Obbligazioni in default Brasil Telecom OI e Portugal Telecom aggiornamenti sulla ristrutturazione dei bond

Questa la risposta di Oi a chi a FEBBRAIO 2018 chiedeva il significato della call a 15 sull'opzione residuale.

Dear Sir,
It means that, at any time during the 20 years of grace period, Oi can call the credits inside the “General payment method” at 15% of the principal + interest. But if you have credits in other currencies than R$, it’s going to be 15% of the principal only, since foreign currency credits will not incur interest.

Best regards,

Relações com Investidores
(21) 3131-2918
[email protected]
Ultima modifica:
L' ADUC ci arriva 5 mesi dopo di me ( che poi è la differenza tra giocare a fare l'investitore faidate ( che prima o poi si fa molto male ) e l'investitore prof ( sempre sul pezzo in real time ))

"In cambio delle proprie obbligazioni, gli interessati riceveranno Linee di credito OI SA LOANS scadenza 15/02/2030.
Non si tratta di veri e propri titoli obbligazionari
ma di "Participation Interest" (quota di partecipazione) all'interno di un "Credit Agreement" (accordo di finanziamento).
Non si sarà obbligazionisti, insomma, bensì prestatori di finanziamento alla società, la cui quota è appunto rappresentata dai loans assegnati a ciascun interessato.

Ciò comporta, dal punto di vista tecnico, che le depositarie estere delle banche e delle imprese di investimento preleveranno le obbligazioni Portugal Telecom e Oi Brasil ma non consegneranno niente in cambio perché i loans verranno sottoscritti al di fuori del circuito delle depositarie. In altre parola: la banca si vedrà ritirare i bond della clientela ma non riceverà dalla depositaria i corrispondenti loans.

Ciò fa sì che la banca, cui sono demandati i conteggi fiscali relativi agli strumenti detenuti in deposito dal cliente, non potrà "vedere" il concambio dei titoli ma solo la prima parte, vale a dire la sparizione del vecchio bond. Stamane abbiamo letto il parere rilasciato da una banca ad un proprio cliente secondo cui una simile operazione non può essere considerata evento rilevante ai fini del capital gain perché la banca dovrà solo scaricare dal deposito le obbligazioni esistenti. La mancanza di un titolo che arriva nel deposito al posto dell'obbligazione estinta, secondo l'istituto, impedirebbe la contabilizzazione della minusvalenza fiscale.

Se tale linea di pensiero fosse confermata, gli aderenti all'individualizzazione del credito perderebbero il credito di imposta del 26% sulla minusvalenza conseguita e, aspetto se vogliamo ancora più ridicolo, i pochi che hanno comprato a prezzi stracciati non pagherebbero il capital gain sul guadagno."

L'ADUC pasticciona scrive che per la DEFAULT RECOVERY " NON ci sono ostacoli", mentre INVECE anche per i NON individualizzati ci sarà un PAGHERO' a 25 anni ( NON una obbligazione ZC) con la call 15 e quindi NESSUNA MINUS anche per loro.

ADUC - Articolo - Bond Portugal Telecom – Oi Brasil: la questione delle minusvalenze da capital gain
Ultima modifica:
In merito oggi Mediobanca Securities (rating Outperform, target price 1,2 euro) ricorda che De Angelis era alla fine del suo accordo di durata biennale col gruppo delle tlc e che continuerà a sedere nel board di della controllata brasiliana in vista dell'avvicendamento col nuovo ceo. Gli analisti di Piazzetta Cuccia aggiungono poi che il tema M&A in Sud America in realtà non è chiuso e che il mercato sarà soggetto ad un consolidamento nei prossimi due anni (come ha detto Tim Participacoes). Inoltre, durante il weekend, sono emerse indiscrezioni (Mergermarket) secondo cui OI potrebbe rappresentare un target di lungo termine per Tim Brazil. Fra l'altro oggi Equita (rating Buy, prezzo obiettivo di 0,92 euro) ricorda che il Brasil
01/08/2018 às 10h04
Justiça portuguesa não reconhece plano e Oi buscará reverter decisão

Por Alexandre Melo e Rodrigo Carro | Valor

SÃO PAULO - A Oi informou, nesta quarta-feira, que tomou conhecimento da decisão da Justiça portuguesa de não reconhecer a homologação do plano de recuperação judicial da companhia, proferida no Brasil em 5 de janeiro deste ano, e pretende intervir contra a setença com recurso no Tribunal da Relação de Lisboa.

Ontem, o Valor PRO, serviço de informações em tempo real do Valor, publicou que a operadora de telecomunicações sofreu revés com a decisão do Juízo do Comércio de Lisboa, do Tribunal Judicial da Comarca de Lisboa, em reconhecer a sentença de homologação aprovado pelo juiz da 7ª Vara Empresarial da Comarca da Capital do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A empresa tentava o reconhecimento do plano em Portugal.

De acordo com o documento obtido pelo Valor, o reconhecimento da decisão foi indeferido por haver ainda recurso contra o plano em primeira instância. "É de considerar que o plano de revitalização só produz efeitos jurídicos após o trânsito em julgado da decisão que o homologar", justificou o juiz português.

A operadora, por sua vez, afirmou que a decisão "não é consistente com as outras duas já proferidas no mesmo Tribunal de Comércio de Lisboa, que já reconheceram e protegem, em Portugal, a abertura e pendência do processo de recuperação judicial das recuperandas no Brasil, bem como está em desacordo com as decisões recentemente proferidas pelos Tribunais dos Estados Unidos e da Holanda".

Em comunicado enviado à Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM), a Oi afirmou que decisão foi fundamentada em aspectos formais, não tendo a Justiça portuguesa se pronunciado sobre o mérito do plano de recuperação. Segundo a companhia, essa situação não afeta a eficácia do plano aprovado, cuja execução foi resguardada pelo juízo.

O plano da Oi teve sua homologação reconhecida pela Justiça dos Estados Unidos e da Holanda.
Fitch Upgrades Oi's IDRs to 'B-', Outlook Stable
13 AUG 2018 04:47 PM ET

Fitch Ratings-Chicago-13 August 2018: Fitch Ratings has upgraded Oi S.A.'s (Oi) Long-Term Foreign Currency and Long-Term Local Currency Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) to 'B-' from 'D' and the National Ratings to 'BB-(bra)' from 'D'. The Rating Outlook is Stable.
Oi S.A.'s Existing $1.6 Billion Senior Unsecured Notes Rated 'B' (Recovery Rating: '4')
  • 06-Sep-2018 14:27 EDT
View Analyst Contact Information

SAO PAULO (S&P Global Ratings) Sept. 6, 2018--S&P Global Ratings assigned
today its 'B' issue-level rating to Oi S.A.'s (global scale: B/Stable/--;
national scale: brA/Stable/--) existing $1.6 billion senior unsecured notes
due 2025. We also assigned a '4' recovery rating to the notes, which indicates
average recovery expectation of 30%-50% (rounded estimate 40%) in the event of
payment default.

The notes, which Oi issued on July 27, 2018, were part of the company's
reorganization plan. Oi issued the notes to exchange part of its obligations
that were in default. The issue-level rating on the notes is the same as the
global scale issuer credit rating, given that debt is senior unsecured with
around a 40% recovery expectation.

We recently published a credit analysis on Oi, "Oi S.A. Upgraded To 'B' From
'CCC+' On Reorganization Plan Implementation, Outlook Stable; All Debt Ratings
Fitch Affirms Oi's IDRs at 'B-'; Outlook Stable
28 MAY 2019 01:05 PM ET

Fitch Ratings-Chicago-28 May 2019: Fitch Ratings has affirmed Oi S.A.'s Long-Term Foreign and Local Currency Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) at 'B-', the National Long-Term Rating at 'BB-(bra)', and the 2025 notes rating at 'B-'/'RR4'. The Rating Outlook is Stable.

The ratings reflect improvements to Oi's financial profile after the company's debt restructuring. The ratings also reflect Oi's weak operating performance, challenged competitive position, and uncertain turnaround prospects. The 2025 notes rating is capped by Fitch's Country-Specific Treatment of Recovery Ratings at 'RR4', equalizing the ratings with the IDR.

Oi operates in a sector that is capital intensive and features rapid technological change. Fitch expects the Brazilian telecommunications market will remain competitive amid the country's gradual economic recovery.


Weak Operating Profile: Oi's competitors made substantial advances while the company's operating performance deteriorated, before and during its judicial reorganization. The company lost market share, most critically in post-paid mobile and residential broadband. Ultimately, Oi's turnaround prospects hinge on its ability to convert network investment into subscribers before amortizations of the restructured principal (plus capitalized interest) begin in 2023. While the emergence of the Brazilian economy from recession will be positive for consumer and business spending, Oi's attempts to regain market share may precipitate price competition, limiting prospects for material growth in the medium term.

Mixed Mobile Results: The decline in Oi's overall mobile numbers belies encouraging trends in both the post-paid and prepaid subscriber bases. Prepaid subscriber losses have slowed for the company compared to the market as a whole, resulting in an increase in market share. In post-paid, the company has returned to growth with an increase in RGUs of approximately 20% YoY. Both of these have coincided with increases in consumer mobile ARPU. Similarly, business mobile continues to grow at an accelerating rate of 17% YoY. The rebalancing of the company's customer mix to the point where post-paid gains offset prepaid losses should improve profitability and cash flow stability in the medium term.

Challenging Residential Prospects: As of 1Q19, the company's broadband market share is 19%, down from 25% in 2015, having lost subscribers in a growing market to both larger integrated operators and smaller internet providers. The company's aggressive fiber roll out through existing fixed-line infrastructure should be an advantage in the medium term, although competitor investments in fiber will remain high. Fitch expects broadband will be the main driver of fixed-line growth in Brazil, given penetration rates, as double digit declines in fixed-line telephony will continue to pressure revenues. Positively, Pay TV has grown consistently, though it accounts for only 11% of the company's residential RGUs.

Declining Revenue and Profitability: In 2018, the company's revenues and adjusted EBITDA fell 7.3%, and 6.3% respectively. While the company has been able to maintain adjusted EBITDA margins through various efficiency measures, the resumption of top-line growth is essential to debt serviceability, as the company's restructured debt begins amortizing in 2023, along with interest payments in 2022. Fitch expects revenue to decline in 2019, as growth in post-paid and fiber broadband is insufficient to fully offset declines elsewhere, before stabilizing in 2020 and returning to growth.

Improved Financial Profile: The elimination of the Oi's debt overhang and the BRL4.0 billion equity raise will enable it to make sorely needed investments in its broadband and mobile network. Furthermore, the recent court ruling in the company's favour regarding its African assets should yield dividends of around BRL2.6 billion. Divestitures of non-core assets and tower sales would provide additional financial flexibility, which is constrained by Oi's investment requirements. Fitch expects leverage to rise as capitalized interest is added to principal and operating income remains pressured.

Capex Dampens Cash Flows: Oi will be FCF negative for the foreseeable future. The company's capex are expected to be around BRL20.0 billion over the next three years, far more than cash flow from operations, which will benefit from low cash interest and tax payments. Fitch does not expect any dividends in the foreseeable future. As network investments are a key pillar in Oi's turnaround, the company has limited room to reduce capex. Following the initial heavy investment schedule, capex is should moderate in the long term.
chi non si è individualizzato deve fare richiesta al proprio istituto di credito, per l'Exchange Offer al "Default Recovery Entitlement".

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