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Air Berlin: ‘Exotic’ investors line up to bid for insolvent German airline


Air Berlin
‘Exotic’ investors line up to bid for insolvent German airline
07.09.2017, 09:30
A hotelier, a logistics firm and a prominent energy sector executive are just a few of the possible ‘outsider’ investors in Air Berlin while aviation entrepreneur Hans Rudolf Wöhrl now plans a bid after all.


Potential Air Berlin investors are lining up
Foto: Air Berlin
An apparently exotic array of entrepreneurs has emerged this week as possible bidders for Air Berlin alongside Lufthansa, Condor and other airlines as well as former airline owners. Offers must be submitted to Air Berlin’s insolvency administrators by September 15 with a decision expected just a few days later, possibly at a creditors meeting on September 21.

The first new name to enter the bidding arena was former top energy industry manager and business turnaround expert Utz Claassen, who is reportedly considering a bid for the entire airline in cooperation with foreign investors. Then Berlin hotelier Alexander Skora, who also has no experience in the aviation industry, told German media that he would consider a bid in cooperation with investors from Israel, the USA and Canada. The third outsider to emerge was financially strong logistics firm Zeitfracht, which is based in Berlin, whose owner Wolfram Simon highlighted synergies with Air Berlin’s cargo business.

In the latest twist, former LTU and DBA owner Hans Rudolf Wöhrl, who sold both airlines to Air Berlin a decade ago, re-entered the picture yesterday after announcing his withdrawal last week. The aviation investor told German TV that he plans to make a sizeable offer together with several partners. “It will be a programme that goes into several hundred million (euros), to be paid in instalments. But even the first instalment that we’re willing to pay is very, very high,” he declared. Wöhrl had previously said that he wants to take over the entire Air Berlin group as one company and restructure it.

Lufthansa, Condor and Easyjet are seen as the three main bidders for Air Berlin, either for the whole group or for parts of it. However, the intentions of Niki Lauda, the former owner of Air Berlin’s leisure airline subsidiary Niki, remain unclear.

Meanwhile, the European Commission has approved the German government’s €150 million support for Air Berlin but laid down strict conditions including payment of instalments on a week-by-week basis rather than one single payment.

Separately, Air Berlin has confirmed it will cancel all long-haul flights from Berlin by the end of September. The airline had already said five routes would be cancelled and has now added New York and Miami to the list.

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Air Berlin: ‘Exotic’ investors line up to bid for insolvent German airline


Air Berlin
‘Exotic’ investors line up to bid for insolvent German airline
07.09.2017, 09:30
A hotelier, a logistics firm and a prominent energy sector executive are just a few of the possible ‘outsider’ investors in Air Berlin while aviation entrepreneur Hans Rudolf Wöhrl now plans a bid after all.


Potential Air Berlin investors are lining up
Foto: Air Berlin
An apparently exotic array of entrepreneurs has emerged this week as possible bidders for Air Berlin alongside Lufthansa, Condor and other airlines as well as former airline owners. Offers must be submitted to Air Berlin’s insolvency administrators by September 15 with a decision expected just a few days later, possibly at a creditors meeting on September 21.

The first new name to enter the bidding arena was former top energy industry manager and business turnaround expert Utz Claassen, who is reportedly considering a bid for the entire airline in cooperation with foreign investors. Then Berlin hotelier Alexander Skora, who also has no experience in the aviation industry, told German media that he would consider a bid in cooperation with investors from Israel, the USA and Canada. The third outsider to emerge was financially strong logistics firm Zeitfracht, which is based in Berlin, whose owner Wolfram Simon highlighted synergies with Air Berlin’s cargo business.

In the latest twist, former LTU and DBA owner Hans Rudolf Wöhrl, who sold both airlines to Air Berlin a decade ago, re-entered the picture yesterday after announcing his withdrawal last week. The aviation investor told German TV that he plans to make a sizeable offer together with several partners. “It will be a programme that goes into several hundred million (euros), to be paid in instalments. But even the first instalment that we’re willing to pay is very, very high,” he declared. Wöhrl had previously said that he wants to take over the entire Air Berlin group as one company and restructure it.

Lufthansa, Condor and Easyjet are seen as the three main bidders for Air Berlin, either for the whole group or for parts of it. However, the intentions of Niki Lauda, the former owner of Air Berlin’s leisure airline subsidiary Niki, remain unclear.

Meanwhile, the European Commission has approved the German government’s €150 million support for Air Berlin but laid down strict conditions including payment of instalments on a week-by-week basis rather than one single payment.

Separately, Air Berlin has confirmed it will cancel all long-haul flights from Berlin by the end of September. The airline had already said five routes would be cancelled and has now added New York and Miami to the list.

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Infatti stavo per dire che negli ultimi 10 giorni si è parlato solamente di aria fritta e nulla riguardo alle offerte sul piatto. Sono più che convinto che air berlin verrà venduta e ristrutturata in blocco
Air Berlin: ‘Exotic’ investors line up to bid for insolvent German airline


Air Berlin
‘Exotic’ investors line up to bid for insolvent German airline
07.09.2017, 09:30
A hotelier, a logistics firm and a prominent energy sector executive are just a few of the possible ‘outsider’ investors in Air Berlin while aviation entrepreneur Hans Rudolf Wöhrl now plans a bid after all.


Potential Air Berlin investors are lining up
Foto: Air Berlin
An apparently exotic array of entrepreneurs has emerged this week as possible bidders for Air Berlin alongside Lufthansa, Condor and other airlines as well as former airline owners. Offers must be submitted to Air Berlin’s insolvency administrators by September 15 with a decision expected just a few days later, possibly at a creditors meeting on September 21.

The first new name to enter the bidding arena was former top energy industry manager and business turnaround expert Utz Claassen, who is reportedly considering a bid for the entire airline in cooperation with foreign investors. Then Berlin hotelier Alexander Skora, who also has no experience in the aviation industry, told German media that he would consider a bid in cooperation with investors from Israel, the USA and Canada. The third outsider to emerge was financially strong logistics firm Zeitfracht, which is based in Berlin, whose owner Wolfram Simon highlighted synergies with Air Berlin’s cargo business.

In the latest twist, former LTU and DBA owner Hans Rudolf Wöhrl, who sold both airlines to Air Berlin a decade ago, re-entered the picture yesterday after announcing his withdrawal last week. The aviation investor told German TV that he plans to make a sizeable offer together with several partners. “It will be a programme that goes into several hundred million (euros), to be paid in instalments. But even the first instalment that we’re willing to pay is very, very high,” he declared. Wöhrl had previously said that he wants to take over the entire Air Berlin group as one company and restructure it.

Lufthansa, Condor and Easyjet are seen as the three main bidders for Air Berlin, either for the whole group or for parts of it. However, the intentions of Niki Lauda, the former owner of Air Berlin’s leisure airline subsidiary Niki, remain unclear.

Meanwhile, the European Commission has approved the German government’s €150 million support for Air Berlin but laid down strict conditions including payment of instalments on a week-by-week basis rather than one single payment.

Separately, Air Berlin has confirmed it will cancel all long-haul flights from Berlin by the end of September. The airline had already said five routes would be cancelled and has now added New York and Miami to the list.

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In questo forum da una decina di giorni si parla di aria fritta. Finalmente si ricomincia a parlare delle offerte per acquistare air berlin integralmente, che è quello che conta...
repetita NON iuvant.
Vedo che kirk01 continui a tifare dando la colpa delle quotazioni al pessimismo del forum... si sai che notoriamente il forum possiede il 90-95% delle emissioni obbligazionarie. Piuttosto non contano fondi di investimento o hedge fund che solitamente muovono poco in termini di volume.
Tutti, credimi TUTTI, speriamo che tutto vada a finire a "tarallucci e vino". Forse per te sarà la prima esperienza negativa (alias default, alias fallimento), ma fidati di chi ha più competenza come molti utenti validi in questo forum e di chi ha per strategia o sfortuna è già stato coinvolto in fallimenti.
Personalmente son già passato diverse volte in fallimenti e questo non ha apparentemente le carte per concludersi così bene. Nella migliore delle ipotesi mi auspico 5-15% più qualche azione. Se mi dessero 80 o 100 di certo ne sarei felice, ma non credo a babbo natale da diversi anni ormai.
Mi spiace se hai allocato una parte troppo importante del tuo portafoglio, se così è devi solo rimproverare te stesso o la tua poca esperienza in questo campo. Non serve pregare le divinità che conosci.

In finanza occorre gestire il rischio non guardare al mero rendimento. Sembra ovvio o scontato, ma così non è mai.
In finanza occorre gestire il rischio non guardare al mero rendimento. Sembra ovvio o scontato, ma così non è mai.

su questo di to pienamente ragione...
io non compro mai Obligazioni con Taglio superiore a 1000 e fino ad oggi mi e andato bene....
io ero gia dentro oltre 20 volte in Obbligazioni di default e per pura fortuna sono sembre riuscito a fuggire prima
poi ci entro e esco un paio di volte con un piccolo gain...
sulla Borsa e' piu che mai importante diversificare bene, se 10 Obligazioni di vanno bene, anche se una di va storta ; ne poi fare un piccolo passo indietro sul tuo Portafoglio, ma non ce il rischio che ti po rovinare...

io conosco uno che ne ha messo 70.000 Euro tutti su Azioni Saipem e' ha perso quasi tutto i suoi risparmi da decenni (il Banchiere ha consigliato le Azioni Saipem ..secondo lui le piu buone in Italia....

ha messo il 90 % del suo Capitale su un unico Cavallo che poi e' quasi morto, anche se per anni era sembre buono...

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