Obbligazioni societarie Bond GAZPROM, GAZ CAPITAL, GAZPROMBANK (2 lettori)

fol-low IO

ti rispondo riprendendo questa frase letta da un report ieri:
We think the Swiss franc is a good currency for short positions,
as long as the ECB remains dedicated to monetary easing and the
Swiss National Bank remains committed to maintaining the EURCHF
exchange-rate floor.

Ma con ECB impegnata a stampare, se SNB sbloccasse il cambio dovrebbe essere positivo per l'investimento...

faccio fatica a capire come con un QE attivo made in BCE il CHF possa svalutarsi di + di EUR... :mmmm:


Forumer storico
Di questo mi piacerebbe leggere il prospetto ,essendo un sub e perdipiù un coco vorrei capire cosa ho comprato:-o

Guidance al momento del l'emissione:

CHF New Issue - Gazprombank (GPBRU) 10.25yearsNC5.25 CoCo
Borrower Gazprombank (Open Joint-stock Company)
Issuer GPB Eurobond Finance Plc (BBG: GPBRU)
Format Dated Subordinated Loan Participation Notes (Tier 2)
Issuer Rating Baa3/BBB-/BBB- with stable outlook (Moody's/S&P/Fitch)
Instrument Rating Expected BB- (Fitch)
Issue Size minimum CHF100mm
Price Guidance 5.250% - 5.500% (indicatively MS+453.5 bps - 478.5 bps)
Call Option One time call in year 5.25 at par
Coupon Structure Non-deferrable, fix until year 5.25; if not called, one time reset to then prevailing 5y CHF mid-swap rate plus initial spread until maturity
Maturity 13.05.2024, if not called on 13.05.2019
Payment Date 13.02.2014
Write Down Upon a Write Down Event, firstly accrued coupons shall be cancelled and thereafter principal written down to the extent required to remedy the Write Down Event Write Down Events: (1) If CET1 ratio falls below 2%, to the extent necessary to restore CET1 to 2%; or (2) The Agency on Deposit Insurance implements Bankruptcy Prevention Measures in accordance with Federal law (175-FZ)
Early Redemption Regulatory and Tax Events (at par)
Governing Law English law except for subordination and event of acceleration, which will be governed by Russian law
Listing SIX Swiss Exchange
Documentation Standalone
Denominations CHF5,000
Sales Restric. USA, US persons, UK, RF, IT, IR
Lead Manager CS (JLB), GPBFS (JLB), UBS (JLB)

Issuer Description
Gazprombank was founded in 1990 by Gazprom to provide banking services for the Russian energy company and the Russian gas industry. Gazprombank was directly and indirectly wholly owned by Gazprom until December 2006. In December 2006, Gazprom started to divest its holdings in Gazprombank with a view to focusing on its core business. In January 2007, Gazprombank signed a cooperation agreement with Gazprom for the period until 2015, reinforcing the existing relationship between Gazprombank and Gazprom. However, under the agreement, Gazprom has no obligation to contribute funds or provide financial support to the bank in the future. However, as at 30 June 2012, Gazprombank's loan exposure to Gazprom and its group related companies was RUB 40,709 m (2.3% of gross loans) of the bank's gross loan portfolio, compared to RUB 33,023 m (2.3% of gross loans) at year-end 2011. Current accounts and time deposits of Gazprom Group with Gazprombank comprised 19% (RUB 309,298 m) of total customer deposits or 13% of the bank's total liabilities.
Guidance al momento del l'emissione:

CHF New Issue - Gazprombank (GPBRU) 10.25yearsNC5.25 CoCo
Borrower Gazprombank (Open Joint-stock Company)
Issuer GPB Eurobond Finance Plc (BBG: GPBRU)
Format Dated Subordinated Loan Participation Notes (Tier 2)
Issuer Rating Baa3/BBB-/BBB- with stable outlook (Moody's/S&P/Fitch)
Instrument Rating Expected BB- (Fitch)
Issue Size minimum CHF100mm
Price Guidance 5.250% - 5.500% (indicatively MS+453.5 bps - 478.5 bps)
Call Option One time call in year 5.25 at par
Coupon Structure Non-deferrable, fix until year 5.25; if not called, one time reset to then prevailing 5y CHF mid-swap rate plus initial spread until maturity
Maturity 13.05.2024, if not called on 13.05.2019
Payment Date 13.02.2014
Write Down Upon a Write Down Event, firstly accrued coupons shall be cancelled and thereafter principal written down to the extent required to remedy the Write Down Event Write Down Events: (1) If CET1 ratio falls below 2%, to the extent necessary to restore CET1 to 2%; or (2) The Agency on Deposit Insurance implements Bankruptcy Prevention Measures in accordance with Federal law (175-FZ)
Early Redemption Regulatory and Tax Events (at par)
Governing Law English law except for subordination and event of acceleration, which will be governed by Russian law
Listing SIX Swiss Exchange
Documentation Standalone
Denominations CHF5,000
Sales Restric. USA, US persons, UK, RF, IT, IR
Lead Manager CS (JLB), GPBFS (JLB), UBS (JLB)

Strano che non abbia un rendimento effettivo non troppo lontano dalle senior, tenendo presente che rimborsa nel 2024?
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