Obbligazioni societarie Bonds Air Berlin Eur/Chf DE000AB100B4 XS1051719786 XS1051723895

Una news positiva imho, il mercato dovrebbe appezzare...

28 September 2016
Far-reaching restructuring of Air Berlin group to create a lean dedicated network carrier – touristic segment to be combined in a separate business unit – providing up to 40 aircraft to Deutsche Lufthansa group – up to 1,200 employees to be laid off

London, 28 September 2016 – The Board of Directors of Air Berlin PLC has resolved today to substantially restructure the group and implement a new business model. As a dedicated network carrier, Air Berlin PLC & Co. Luftverkehrs KG will operate a reduced core fleet of 75 aircraft in a dual-hub strategy with long-haul flights from Berlin and Dusseldorf. All administrative functions will be concentrated in Berlin. The touristic business with 35 aircraft will be combined in a separate business unit with a view to evaluate strategic options.

To more efficiently employ excess aircraft and crew capacity, Air Berlin PLC & Co. Luftverkehrs KG intends to provide up to 40 Airbus A320 family aircraft to the Deutsche Lufthansa group with up to 38 aircraft operated by Air Berlin PLC & Co. Luftverkehrs KG under a six year wet lease agreement.

The restructuring of the group will necessitate lay-offs of up to 1,200 employees (full-time equivalents). The Air Berlin group endeavours to implement these redundancies in a close and constructive collaboration with employee representatives. Further, discussions are being held with the unions representing cockpit and cabin staff in order to reach a framework for new collective works agreements, which are economically more beneficial for the company.
Ultima modifica:
5 October 2016
Air Berlin PLC confirms it is to join discussions of Etihad Airways and TUI AG on touristic operations

Air Berlin PLC has decided to join discussions that Etihad Airways has entered into with TUI AG regarding the creation of a strong European leisure airline group, focused on point-to-point flying to connect key tourist markets.

Air Berlin PLC’s discussions are focused on contributing the touristic operations of airberlin group to a new venture to be established by TUI AG and Etihad Aviation Group. This would create a strong new European leisure airline group, combining the German TUIfly company, including the aircraft currently operated by TUIfly for airberlin under a separate wet lease agreement, and the current touristic fleet of the airberlin group, with the expertise and backing of Etihad Airways.

The prospective transaction will be subject to successful negotiations and to all necessary corporate and regulatory approvals.

airberlin last week announced a far-reaching restructuring, to focus its core airline business as a network carrier with a fleet of 75 aircraft operating from hubs at Berlin and Dusseldorf and to evaluate strategic options for its touristic business.
Avendo in passato negoziato il titolo mi arrivano ogni tanto ancora notizie in merito alla società.

La ristrutturazione proposta, (sotto un articolo), sembra non piacere ad alcuni fondi tedeschi, vedendo in essa la perdita di "posizione strategica nel mercato interno", con il rischio di futuro minor interesse a mantenerla da parte di Ethiad

Airberlin's operations are to be split into three. First, there will be a core network airline with hubs in Berlin and Duesseldorf, deploying approximately half the current Air Berlin Group fleet. Second, there are plans for a new leisure airline, combining part of airberlin's fleet with TUIFly. Third, a significant part of airberlin's fleet will be wet-leased to the Lufthansa Group.

As a result of these moves the operating fleet of the core airberlin network airline will slip from second to third in Germany and risks becoming subscale. Eurowings will rise from third to second, and the expanded new TUIFly will go from fifth to fourth (overtaking Thomas Cook Group's Condor).

For several years airberlin has been unable to break the cycle of losses and successive restructuring initiatives, in spite of repeated bailouts from airberlin's 29% shareholder Etihad. A number of details are still to be clarified. These include the detailed route networks for the different operators, the network airline's strategy for feed, and the balance of charter versus scheduled flights in the new leisure airline. However, for now and with help from competitors and Etihad, airberlin looks to have ensured at least some kind of future.
Avendo in passato negoziato il titolo mi arrivano ogni tanto ancora notizie in merito alla società.

La ristrutturazione proposta, (sotto un articolo), sembra non piacere ad alcuni fondi tedeschi, vedendo in essa la perdita di "posizione strategica nel mercato interno", con il rischio di futuro minor interesse a mantenerla da parte di Ethiad

Airberlin's operations are to be split into three. First, there will be a core network airline with hubs in Berlin and Duesseldorf, deploying approximately half the current Air Berlin Group fleet. Second, there are plans for a new leisure airline, combining part of airberlin's fleet with TUIFly. Third, a significant part of airberlin's fleet will be wet-leased to the Lufthansa Group.

As a result of these moves the operating fleet of the core airberlin network airline will slip from second to third in Germany and risks becoming subscale. Eurowings will rise from third to second, and the expanded new TUIFly will go from fifth to fourth (overtaking Thomas Cook Group's Condor).

For several years airberlin has been unable to break the cycle of losses and successive restructuring initiatives, in spite of repeated bailouts from airberlin's 29% shareholder Etihad. A number of details are still to be clarified. These include the detailed route networks for the different operators, the network airline's strategy for feed, and the balance of charter versus scheduled flights in the new leisure airline. However, for now and with help from competitors and Etihad, airberlin looks to have ensured at least some kind of future.
ho il titolo in PTF da tempo e faccio ora la seguente considerazione alla luce di quanto letto : Airberlin perde soldi e non può continuare a perderli. Se i 3 provvedimenti adottati servono ad arrestare l`emorragia, già è un buon risultato. Se le sopracitate modifiche comportano una riduzione della posizione di Airberlin rispetto ai competitors questo salvo prova del contrario non vuol dire automaticamente una perdita di interesse di Ethiad verso Airberlin ( il tutto visto dal parco buoi):(:(
secondo fonti di stampa, c'è un negoziato preliminare fra Etihad e Lufthansa per coinvolgere il vettore tedesco in una ricapitalizzazione di Alitalia fino a 400 milioni di euro. L'accordo potrebbe prevedere che Air Berlin, che fa capo ad Abu Dhabi, passi a Lufthansa in cambio dell'ingresso di quest'ultima nel vettore italiano. Da parte dei soci italiani non c'è l'intenzione di mettere mano al portafoglio. Domani è previsto il cda di Cai dove i soci Intesa Sanpaolo (+0,80% a 2,018 euro), primo azionista con il 20,59%, seguita da Unicredit con il 12,99% faranno il punto sui conti.

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