Obbligazioni societarie Bond NEW WORLD RESOURCES 2018 7,875% (XS0504814509) e 2021 7,875% (XS0877986231)

Stamani ho chiesto il prezzo della 18 e mi davano 63/65. Ho pensato che il downgrade postato da Fabrizio fosse già scontato nei prezzi.
Poi stasera vedo prezzi disallineati tra vari siti e mi viene qualche dubbio.
Qualcuno ha operato o ha chiesto prezzi in giornata?
Stamani ho chiesto il prezzo della 18 e mi davano 63/65. Ho pensato che il downgrade postato da Fabrizio fosse già scontato nei prezzi.
Poi stasera vedo prezzi disallineati tra vari siti e mi viene qualche dubbio.
Qualcuno ha operato o ha chiesto prezzi in giornata?

Verso le 15 era bid 62

New World Resources
NWORLD EUR 7.875% May 2018 57.5 – 60 YTM 24.51%
NWORLD EUR 7.875% January 17 – 20 YTM 55.07%
FY2013 Consensus
According to consensus released by the company, which is based on participation of 16 institutions, the market analysts expect FY13 revenues to be in the range of €783m- €919m and median figure of €857.3m, FY14 revenue is estimated to be in the range of €679m-€968.9 with a median of €837.1m. EBITDA is expected to be in the range of -€140m to -€19m in FY13 with median -€48m and in 2014 EBITDA is expected to be in the range of -€34m to €106.7m with median €40.9m. The company will release its FY13 results on 13 February.
New World Resources
NWORLD EUR 7.875% May 2018 57.5 – 60 YTM 24.51%
NWORLD EUR 7.875% January 17 – 20 YTM 55.07%
FY2013 Consensus
According to consensus released by the company, which is based on participation of 16 institutions, the market analysts expect FY13 revenues to be in the range of €783m- €919m and median figure of €857.3m, FY14 revenue is estimated to be in the range of €679m-€968.9 with a median of €837.1m. EBITDA is expected to be in the range of -€140m to -€19m in FY13 with median -€48m and in 2014 EBITDA is expected to be in the range of -€34m to €106.7m with median €40.9m. The company will release its FY13 results on 13 February.

le quotazioni non sembrano apprezzare i dati di consensus
Chiesto questa mattina Deutsche Bank prezzo per vendita : 57,50.
Non ho venduto ma mi pare poi che i prezzi siano calati .
Mio prezzo carico 67,50.

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