Obbligazioni valute high yield Bond Scholz Anleihe 2017 8,50% Euro AT0000A0U9J2

E quindi a che serve?
Lo abbiamo detto in precedenza mi pare; solo per ricevere aggiornamenti e notizie varie.
Ecco l'annuncio postato tempo fa da Gion:

The curator herewith informs you that she will send you the 4th report if you send a document which certifies that you have deposited your bond (statement of deposited securities, not older than 10 days) per email to [email protected] and additionally confirm that you will not forward the report to any third party (except your advisors) or the media.

In case the report is forwarded to any third party or the media the issuer and the curator reserve the right to take legal measures.
Dear bondholders,

the curator herewith informs you that she will send you the decision of the Oberlandesgericht Wien dated 18th April 2016 regarding the appeal of the persons of interest if you send a document which certifies that you have deposited your bond (statement of deposited securities, not older than 10 days) per email to [email protected].

Best regards

Dr. Ulla Reisch

as curator
traduzione in inglese. italiano non si capisce niente
the report presented by the joint curator 4th partial report with a view to
pending application through a restructuring and
other any required procedural steps according 5 15 ivm $$ 1
and 3 and TeilschuldverschreibungskuratorenG
b) any possible election of trustees and spare men
cited law according to $ 10.
to appear.
For proof of eligibility, at the meeting (day)
attend, the members present have the original of a certificate of
Depositary tio n (Depota Excerp t) d he ih nen associated Tei LSCH uldverschrei bun g s
when a public authority, in an under state supervision
standing institution or submitted with a domestic or foreign bank
and by an official photo identification and / or
legitimize Company Deed. Agents also have a
Schriftf submit iche proxy.
is a publication of objective edict in the edict file
The curator is invited now playing for one-time announcement of the Edict
Wiener Zeitung care must be taken in each case and a copy of the
Kuratelsakt to procure. The curator is further encouraged, in accordance with
5 5 Section 1 leg. Cit. for the understanding of him known owner of
leg bonds and by $ 4 para. 2 cit. FTIR the
Understanding of Wiener Börse AG, Wallnerstraße B, 1014 Vienna, each by
Sending a copy of the edict to care.
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e gran poco si capisce anche in inglese

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