il World Gold Council ha stimato in 1.959,9 tonnellate la domanda globale nel primo semestre, la più bassa dal 2009, registrando un -4% annuo nel secondo trimestre. In altre parole...
tontolina, mi stupisce che uno che cita Blondet dia così fiducia al World Gold Council, l'organo ufficiale rappresentante dei poteri forti a riguardo delle informazioni sull'oro.
Guarda, questo è un articolo del 2015. Koos Jansen è forse il maggior specialista a riguardo del mercato dell'oro fisico
How The World Is Being Fooled About Chinese Gold Demand
"Finally the WGC admitted their initial estimate of 1,066 tonnes of Chinese gold demand was grossly understated. By email they wrote me on February 12, 2015:
Dear Mr Jansen,
Thank you for emailing the World Gold Council, we apologize that your previous enquiry was missed.
Our figure for Chinese consumer demand in 2013 has since been revised upwards to 1,311.8 tonnes from the original figure of 1,066 tonnes published in the full year 2013 Gold Demand Trends report.
That’s an increase of 23 % by the largest physical buyer on the planet. Although still far from actual demand, 23 % is quite a revision. Was there an official press release from the WGC to inform the world on this revision? No (I’ve asked the WGC, but I got no reply). Did the mainstream media properly cover the 23 % revision? Not that I’m aware of."
Una guugolata di 5 minuti mi ha fornito anche questo articolo del 2016, dello stesso Koos Jansen
The Great Physical Gold Supply & Demand Illusion
"Gold supply and demand data published by all primary consultancy firms is incomplete and misleading. The data falsely presents gold to be more of a commodity than a currency, having caused deep misconceptions with respect to the metal’s trading characteristics and price formation.
Numerous consultancy firms around the world, for example Thomson Reuters GFMS, Metals Focus, the World Gold Council and CPM Group, provide physical gold supply and demand statistics, accompanied by an analysis of these statistics in relation to the price of gold. As part of their analysis the firms present supply and demand balances that show how much gold is sold and bought globally, subdivided in several categories. It’s widely assumed these balances cover total physical supply and demand, which is incorrect as the most important category is excluded. The firms though, prefer not to share the subtle truth or their business models would be severely damaged."
... e un terzo articolo, scelto a caso, del 2017
The World Gold Council’s gold market analysis is useless « TSI Blog
"Summing up, the gold supply/demand reports put out by the WGC are based on numerous logical errors and misconceptions, such as ignoring the dominant role played by the aboveground gold stock, treating transfers from some sellers to some buyers as indicative of changing overall demand, and assuming that shifts in demand can be determined independently of price. Due to these deficiencies they are worse than useless."