che in realtà non conoscono l'esistenza.
Pictet è senza dubbio un grande fondo, cercare la poca ricerca effettuata che a 6 mesi ha sottoperformato il BGF Giappone E2 Eur pena di copertura fino a 10 punti percentuali

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